Transition Guide for Change in Features#

In addition to the quality improvements, some new features were added, and some features were deprecated to improve user experience. For any questions, please reach out to the cuOpt team through NGC.

Parameter/option statuses are listed below, they express how each of these options are affected:

New - A new feature has been added.

Update - A change in definition of feature.

Deprecated - These are “no operation” options, they will be accepted by the server, but they will not be used anywhere. And the solver will also return a warning about them being deprecated.

Limited - These options are limited with respect to the number of dimensions that can be provided. For example, cuOpt-23.08 solver supports only one break per (e.g., lunch break).

Removed - These features were deprecated in previous release and completely removed in this one.


  • New

  • Not supported

  • Vehicles/technicians can have different sets of breaks, and need not have the same number of breaks as it used to be earlier.

API Endpoint Self-Hosted#


  • New

  • Not Supported

  • All endpoints for self hosted are pulled under single api endpoint and others are deprecated. The endpoint infer type of request based on structure of data sent.

/cuopt/route and /cuopt/lp

  • Deprecated

  • Supported

  • Use /cuopt/request