3.319. __nv_ynf


float @__nv_ynf(i32 %n, float %x) 


Calculate the value of the Bessel function of the second kind of order n for the input argument x, Y n ( x ) .


Returns the value of the Bessel function of the second kind of order n.
  • __nv_ynf(n, x) returns NaN for n < 0.

  • __nv_ynf(n, 0) returns .

  • __nv_ynf(n, x) returns NaN for x < 0.

  • __nv_ynf(n, + ) returns +0.

  • __nv_ynf(n, NaN) returns NaN.


For accuracy information see the CUDA C++ Programming Guide, Mathematical Functions Appendix, Single-Precision Floating-Point Functions section.

Library Availability:

Compute 2.0: Yes

Compute 3.0: Yes

Compute 3.5: Yes


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