Release Notes

cuFFT LTO EA preview

New features

  • Added support for Linux aarch64 architecture.

  • Added a license file to the packages.

  • Fixed a bug by which setting the device to any other than device 0 would cause LTO callbacks to fail at plan time.

  • Fixed a bug by which passing nullptr as a pointer to user data would cause LTO callbacks to fail at plan time.

Known issues

  • When using NVRTC to generate the callback LTO data, nvJitLink prints an error error   : Binary format for key='0', ident='' is not recognized. In general this error can be safely ignored, and it is gone when using nvJitLink 12.3+.

  • cuFFT LTO EA does not report information when runtime linking of the LTO callback function fails. Planning simply returns a CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR.

cuFFT LTO EA preview

New features

  • First release of the cuFFT LTO EA preview version on Linux and Windows.

Known issues

  • When using NVRTC to generate the callback LTO data, nvJitLink prints an error error   : Binary format for key='0', ident='' is not recognized. In general this error can be safely ignored.

  • cuFFT LTO EA does not report information when runtime linking of the LTO callback function fails. Planning simply returns a CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR.