52 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
79 #define NPP_HALF_TO_NPP16F(pHalf) (* reinterpret_cast<Npp16f *>((void *)(pHalf)))
83 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
94 #define NPP_ALIGN_8 __align__(8)
95 #define NPP_ALIGN_16 __align__(16)
364 #define NPP_MIN_8U ( 0 )
365 #define NPP_MAX_8U ( 255 )
366 #define NPP_MIN_16U ( 0 )
367 #define NPP_MAX_16U ( 65535 )
368 #define NPP_MIN_32U ( 0 )
369 #define NPP_MAX_32U ( 4294967295U )
370 #define NPP_MIN_64U ( 0 )
371 #define NPP_MAX_64U ( 18446744073709551615ULL )
373 #define NPP_MIN_8S (-127 - 1 )
374 #define NPP_MAX_8S ( 127 )
375 #define NPP_MIN_16S (-32767 - 1 )
376 #define NPP_MAX_16S ( 32767 )
377 #define NPP_MIN_32S (-2147483647 - 1 )
378 #define NPP_MAX_32S ( 2147483647 )
379 #define NPP_MAX_64S ( 9223372036854775807LL )
380 #define NPP_MIN_64S (-9223372036854775807LL - 1)
382 #define NPP_MINABS_32F ( 1.175494351e-38f )
383 #define NPP_MAXABS_32F ( 3.402823466e+38f )
384 #define NPP_MINABS_64F ( 2.2250738585072014e-308 )
385 #define NPP_MAXABS_64F ( 1.7976931348623158e+308 )
555 #define NPP_HOG_MAX_CELL_SIZE (16)
556 #define NPP_HOG_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE (64)
557 #define NPP_HOG_MAX_BINS_PER_CELL (16)
599 Npp32u aSeedPixelValue[3];
700 NppiPoint nEast1, nNorthEast1, nNorth1, nNorthWest1,
nWest1, nSouthWest1, nSouth1, nSouthEast1;
701 Npp8u aContourInteriorDirection1[4];
Definition: nppdefs.h:727
Definition: nppdefs.h:442
Definition: nppdefs.h:535
Definition: nppdefs.h:222
Npp32s nReverseOrderIndex
contour pixel clockwise order index in geometry list
Definition: nppdefs.h:662
Definition: nppdefs.h:228
Npp32u nMarkerLabelPixelCount
total number of pixels in this connected pixel region
Definition: nppdefs.h:629
Definition: nppdefs.h:180
Speed reduction due to uncoalesced memory accesses warning.
Definition: nppdefs.h:253
Channel of interest is not 1, 2, or 3.
Definition: nppdefs.h:208
Npp8u nTest1SouthWestConnected
Definition: nppdefs.h:707
Fixed filter-kernel sizes.
Definition: nppdefs.h:137
Npp32f re
Real part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:338
Npp8u nAlreadyOutput
this pixel has already been output in geometry list
Definition: nppdefs.h:669
int nMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor
Definition: nppdefs.h:744
Definition: nppdefs.h:692
Image pixels are constant for quality index.
Definition: nppdefs.h:191
Definition: nppdefs.h:512
Definition: nppdefs.h:149
Npp32u im
Imaginary part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:319
struct NPP_ALIGN_8 Npp32uc
Complex Number This struct represents an unsigned int complex number.
int height
Rectangle height.
Definition: nppdefs.h:413
Round to the nearest even integer.
Definition: nppdefs.h:472
Definition: nppdefs.h:146
General image descriptor.
Definition: nppdefs.h:607
int haarBufferSize
size of the buffer
Definition: nppdefs.h:573
Definition: nppdefs.h:434
unsigned char Npp8u
8-bit unsigned chars
Definition: nppdefs.h:270
Definition: nppdefs.h:140
Definition: nppdefs.h:181
Definition: nppdefs.h:235
Npp8u nTest1NorthWestConnected
Definition: nppdefs.h:705
Definition: nppdefs.h:230
Definition: nppdefs.h:187
struct __align__(2)
Complex Number This struct represents an unsigned char complex number.
Definition: nppdefs.h:286
int nCudaDeviceId
Definition: nppdefs.h:742
Complex Number This struct represents an unsigned int complex number.
Definition: nppdefs.h:316
Definition: nppdefs.h:511
int y
y-coordinate of upper left corner (lowest memory address).
Definition: nppdefs.h:426
int nStep
step size
Definition: nppdefs.h:610
Definition: nppdefs.h:591
Npp32u nPrevContourPixelIndex
index of previous ordered contour pixel in NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo list
Definition: nppdefs.h:666
Npp64f re
Real part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:358
Definition: nppdefs.h:185
Definition: nppdefs.h:144
Definition: nppdefs.h:145
Definition: nppdefs.h:518
int y
Definition: nppdefs.h:394
int nCudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMajor
Definition: nppdefs.h:747
Npp32u nMarkerLabelID
this connected pixel region contour ID
Definition: nppdefs.h:643
Definition: nppdefs.h:431
Definition: nppdefs.h:239
NppiPoint oContourPrevPixelLocation
image geometry X and Y location of previous contour pixel
Definition: nppdefs.h:658
Definition: nppdefs.h:179
Definition: nppdefs.h:184
Definition: nppdefs.h:219
cudaStream_t hStream
Definition: nppdefs.h:741
The given ROI has no interestion with either the source or destination ROI.
Definition: nppdefs.h:249
Bayer Grid Position Registration.
Definition: nppdefs.h:126
Npp64s re
Real part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:348
NppiSize detectionWindowSize
detection window size (pixels).
Definition: nppdefs.h:552
Definition: nppdefs.h:186
sign change XOR
Definition: nppdefs.h:580
Npp8u nTest1EastConnected
Definition: nppdefs.h:702
AC Table.
Definition: nppdefs.h:586
Error Status Codes.
Definition: nppdefs.h:170
Definition: nppdefs.h:227
Bad or unsupported number of channels.
Definition: nppdefs.h:207
Definition: nppdefs.h:290
Image size isn't multiple of two.
Definition: nppdefs.h:251
Definition: nppdefs.h:435
Definition: nppdefs.h:615
Definition: nppdefs.h:537
Definition: nppdefs.h:571
Npp32u nContourPixelCount
total number of pixels in this connected pixel region contour
Definition: nppdefs.h:630
Npp32f theta
Definition: nppdefs.h:402
Definition: nppdefs.h:110
Definition: nppdefs.h:538
Npp32u re
Real part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:318
int nCudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMinor
Definition: nppdefs.h:748
Wrong order of the destination channels.
Definition: nppdefs.h:201
Complex Number This struct represents a long long complex number.
Definition: nppdefs.h:346
Npp32s * haarBuffer
Definition: nppdefs.h:574
Npp32u nNextContourPixelIndex
index of next ordered contour pixel in NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo list
Definition: nppdefs.h:665
sign change count_0
Definition: nppdefs.h:581
Npp32u nSegmentNum
relative block segment number within this particular contour ID
Definition: nppdefs.h:646
Definition: nppdefs.h:433
int nMaxThreadsPerBlock
Definition: nppdefs.h:745
void * pData
per image device memory pointer to the corresponding buffer
Definition: nppdefs.h:617
Npp64s im
Imaginary part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:349
Npp32s re
Real part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:328
Definition: nppdefs.h:233
NppiRect oMarkerLabelBoundingBox
bounding box of this connected pixel region
Definition: nppdefs.h:633
Definition: nppdefs.h:728
Step value is not pixel multiple.
Definition: nppdefs.h:196
Linear interpolation.
Definition: nppdefs.h:112
2D Size This struct typically represents the size of a a rectangular region in two space...
Definition: nppdefs.h:410
Definition: nppdefs.h:438
Npp8u nPixelAlreadyUsed
this test pixel is has already been used
Definition: nppdefs.h:667
Definition: nppdefs.h:517
Definition: nppdefs.h:139
size_t nSharedMemPerBlock
Definition: nppdefs.h:746
Npp64f im
Imaginary part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:359
Definition: nppdefs.h:221
Definition: nppdefs.h:507
Definition: nppdefs.h:536
Round towards zero (truncation).
Definition: nppdefs.h:493
square root of sum of squares
Definition: nppdefs.h:592
Size of the rectangle region is less than or equal to 1.
Definition: nppdefs.h:204
NppiPoint oContourFirstPixelLocation
image geometric x and y location of the first pixel in the contour
Definition: nppdefs.h:632
Definition: nppdefs.h:528
Definition: nppdefs.h:730
Processed data is corrupted.
Definition: nppdefs.h:200
int x
Definition: nppdefs.h:393
Definition: nppdefs.h:440
Definition: nppdefs.h:236
Definition: nppdefs.h:143
struct NPP_ALIGN_16 Npp64sc
Complex Number This struct represents a long long complex number.
unsigned int nStreamFlags
Definition: nppdefs.h:749
Number of levels for LUT is less than 2.
Definition: nppdefs.h:198
int width
Rectangle width.
Definition: nppdefs.h:412
int build
Build number.
Definition: nppdefs.h:261
int x
x-coordinate of upper left corner (lowest memory address).
Definition: nppdefs.h:425
Definition: nppdefs.h:508
Definition: nppdefs.h:142
Definition: nppdefs.h:510
NppiRect oBoundingBox
x, y, width, height == left, top, right, and bottom pixel coordinates
Definition: nppdefs.h:597
Definition: nppdefs.h:234
struct NPP_ALIGN_16 Npp64fc
Complex Number This struct represents a double floating-point complex number.
struct NPP_ALIGN_8 Npp32sc
Complex Number This struct represents a signed int complex number.
long long Npp64s
64-bit signed integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:277
Definition: nppdefs.h:531
int cellSize
square cell size (pixels).
Definition: nppdefs.h:549
Definition: nppdefs.h:218
Definition: nppdefs.h:220
int major
Major version number.
Definition: nppdefs.h:259
Npp32u nTotalImagePixelContourCount
total number of contour pixels in image
Definition: nppdefs.h:714
Definition: nppdefs.h:534
int Npp32s
32-bit signed integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:275
sign change
Definition: nppdefs.h:579
Definition: nppdefs.h:539
Npp32u nLongestImageContourPixelCount
longest per contour pixel count in image
Definition: nppdefs.h:715
Definition: nppdefs.h:519
Lower bound is larger than upper bound.
Definition: nppdefs.h:215
int minor
Minor version number.
Definition: nppdefs.h:260
Filtering methods.
Definition: nppdefs.h:108
Divisor is zero however does not terminate the execution.
Definition: nppdefs.h:247
Round according to financial rule.
Definition: nppdefs.h:483
Definition: nppdefs.h:726
The given quadrangle has no intersection with either the source or destination ROI.
Definition: nppdefs.h:250
short fp16_1
Definition: nppdefs.h:75
Npp8u nTest1SouthConnected
Definition: nppdefs.h:708
Unallowable values of the transformation coefficients.
Definition: nppdefs.h:205
Alias name for NPP_RND_ZERO.
Definition: nppdefs.h:494
Provides details of uniquely labeled pixel regions of interest returned by CompressedLabelMarkersUF f...
Definition: nppdefs.h:627
Definition: nppdefs.h:232
2D Rectangle This struct contains position and size information of a rectangle in two space...
Definition: nppdefs.h:423
DC Table.
Definition: nppdefs.h:585
void * pData
device memory pointer to the image
Definition: nppdefs.h:609
NppiSize classifierSize
Definition: nppdefs.h:567
Error free operation.
Definition: nppdefs.h:242
Npp32u nContourPixelCount
total number of pixels in this connected pixel region contour
Definition: nppdefs.h:644
NppiPoint nWest1
Definition: nppdefs.h:700
Definition: nppdefs.h:300
Super sampling.
Definition: nppdefs.h:117
Stride is less than the row length.
Definition: nppdefs.h:212
int width
Rectangle width.
Definition: nppdefs.h:427
Definition: nppdefs.h:231
Npp32u nFirstIndex
index of first ordered contour pixel in this subgroup
Definition: nppdefs.h:663
Definition: nppdefs.h:310
short fp16
Definition: nppdefs.h:67
NppiPoint oContourOrderedGeometryLocation
image geometry X and Y location in requested output order
Definition: nppdefs.h:657
Npp8u nContourDirectionCenterPixel
provides current center contour pixel input and output direction info
Definition: nppdefs.h:695
Number overflows the upper or lower limit of the data type.
Definition: nppdefs.h:195
unsigned short Npp16u
16-bit unsigned integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:272
Definition: nppdefs.h:589
NppiContourPixelGeometryInfo oContourPixelGeometryInfo
Definition: nppdefs.h:699
Npp8u nTest1NorthConnected
Definition: nppdefs.h:704
Alias name for NPP_RND_NEAR.
Definition: nppdefs.h:473
NPP stream context structure must be filled in by application.
Definition: nppdefs.h:739
Rounding Modes.
Definition: nppdefs.h:460
size_t classifierStep
Definition: nppdefs.h:566
NppiPoint oContourCenterPixelLocation
image geometry X and Y location of center contour pixel
Definition: nppdefs.h:659
Definition: nppdefs.h:529
Npp32s * counterDevice
Definition: nppdefs.h:568
int histogramBlockSize
square histogram block size (pixels).
Definition: nppdefs.h:550
Definition: nppdefs.h:176
NppiPoint oContourNextPixelLocation
image geometry X and Y location of next contour pixel
Definition: nppdefs.h:660
Npp32s * classifiers
packed classifier data 40 bytes each
Definition: nppdefs.h:565
Definition: nppdefs.h:530
Definition: nppdefs.h:225
Definition: nppdefs.h:527
Definition: nppdefs.h:130
Definition: nppdefs.h:584
NppiSize oSize
width and height of the image
Definition: nppdefs.h:611
short Npp16s
16-bit signed integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:273
Definition: nppdefs.h:129
unsigned int Npp32u
32-bit unsigned integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:274
Anchor point is outside mask.
Definition: nppdefs.h:214
Definition: nppdefs.h:223
signed char Npp8s
8-bit signed chars
Definition: nppdefs.h:271
Definition: nppdefs.h:224
Npp32u nLastIndex
index of last ordered contour pixel in this subgroup
Definition: nppdefs.h:664
unsigned long long Npp64u
64-bit unsigned integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:276
Nearest neighbor filtering.
Definition: nppdefs.h:111
Definition: nppdefs.h:148
Smooth edge filtering.
Definition: nppdefs.h:120
Npp32s nOrderIndex
contour pixel counterclockwise order index in geometry list
Definition: nppdefs.h:661
Alias name for NPP_RND_FINANCIAL.
Definition: nppdefs.h:484
Illegal channel index.
Definition: nppdefs.h:211
Provides control of the type of segment boundaries, if any, added to the image generated by the water...
Definition: nppdefs.h:724
Default registration position.
Definition: nppdefs.h:128
double Npp64f
64-bit floating-point numbers
Definition: nppdefs.h:279
ZeroCrossing mode not supported.
Definition: nppdefs.h:178
Unsupported round mode.
Definition: nppdefs.h:189
Npp8u nTest1NorthEastConnected
Definition: nppdefs.h:703
Indicates that no operation was performed.
Definition: nppdefs.h:246
The NppiHOGConfig structure defines the configuration parameters for the HOG descriptor: ...
Definition: nppdefs.h:547
int numClassifiers
number of classifiers
Definition: nppdefs.h:564
2D Polar Point
Definition: nppdefs.h:400
Definition: nppdefs.h:595
int nHistogramBins
required number of histogram bins.
Definition: nppdefs.h:551
Two-parameter cubic filter (B=1/2, C=3/10)
Definition: nppdefs.h:116
Indicates that the quadrangle passed to one of affine warping functions doesn't have necessary proper...
Definition: nppdefs.h:248
Npp32u nConnectedPixelCount
total number of pixels in connected region
Definition: nppdefs.h:598
Definition: nppdefs.h:578
int nMultiProcessorCount
Definition: nppdefs.h:743
Step is less or equal zero.
Definition: nppdefs.h:226
Definition: nppdefs.h:505
One of the output image dimensions is less than 1 pixel.
Definition: nppdefs.h:193
float Npp32f
32-bit (IEEE) floating-point numbers
Definition: nppdefs.h:278
Definition: nppdefs.h:590
Npp32f rho
Definition: nppdefs.h:401
Definition: nppdefs.h:441
Definition: nppdefs.h:141
Definition: nppdefs.h:229
int nReserved0
Definition: nppdefs.h:750
Definition: nppdefs.h:443
Definition: nppdefs.h:532
Definition: nppdefs.h:175
Definition: nppdefs.h:182
Provides details of contour pixel grid map location and association.
Definition: nppdefs.h:641
Definition: nppdefs.h:526
Definition: nppdefs.h:712
Npp8u nGeometryInfoIsValid
Definition: nppdefs.h:698
Definition: nppdefs.h:509
Npp32u nMarkerLabelID
MarkerLabelID of contour interior connected region.
Definition: nppdefs.h:694
Divisor is equal to zero.
Definition: nppdefs.h:209
All values of the mask are zero.
Definition: nppdefs.h:202
Definition: nppdefs.h:562
Npp32u nContourPixelsFound
total number of pixels in this connected pixel region contour found during geometry search ...
Definition: nppdefs.h:631
Definition: nppdefs.h:173
Npp8u nAlreadyLinked
this test pixel is already linked to center pixel
Definition: nppdefs.h:668
Definition: nppdefs.h:516
Definition: nppdefs.h:444
Definition: nppdefs.h:177
Generic Lanczos filtering with order 3.
Definition: nppdefs.h:119
Definition: nppdefs.h:131
Npp8u nConnected
direction to directly connected contour pixels, 0 if not connected
Definition: nppdefs.h:697
Definition: nppdefs.h:217
Definition: nppdefs.h:159
Cubic interpolation.
Definition: nppdefs.h:113
2D Point
Definition: nppdefs.h:391
Definition: nppdefs.h:729
Npp32u nContourStartingPixelOffset
base offset of starting pixel in the overall contour pixel list
Definition: nppdefs.h:645
Two-parameter cubic filter (B=0, C=1/2)
Definition: nppdefs.h:115
int nBufferSize
allocated buffer size
Definition: nppdefs.h:618
Definition: nppdefs.h:183
Npp8u nTest1WestConnected
Definition: nppdefs.h:706
struct NPP_ALIGN_8 Npp32fc
Complex Number This struct represents a single floating-point complex number.
Definition: nppdefs.h:533
Definition: nppdefs.h:237
Lanczos filtering.
Definition: nppdefs.h:118
short fp16_0
Definition: nppdefs.h:74
The quadrangle is nonconvex or degenerates into triangle, line or point.
Definition: nppdefs.h:203
Successful operation (same as NPP_NO_ERROR)
Definition: nppdefs.h:243
Npp8u nTest1SouthEastConnected
Definition: nppdefs.h:709
Npp8u nContourInteriorDirectionCenterPixel
provides current center contour pixel region interior direction info
Definition: nppdefs.h:696
Npp32f im
Imaginary part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:339
Provides contour (boundary) geometry info of uniquely labeled pixel regions returned by nppiCompresse...
Definition: nppdefs.h:655
Definition: nppdefs.h:158
Number of levels for histogram is less than 2.
Definition: nppdefs.h:197
Definition: nppdefs.h:238
Two-parameter cubic filter (B=1, C=0)
Definition: nppdefs.h:114
Definition: nppdefs.h:257
Npp32s im
Imaginary part.
Definition: nppdefs.h:329
Definition: nppdefs.h:147
Npp8u nContourInteriorDirection
direction of contour region interior
Definition: nppdefs.h:670
Differential Filter types.
Definition: nppdefs.h:156
int height
Rectangle height.
Definition: nppdefs.h:428