6.6. Device Management [DEPRECATED]

This section describes the device management functions of the low-level CUDA driver application programming interface.


CUresult cuDeviceComputeCapability ( int* major, int* minor, CUdevice dev )
Returns the compute capability of the device.
CUresult cuDeviceGetProperties ( CUdevprop* prop, CUdevice dev )
Returns properties for a selected device.


CUresult cuDeviceComputeCapability ( int* major, int* minor, CUdevice dev )
Returns the compute capability of the device.
- Major revision number
- Minor revision number
- Device handle

This function was deprecated as of CUDA 5.0 and its functionality superceded by cuDeviceGetAttribute().


Returns in *major and *minor the major and minor revision numbers that define the compute capability of the device dev.


Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.

See also:

cuDeviceGetAttribute, cuDeviceGetCount, cuDeviceGetName, cuDeviceGetUuid, cuDeviceGet, cuDeviceTotalMem

CUresult cuDeviceGetProperties ( CUdevprop* prop, CUdevice dev )
Returns properties for a selected device.
- Returned properties of device
- Device to get properties for

This function was deprecated as of CUDA 5.0 and replaced by cuDeviceGetAttribute().


Returns in *prop the properties of device dev. The CUdevprop structure is defined as:

‎     typedef struct CUdevprop_st {
           int maxThreadsPerBlock;
           int maxThreadsDim[3];
           int maxGridSize[3];
           int sharedMemPerBlock;
           int totalConstantMemory;
           int SIMDWidth;
           int memPitch;
           int regsPerBlock;
           int clockRate;
           int textureAlign
        } CUdevprop;

  • maxThreadsPerBlock is the maximum number of threads per block;

  • maxThreadsDim[3] is the maximum sizes of each dimension of a block;

  • maxGridSize[3] is the maximum sizes of each dimension of a grid;

  • sharedMemPerBlock is the total amount of shared memory available per block in bytes;

  • totalConstantMemory is the total amount of constant memory available on the device in bytes;

  • SIMDWidth is the warp size;

  • memPitch is the maximum pitch allowed by the memory copy functions that involve memory regions allocated through cuMemAllocPitch();

  • regsPerBlock is the total number of registers available per block;

  • clockRate is the clock frequency in kilohertz;

  • textureAlign is the alignment requirement; texture base addresses that are aligned to textureAlign bytes do not need an offset applied to texture fetches.


Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.

See also:

cuDeviceGetAttribute, cuDeviceGetCount, cuDeviceGetName, cuDeviceGetUuid, cuDeviceGet, cuDeviceTotalMem