1.1.5. Half Precision Conversion And Data Movement

[Half Precision Intrinsics]

To use these functions include the header file cuda_fp16.h in your program.


__host____device__ ​ __half2 __float22half2_rn ( const float2 a )
Converts both components of float2 number to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and returns half2 with converted values.
__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and returns half with converted value.
__host____device__ ​ __half2 __float2half2_rn ( const float  a )
Converts input to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and populates both halves of half2 with converted value.
__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half_rd ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-down mode and returns half with converted value.
__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half_rn ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and returns half with converted value.
__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half_ru ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-up mode and returns half with converted value.
__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half_rz ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-towards-zero mode and returns half with converted value.
__host____device__ ​ __half2 __floats2half2_rn ( const float  a, const float  b )
Converts both input floats to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and returns half2 with converted values.
__host____device__ ​ float2 __half22float2 ( const __half2 a )
Converts both halves of half2 to float2 and returns the result.
__host____device__ ​ float __half2float ( const __half a )
Converts half number to float.
__device__ ​ __half2 __half2half2 ( const __half a )
Returns half2 with both halves equal to the input value.
__device__ ​ int __half2int_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ int __half2int_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ int __half2int_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ int __half2int_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __half2ll_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed 64-bit integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __half2ll_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __half2ll_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed 64-bit integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __half2ll_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ short int __half2short_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed short integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ short int __half2short_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed short integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ short int __half2short_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed short integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ short int __half2short_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed short integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __half2uint_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __half2uint_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __half2uint_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __half2uint_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __half2ull_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __half2ull_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __half2ull_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __half2ull_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half2ushort_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned short integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half2ushort_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned short integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half2ushort_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned short integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half2ushort_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned short integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ short int __half_as_short ( const __half h )
Reinterprets bits in a half as a signed short integer.
__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half_as_ushort ( const __half h )
Reinterprets bits in a half as an unsigned short integer.
__device__ ​ __half2 __halves2half2 ( const __half a, const __half b )
Combines two half numbers into one half2 number.
__host____device__ ​ float __high2float ( const __half2 a )
Converts high 16 bits of half2 to float and returns the result.
__device__ ​ __half __high2half ( const __half2 a )
Returns high 16 bits of half2 input.
__device__ ​ __half2 __high2half2 ( const __half2 a )
Extracts high 16 bits from half2 input.
__device__ ​ __half2 __highs2half2 ( const __half2 a, const __half2 b )
Extracts high 16 bits from each of the two half2 inputs and combines into one half2 number.
__device__ ​ __half __int2half_rd ( int  i )
Convert a signed integer to a half in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ __half __int2half_rn ( int  i )
Convert a signed integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ __half __int2half_ru ( int  i )
Convert a signed integer to a half in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ __half __int2half_rz ( int  i )
Convert a signed integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ll2half_rd ( long long int i )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a half in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ll2half_rn ( long long int i )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ll2half_ru ( long long int i )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a half in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ll2half_rz ( long long int i )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.
__host____device__ ​ float __low2float ( const __half2 a )
Converts low 16 bits of half2 to float and returns the result.
__device__ ​ __half __low2half ( const __half2 a )
Returns low 16 bits of half2 input.
__device__ ​ __half2 __low2half2 ( const __half2 a )
Extracts low 16 bits from half2 input.
__device__ ​ __half2 __lowhigh2highlow ( const __half2 a )
Swaps both halves of the half2 input.
__device__ ​ __half2 __lows2half2 ( const __half2 a, const __half2 b )
Extracts low 16 bits from each of the two half2 inputs and combines into one half2 number.
__device__ ​ __half __short2half_rd ( short int i )
Convert a signed short integer to a half in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ __half __short2half_rn ( short int i )
Convert a signed short integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ __half __short2half_ru ( short int i )
Convert a signed short integer to a half in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ __half __short2half_rz ( short int i )
Convert a signed short integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ __half __short_as_half ( const short int i )
Reinterprets bits in a signed short integer as a half.
__device__ ​ __half __uint2half_rd ( unsigned int  i )
Convert an unsigned integer to a half in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ __half __uint2half_rn ( unsigned int  i )
Convert an unsigned integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ __half __uint2half_ru ( unsigned int  i )
Convert an unsigned integer to a half in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ __half __uint2half_rz ( unsigned int  i )
Convert an unsigned integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ull2half_rd ( unsigned long long int i )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a half in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ull2half_rn ( unsigned long long int i )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ull2half_ru ( unsigned long long int i )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a half in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ull2half_rz ( unsigned long long int i )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ushort2half_rd ( unsigned short int i )
Convert an unsigned short integer to a half in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ushort2half_rn ( unsigned short int i )
Convert an unsigned short integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ushort2half_ru ( unsigned short int i )
Convert an unsigned short integer to a half in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ushort2half_rz ( unsigned short int i )
Convert an unsigned short integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ __half __ushort_as_half ( const unsigned short int i )
Reinterprets bits in an unsigned short integer as a half.


__host____device__ ​ __half2 __float22half2_rn ( const float2 a )
Converts both components of float2 number to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and returns half2 with converted values.

Returns half2 which has corresponding halves equal to the converted float2 components.


Converts both components of float2 to half precision in round-to-nearest mode and combines the results into one half2 number. Low 16 bits of the return value correspond to a.x and high 16 bits of the return value correspond to a.y.

__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and returns half with converted value.

Returns half result with converted value.


Converts float number a to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__host____device__ ​ __half2 __float2half2_rn ( const float  a )
Converts input to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and populates both halves of half2 with converted value.

Returns half2 with both halves equal to the converted half precision number.


Converts input a to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and populates both halves of half2 with converted value.

__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half_rd ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-down mode and returns half with converted value.

Returns half result with converted value.


Converts float number a to half precision in round-down mode.

__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half_rn ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and returns half with converted value.

Returns half result with converted value.


Converts float number a to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half_ru ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-up mode and returns half with converted value.

Returns half result with converted value.


Converts float number a to half precision in round-up mode.

__host____device__ ​ __half __float2half_rz ( const float  a )
Converts float number to half precision in round-towards-zero mode and returns half with converted value.

Returns half result with converted value.


Converts float number a to half precision in round-towards-zero mode.

__host____device__ ​ __half2 __floats2half2_rn ( const float  a, const float  b )
Converts both input floats to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and returns half2 with converted values.

Returns half2 which has corresponding halves equal to the converted input floats.


Converts both input floats to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode and combines the results into one half2 number. Low 16 bits of the return value correspond to the input a, high 16 bits correspond to the input b.

__host____device__ ​ float2 __half22float2 ( const __half2 a )
Converts both halves of half2 to float2 and returns the result.

Returns converted float2.


Converts both halves of half2 input a to float2 and returns the result.

__host____device__ ​ float __half2float ( const __half a )
Converts half number to float.

Returns float result with converted value.


Converts half number a to float.

__device__ ​ __half2 __half2half2 ( const __half a )
Returns half2 with both halves equal to the input value.

Returns half2 with both halves equal to the input a.


Returns half2 number with both halves equal to the input ahalf number.

__device__ ​ int __half2int_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed integer in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ int __half2int_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ int __half2int_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed integer in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ int __half2int_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed integer in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __half2ll_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed 64-bit integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed 64-bit integer in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __half2ll_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __half2ll_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed 64-bit integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed 64-bit integer in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __half2ll_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ short int __half2short_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed short integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed short integer in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ short int __half2short_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed short integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed short integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ short int __half2short_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed short integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed short integer in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ short int __half2short_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to a signed short integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to a signed short integer in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __half2uint_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned integer in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __half2uint_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __half2uint_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned integer in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __half2uint_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned integer in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __half2ull_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __half2ull_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __half2ull_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __half2ull_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half2ushort_rd ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned short integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned short integer in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half2ushort_rn ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned short integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned short integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half2ushort_ru ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned short integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned short integer in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half2ushort_rz ( __half h )
Convert a half to an unsigned short integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value h to an unsigned short integer in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ short int __half_as_short ( const __half h )
Reinterprets bits in a half as a signed short integer.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterprets the bits in the half-precision floating point value h as a signed short integer.

__device__ ​ unsigned short int __half_as_ushort ( const __half h )
Reinterprets bits in a half as an unsigned short integer.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterprets the bits in the half-precision floating point value h as an unsigned short integer.

__device__ ​ __half2 __halves2half2 ( const __half a, const __half b )
Combines two half numbers into one half2 number.

Returns half2 number which has one half equal to a and the other to b.


Combines two input half number a and b into one half2 number. Input a is stored in low 16 bits of the return value, input b is stored in high 16 bits of the return value.

__host____device__ ​ float __high2float ( const __half2 a )
Converts high 16 bits of half2 to float and returns the result.

Returns high 16 bits of a converted to float.


Converts high 16 bits of half2 input a to 32 bit floating point number and returns the result.

__device__ ​ __half __high2half ( const __half2 a )
Returns high 16 bits of half2 input.

Returns half which contains high 16 bits of the input.


Returns high 16 bits of half2 input a.

__device__ ​ __half2 __high2half2 ( const __half2 a )
Extracts high 16 bits from half2 input.

Returns half2 with both halves equal to high 16 bits from the input.


Extracts high 16 bits from half2 input a and returns a new half2 number which has both halves equal to the extracted bits.

__device__ ​ __half2 __highs2half2 ( const __half2 a, const __half2 b )
Extracts high 16 bits from each of the two half2 inputs and combines into one half2 number.

Returns half2 which contains high 16 bits from a and b.


Extracts high 16 bits from each of the two half2 inputs and combines into one half2 number. High 16 bits from input a is stored in low 16 bits of the return value, high 16 bits from input b is stored in high 16 bits of the return value.

__device__ ​ __half __int2half_rd ( int  i )
Convert a signed integer to a half in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ __half __int2half_rn ( int  i )
Convert a signed integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ __half __int2half_ru ( int  i )
Convert a signed integer to a half in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ __half __int2half_rz ( int  i )
Convert a signed integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ll2half_rd ( long long int i )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a half in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed 64-bit integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ll2half_rn ( long long int i )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed 64-bit integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ll2half_ru ( long long int i )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a half in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed 64-bit integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ll2half_rz ( long long int i )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed 64-bit integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__host____device__ ​ float __low2float ( const __half2 a )
Converts low 16 bits of half2 to float and returns the result.

Returns low 16 bits of a converted to float.


Converts low 16 bits of half2 input a to 32 bit floating point number and returns the result.

__device__ ​ __half __low2half ( const __half2 a )
Returns low 16 bits of half2 input.

Returns half which contains low 16 bits of the input.


Returns low 16 bits of half2 input a.

__device__ ​ __half2 __low2half2 ( const __half2 a )
Extracts low 16 bits from half2 input.

Returns half2 with both halves equal to low 16 bits from the input.


Extracts low 16 bits from half2 input a and returns a new half2 number which has both halves equal to the extracted bits.

__device__ ​ __half2 __lowhigh2highlow ( const __half2 a )
Swaps both halves of the half2 input.

Returns half2 with halves swapped.


Swaps both halves of the half2 input and returns a new half2 number with swapped halves.

__device__ ​ __half2 __lows2half2 ( const __half2 a, const __half2 b )
Extracts low 16 bits from each of the two half2 inputs and combines into one half2 number.

Returns half2 which contains low 16 bits from a and b.


Extracts low 16 bits from each of the two half2 inputs and combines into one half2 number. Low 16 bits from input a is stored in low 16 bits of the return value, low 16 bits from input b is stored in high 16 bits of the return value.

__device__ ​ __half __short2half_rd ( short int i )
Convert a signed short integer to a half in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed short integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ __half __short2half_rn ( short int i )
Convert a signed short integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed short integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ __half __short2half_ru ( short int i )
Convert a signed short integer to a half in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed short integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ __half __short2half_rz ( short int i )
Convert a signed short integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed short integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ __half __short_as_half ( const short int i )
Reinterprets bits in a signed short integer as a half.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterprets the bits in the signed short integer value i as a half-precision floating point value.

__device__ ​ __half __uint2half_rd ( unsigned int  i )
Convert an unsigned integer to a half in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ __half __uint2half_rn ( unsigned int  i )
Convert an unsigned integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ __half __uint2half_ru ( unsigned int  i )
Convert an unsigned integer to a half in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ __half __uint2half_rz ( unsigned int  i )
Convert an unsigned integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ull2half_rd ( unsigned long long int i )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a half in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned 64-bit integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ull2half_rn ( unsigned long long int i )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned 64-bit integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ull2half_ru ( unsigned long long int i )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a half in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned 64-bit integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ull2half_rz ( unsigned long long int i )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned 64-bit integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ushort2half_rd ( unsigned short int i )
Convert an unsigned short integer to a half in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned short integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-down mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ushort2half_rn ( unsigned short int i )
Convert an unsigned short integer to a half in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned short integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ushort2half_ru ( unsigned short int i )
Convert an unsigned short integer to a half in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned short integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-up mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ushort2half_rz ( unsigned short int i )
Convert an unsigned short integer to a half in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned short integer value i to a half-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ __half __ushort_as_half ( const unsigned short int i )
Reinterprets bits in an unsigned short integer as a half.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterprets the bits in the unsigned short integer value i as a half-precision floating point value.