Achieving High Performance#

Below we present general advice and examples that may help in achieving high performance.

General Advice#

  • Start with the library-provided default for the best compute performance.

  • Use register fragment API instead of shared memory API.

  • Best parameters for compute bound and memory bound kernels might not be identical.

  • If possible ensure BLAS operations are batched so that enough CUDA blocks are run in a grid to fill the GPU for peak performance.

  • Merge adjacent memory bound kernels (pre- and post-processing) with a BLAS kernel to save global memory trips.

  • If possible use combination of precisions that has MMA support.

  • Use tensor execute(…) API to get better IO and matrix multiplication performance.

  • Use cublasdx::copy for copying shared and global memory tensors. It should automatically vectorize loads and stores.

  • Use cublasdx::copy_fragment for copying register fragments to shared and global memory tensors. It should automatically vectorize loads and stores.

  • Use 16-byte (128-bit) aligned pointers, and use MaxAlignment (alias for Alignment<16, 16, 16>).

Matrix Layouts#

We recommend using tensor API along with get_layout_smem_*(), suggest_layout_smem_*(), and cublasdx::make_tensor functions. This allows using custom layouts for matrices which can provide better performance, and also better match your kernel.

  • Try using suggest_layout_smem_*(), especially for A and B matrices, to get better GEMM and IO performance.

  • Use get_layout_smem_*() for a matrix if you need it to be in plain column- or row-major ordering.

  • The best layouts for GEMM may be different from the best layouts for the whole kernel; experiment and try various approaches.

  • For use-cases which don’t have dedicated MMA (like fp32-fp32-fp32) try using get_layout_smem_*() and suggested_leading_dimension_of to improve shared memory access patterns.

  • For register fragment APIs always choose data partitioner matching your layouts:
    • suggest_partitioner() for suggest_layout_smem_*()

    • get_partitioner() for get_layout_smem_*()


Example of using maximum alignment, cublasdx::copy, and suggested layouts for shared memory to increase performance.

using BLAS = decltype(Size<128, 128, 128>() + Type<type::real>() + Precision<__half, __half, double>() + MaxAlignment() + Block() + ...);

// Tensors with global memory data
auto a_global_tensor = cublasdx::make_tensor(a, BLAS::get_layout_gmem_a());
auto b_global_tensor = cublasdx::make_tensor(b, BLAS::get_layout_gmem_b());
auto c_global_tensor = cublasdx::make_tensor(c, BLAS::get_layout_gmem_c());

// Tensors with shared memory data
auto a_shared_tensor = cublasdx::make_tensor(smem_a, BLAS::suggest_layout_smem_a());
auto b_shared_tensor = cublasdx::make_tensor(smem_b, BLAS::suggest_layout_smem_b());

// 16-byte (128-bit) alignment helps vectorize (if possible) copying between shared and global memory
using blas_alignment = cublasdx::alignment_of<BLAS>; // 16, 16, 16
cublasdx::copy<BLAS, blas_alignment::a>(a_global_tensor, a_shared_tensor);
cublasdx::copy<BLAS, blas_alignment::b>(b_global_tensor, b_shared_tensor);

// Get suggested partitioner, matching shared memory layouts for A and B
auto partitioner = BLAS::suggest_partitioner();

// Make a register result accumulator for this GEMM execution
auto c_fragment_accumulator = partitioner.make_accumulator_fragment();

// Partition c_global and copy this thread's elements into register fragment
cublasdx::copy_fragment<blas_alignment::c>(c_global_tensor, c_fragment_accumulator, partitioner);

// 16-byte (128-bit) alignment and suggested layouts help improve shared memory IO in GEMM
BLAS().execute(a_shared_tensor, b_shared_tensor, c_fragment_accumulator)

auto out_global_tensor = cublasdx::make_tensor(output, BLAS::get_layout_gmem_c());

// Partition out_global_tensor and copy this thread's elements into appropriate locations
cublasdx::copy_fragment<blas_alignment::c>(c_fragment_accumulator, out_global_tensor, partitioner);

Memory Management#

  • Avoid reading/writing data from/to global memory unnecessarily.

  • Ensure global memory reads/writes are coalesced.

  • Use shared memory or extra registers to store temporary data.

  • Offload any element-wise pre- and post-processing to transform functors that can be passed to execute(…) to avoid trips to shared memory.


Further Reading#
