NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives (NPP)  Version 11.8..*
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Adds sample by sample product of two signals to the destination signal. More...


NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_32f_Ctx (const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  32-bit floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination signal, then clamp to saturated value. More...
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_32f (const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_64f_Ctx (const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  64-bit floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination signal, then clamp to saturated value. More...
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_64f (const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_32fc_Ctx (const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  32-bit complex floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination signal, then clamp to saturated value. More...
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_32fc (const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_64fc_Ctx (const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  64-bit complex floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination signal, then clamp to saturated value. More...
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_64fc (const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_16s_Sfs_Ctx (const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  16-bit signed short signal add product of source signal1 times source signal2 to destination signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value. More...
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_16s_Sfs (const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_32s_Sfs_Ctx (const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  32-bit signed short signal add product of source signal1 times source signal2 to destination signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value. More...
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_32s_Sfs (const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_16s32s_Sfs_Ctx (const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
  16-bit signed short signal add product of source signal1 times source signal2 to 32-bit signed integer destination signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value. More...
NppStatus  nppsAddProduct_16s32s_Sfs (const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)

Detailed Description

Adds sample by sample product of two signals to the destination signal.

Function Documentation

NppStatus nppsAddProduct_16s32s_Sfs ( const Npp16s pSrc1,
const Npp16s pSrc2,
Npp32s pDst,
int  nLength,
int  nScaleFactor 
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_16s32s_Sfs_Ctx ( const Npp16s pSrc1,
const Npp16s pSrc2,
Npp32s pDst,
int  nLength,
int  nScaleFactor,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

16-bit signed short signal add product of source signal1 times source signal2 to 32-bit signed integer destination signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value.

pSrc1 Source Signal Pointer.
pSrc2 Source Signal Pointer.
pDst Destination Signal Pointer. product of source1 and source2 signal elements to be added to destination elements
nLength Signal Length.
nScaleFactor Integer Result Scaling.
nppStreamCtx Application Managed Stream Context.
Signal Data Related Error Codes, Length Related Error Codes.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_16s_Sfs ( const Npp16s pSrc1,
const Npp16s pSrc2,
Npp16s pDst,
int  nLength,
int  nScaleFactor 
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_16s_Sfs_Ctx ( const Npp16s pSrc1,
const Npp16s pSrc2,
Npp16s pDst,
int  nLength,
int  nScaleFactor,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

16-bit signed short signal add product of source signal1 times source signal2 to destination signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value.

pSrc1 Source Signal Pointer.
pSrc2 Source Signal Pointer.
pDst Destination Signal Pointer. product of source1 and source2 signal elements to be added to destination elements
nLength Signal Length.
nScaleFactor Integer Result Scaling.
nppStreamCtx Application Managed Stream Context.
Signal Data Related Error Codes, Length Related Error Codes.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32f ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
Npp32f pDst,
int  nLength 
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32f_Ctx ( const Npp32f pSrc1,
const Npp32f pSrc2,
Npp32f pDst,
int  nLength,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

32-bit floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination signal, then clamp to saturated value.

pSrc1 Source Signal Pointer.
pSrc2 Source Signal Pointer.
pDst Destination Signal Pointer. product of source1 and source2 signal elements to be added to destination elements
nLength Signal Length.
nppStreamCtx Application Managed Stream Context.
Signal Data Related Error Codes, Length Related Error Codes.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32fc ( const Npp32fc pSrc1,
const Npp32fc pSrc2,
Npp32fc pDst,
int  nLength 
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32fc_Ctx ( const Npp32fc pSrc1,
const Npp32fc pSrc2,
Npp32fc pDst,
int  nLength,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

32-bit complex floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination signal, then clamp to saturated value.

pSrc1 Source Signal Pointer.
pSrc2 Source Signal Pointer.
pDst Destination Signal Pointer. product of source1 and source2 signal elements to be added to destination elements
nLength Signal Length.
nppStreamCtx Application Managed Stream Context.
Signal Data Related Error Codes, Length Related Error Codes.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32s_Sfs ( const Npp32s pSrc1,
const Npp32s pSrc2,
Npp32s pDst,
int  nLength,
int  nScaleFactor 
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32s_Sfs_Ctx ( const Npp32s pSrc1,
const Npp32s pSrc2,
Npp32s pDst,
int  nLength,
int  nScaleFactor,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

32-bit signed short signal add product of source signal1 times source signal2 to destination signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value.

pSrc1 Source Signal Pointer.
pSrc2 Source Signal Pointer.
pDst Destination Signal Pointer. product of source1 and source2 signal elements to be added to destination elements
nLength Signal Length.
nScaleFactor Integer Result Scaling.
nppStreamCtx Application Managed Stream Context.
Signal Data Related Error Codes, Length Related Error Codes.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_64f ( const Npp64f pSrc1,
const Npp64f pSrc2,
Npp64f pDst,
int  nLength 
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_64f_Ctx ( const Npp64f pSrc1,
const Npp64f pSrc2,
Npp64f pDst,
int  nLength,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

64-bit floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination signal, then clamp to saturated value.

pSrc1 Source Signal Pointer.
pSrc2 Source Signal Pointer.
pDst Destination Signal Pointer. product of source1 and source2 signal elements to be added to destination elements
nLength Signal Length.
nppStreamCtx Application Managed Stream Context.
Signal Data Related Error Codes, Length Related Error Codes.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_64fc ( const Npp64fc pSrc1,
const Npp64fc pSrc2,
Npp64fc pDst,
int  nLength 
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_64fc_Ctx ( const Npp64fc pSrc1,
const Npp64fc pSrc2,
Npp64fc pDst,
int  nLength,
NppStreamContext  nppStreamCtx 

64-bit complex floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination signal, then clamp to saturated value.

pSrc1 Source Signal Pointer.
pSrc2 Source Signal Pointer.
pDst Destination Signal Pointer. product of source1 and source2 signal elements to be added to destination elements
nLength Signal Length.
nppStreamCtx Application Managed Stream Context.
Signal Data Related Error Codes, Length Related Error Codes.