Device API#


Disclaimer: Device APIs are experimental and are subject to change in the next nvCOMP releases.


namespace nvcomp
namespace device#


enum class nvcomp_direction#

Selection of compression or decompression.


enumerator compress#
enumerator decompress#
enum class nvcomp_algo#

The compression algorithm to be selected.


enumerator ans#
enumerator zstd#
enumerator bitcomp#
enumerator lz4#
enumerator deflate#
enumerator gdeflate#
enum class nvcomp_datatype#

The way in which the compression algo will interpret the input data.


enumerator uint8#

Data to be interpreted as consecutive bytes. If the input datatype is not included in the options below, uint8 should be selected.

enumerator float16#

Data to be interpreted as consecutive IEEE half-precision floats. Requires the total number of input bytes per chunk to be divisible by two.

enumerator bfloat16#

Data to be interpreted as consecutive bfloat16 values. Requires the total number of input bytes per chunk to be divisible by two.

enum class nvcomp_grouptype#

Threads group type to work on.


enumerator warp#

Group provided to API expected to be single-warp-sized.

namespace detail#


enum class nvcomp_operator#


enumerator direction#

Selects between compression/decompression.

enumerator algo#

Selects the compression algorithm.

enumerator grouptype#

Selects threads group type to work on.

enumerator datatype#

The format of the input data.

enumerator max_uncomp_chunk_size#

The maximum uncompressed chunk size. (For compression only).

User API#

namespace nvcomp
namespace device
namespace detail
template<class ...Operators>
class nvcomp_device_execution#
#include <user_api.hpp>

An object of type nvcomp_device_execution is to be constructed in order to use the device-side API. To do this, start by declaring a user-defined type using the following operators:

Direction() Algo() Grouptype() Datatype() MaxUncompChunkSize()

See the description of these operators in operators.hpp

The custom type is created using the + between the available operators. The resulting type is then used to initialize an object of type nvcomp_device_execution and device API calls can be made from that object.

Example using ANS compression:

using namespace nvcomp::device;

constexpr size_t max_uncomp_chunk_size = 1<<15;
constexpr size_t num_warps_per_block = 1;

using ans_base_type =
  decltype(Grouptype<nvcomp_grouptype::warp>() +
           Algo<nvcomp_algo::ans>() +

using ans_compressor_type =
  decltype(ans_base_type() +
           Direction<nvcomp_direction::compress>() +

auto compressor = ans_compressor_type();
size_t shmem_size_warp = compressor.shmem_size_group();
size_t tmp_size_warp = compressor.tmp_size_group();
constexpr size_t scs = compressor.shmem_size_block(num_warps_per_block);
constexpr size_t shmem_alignment = compressor.shmem_alignment();
__shared__ uint8_t __align__(shmem_alignment) shared_buffer[scs];

auto block = cg::this_thread_block();
auto warp = cg::tiled_partition<32>(block);

// one warp per CTA in this example
auto wid = blockIdx.x;
auto wid_in_block = threadIdx.x/32;

  comp_chunk_sizes + wid,
  shared_buffer + shmem_size_warp*wid_in_block,
  tmp_buf + tmp_size_warp*wid,

Public Functions

template<typename CG> inline void __device__ compress (const void *input_chunk, void *output_chunk, const size_t input_size, size_t *output_size, uint8_t *shared_mem_buf, uint8_t *tmp_buf, CG &group)

Compresses a contiguous buffer of data.

  • input_chunk[in] The to-be-compressed chunk. Should be aligned to a 16 byte boundary.

  • output_chunk[in] The resulting compressed chunk. Should be aligned to an 8 bytes boundary.

  • input_size[in] The size in bytes of the to-be-comrpessed chunk

  • output_size[in] The size in bytes of the resulting compressed chunk

  • shared_mem_buf[in] The shared memory buffer to be used internally by the API

  • tmp_buf[in] The global scratch buffer to be used internally by the API

  • group[in] The cooperative group which compresses the input

template<typename CG> inline void __device__ decompress (const void *input_chunk, void *output_chunk, uint8_t *shared_mem_buf, uint8_t *tmp_buf, CG &group)

Decompresses a contiguous buffer of data.

  • input_chunk[in] The to-be-decompressed chunk. Should be aligned to an 8 byte boundary.

  • output_chunk[in] The resulting decompressed chunk

  • shared_mem_buf[in] The shared memory buffer to be used internally by the API

  • tmp_buf[in] The global scratch buffer to be used internally by the API

  • group[in] The cooperative group which decompresses the input

template<typename CG> inline void __device__ decompress (const void *input_chunk, void *output_chunk, const size_t comp_chunk_size, size_t *const decomp_chunk_size, uint8_t *shared_mem_buf, uint8_t *tmp_buf, CG &group)

Decompresses a contiguous buffer of data.

  • input_chunk[in] The to-be-decompressed chunk. Should be aligned to an 8 byte boundary.

  • output_chunk[in] The resulting decompressed chunk

  • comp_chunk_size[in] The size of the compressed chunk

  • decomp_chunk_size[in] The size of the resulting decompressed chunk

  • shared_mem_buf[in] The shared memory buffer to be used internally by the API

  • tmp_buf[in] The global scratch buffer to be used internally by the API

  • group[in] The cooperative group which decompresses the input

Public Static Functions

static inline __device__ constexpr __host__ size_t shmem_size_block (size_t num_warps_per_block)

Returns the amount of shared mem necessary for a given CTA.


num_warps_per_block[in] The number of warps per block


The amount of shared mem in bytes

static inline __device__ constexpr __host__ size_t shmem_size_group ()

Returns the amount of shared mem necessary for each cooperative group. Not the same as shmem_size_block because there could be multiple API invocations, each with a different cooperative group that are all part of the same CTA.


The amount of shared mem in bytes

static inline __device__ constexpr __host__ size_t shmem_alignment ()

Returns the alignment necessary for the CG’s shared memory allocation.


The shared memory alignment size

static inline constexpr size_t max_comp_chunk_size()#

Returns the maximium compressed chunk size.


The max compressed chunk size in bytes

static inline constexpr size_t tmp_size_total(size_t num_warps)#

Returns the scratch space size needed for the whole kernel.


num_warps[in] Total number of warps in all kernel blocks.


The memory scratch space size in bytes

static inline __device__ constexpr __host__ size_t tmp_size_group ()

Returns the global memory scratch space needed for each cooperative group. Not the same as tmp_size_total because there could be multiple API invocations per kernel, each requiring part of the total amount of global scratch memory.


The global memory scratch space size in bytes

Private Types

using algo = typename get_operator<nvcomp_operator::algo, Operators...>::type#
using direction = typename get_operator<nvcomp_operator::direction, Operators...>::type#
using max_uncomp_chunk_size = typename get_operator<nvcomp_operator::max_uncomp_chunk_size, Operators...>::type#
using data_type = typename get_operator<nvcomp_operator::datatype, Operators...>::type#
using group_type = typename get_operator<nvcomp_operator::grouptype, Operators...>::type#