cuRAND The API reference guide for cuRAND, the CUDA random number generation library. Table of Contents Introduction 1. Compatibility and Versioning 2. Host API Overview 2.1. Generator Types 2.2. Generator Options 2.2.1. Seed 2.2.2. Offset 2.2.3. Order 2.3. Return Values 2.4. Generation Functions 2.5. Host API Example 2.6. Static Library support 2.7. Performance Notes 3. Device API Overview 3.1. Pseudorandom Sequences 3.1.1. Bit Generation with XORWOW and MRG32k3a generators 3.1.2. Bit Generation with the MTGP32 generator 3.1.3. Bit Generation with Philox_4x32_10 generator 3.1.4. Distributions 3.2. Quasirandom Sequences 3.3. Skip-Ahead 3.4. Device API for discrete distributions 3.5. Performance Notes 3.6. Device API Examples 3.7. Thrust and cuRAND Example 3.8. Poisson API Example 4. Testing 5. Modules 5.1. Host API 5.2. Device API A. Bibliography B. Acknowledgements