General FAQ#
Do I need a GPU to use cuOpt?
Yes, please refer to GPU specification. You can acquire a cloud instance with a supported GPU and launch cuOpt, alternatively you can also launch it in your local machine if it meets the requirements.
Does cuOpt use multiple GPUs?
Yes, a solver process per GPU can be configured to run multiple solvers. Requests are accepted in a round-robin queue, more details are availabler in overview
There is no support for leveraging multiple GPUs to solve a single problem or oversubscribing a single GPU for multiple solvers.
The cuOpt Service is not starting: Issue with port?
Check the logs for the container (see cuOpt service monitoring below).
Is port 5000 already in use?
If port 5000 is unavailable, the logs will contain an error like this
ERROR: [Errno 98] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 5000): address already in use”
Try to locate the process that is using port 5000 and stop it if possible. A tool like
run as the root user can help identify ports mapped to processes, anddocker ps -a
will show running containers.Alternatively, use port mapping to launch cuOpt on a different port such as 5001 (note the omission of
flag):docker run -d --rm --gpus all -p 5001:5000 <CUOPT_IMAGE>
Why Nvidia cuOpt service is running longer than supplied time limt?
The time limit supplied by would govern run time of the solver to purely find the solution, but there are other overheads such as
network delay
orsolver being busy with other requests
.So the complete round-trip solve time might be more than what was set.
Is there a way to make cuOpt service also account for other overheads in the same time-limit provided.
We currently don’t account for it since lot of such overheads are relative and can’t be tracked properly.
The cuOpt Service is not running: Issue with GPU memory availability?
If there are errors pertaining to
or errors that the service couldn’t acquire GPU memory, there is a possibility that GPU memory is being consumed by another process.This can be observed using the command
The cuOpt Service Not Responding: What to check?
cuOpt microservice health check on the cuOpt host.
Perform a health check locally on the host running cuOpt:
curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\\n' localhost:5000/cuopt/health 200If this command returns 200, cuOpt is running and listening on the specified port.
If this command returns something other than 200, check the following:
Check that a cuOpt container is running with
docker -ps
.Examine the cuOpt container log for errors.
Did you include the
or a-p
port-mapping flag to docker when you launched cuOpt? If you used port mapping, did you perform the health check using the correct port?Restart cuOpt and see if that corrects the problem.
cuOpt microservice health check from a remote host.
If you are trying to reach cuOpt from a remote host, run the health check from the remote host and specify the IP address of the cuOpt host, for example:
1 curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\\n' <ip>::5000/cuopt/health 2 200If this command does not return 200, but a health check locally on the cuOpt host does return 200, the problem is a network configuration or firewall issue. The host is not reachable, or the cuOpt port is not open to incoming traffic.
Common Misconfigurations Reported by the cuOpt managed Service, and How to Fix Them (Missing Data, Incompatible Constraints)
If the authentication is failing for the managed service:
Make sure the
value is set correctly in the client. Thesak
value is an NVIDIA Identity Federation API Key covered in the Quickstart Guide and the client documentation.Make sure you are not using an unexpired API key. Generate a new key if necessary.
If you are failing to connect to the endpoint:
You may have a local cache that is pointing to the wrong function; delete the
file or runcuopt_cli -g
to unblock.Alternatively, it is possible that the NVIDIA cloud service infrastructure is down.
If the client stops polling and returns without a result:
If using the
:The CLI will print a message showing how to restart polling with the CLI
The CLI option
may be used to set the polling timeout (default is 120 seconds).
If using the client library:
The client will raise a TimeoutError exception containing a JSON object with request id and asset id values. These values may be passed to the client’s
method to restart polling.The time to poll may be set with the
argument in the client (default is 120 seconds). Setting toNone
will cause the client to poll forever.
In either case, if the time taken is excessive for a simple problem and a result cannot be retrieved by repolling, engage cuOpt support.
If you are getting HTTP errors 500 or 409 or validation errors you do not understand:
Capture any output from the program and send it to NVIDIA via a bug or incident report. The dataset used would be helpful to add, but ensure it does not contain any proprietary details.
Getting 401 or 404 http error
This could be a version cache mismatch; the cache needs to be cleared.
rm -rf version_cache.json
or cuopt_cli -g
if using the CLI
Certificate Validation Errors from Python client
This might happen mostly with cuOpt running in a cloud instance.
It could be that you are behind a proxy that is generating a certificate chain and you need additional certificate authorities installed on your machine.
You can examine the certificate chain returned on a connection with the following commands or something similar. If it looks like there are certificates in the chain that are issued by your own organization, contact your local IT and ask them for the proper certificates to install on your machine.
In this example we will check the certificate chain being returned from a connection to NVCF at NVIDIA, but you can substitute a different address if you are trying to connect to an instance of cuOpt deployed in the cloud:
1export MY_SERVER_ADDRESS=”api.nvcf.nvidia.com:443”
2openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $MY_SERVER_ADDRESS </dev/null 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/BEGIN\ CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/ p' > test.pem
4while openssl x509 -noout -text; do :; done < test.pem.txt
Routing FAQ#
What is a Waypoint Graph?
A waypoint graph is a weighted, directed graph where the weights symbolize cost. Unlike the cost matrix, this graph often represents more than just target locations, including intermediate decision points along a route (locations merely passed through). This method is commonly used for custom environments and indoor spaces, such as warehouses and factories, where the cost between target locations is dynamic or not easily quantifiable. A basic waypoint graph with four nodes is illustrated below:

3 "waypoint_graph": {
4 "0": {
5 "offsets": [0, 1, 2, 5, 6],
6 "edges": [2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 2],
7 "weights": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
8 }
9 }
Graphs intended for input into cuOpt are shown in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format for efficiency. The translation from a more conventional (and human-readable) graph format, such as a weighted edge list, to CSR can be accomplished quickly, as depicted below:
1graph = { 2 0:{ 3 "edges":[2], 4 "weights":[2]}, 5 1:{ 6 "edges":[2], 7 "weights":[2]}, 8 2:{ 9 "edges":[0, 1, 3], 10 "weights":[2, 2, 2]}, 11 3:{ 12 "edges":[2], 13 "weights":[2]} 14 } 15 16def convert_to_csr(graph): 17 num_nodes = len(graph) 18 19 offsets = [] 20 edges = [] 21 weights = [] 22 23 cur_offset = 0 24 for node in range(num_nodes): 25 offsets.append(cur_offset) 26 cur_offset += len(graph[node]["edges"]) 27 28 edges = edges + graph[node]["edges"] 29 weights = weights + graph[node]["weights"] 30 31 offsets.append(cur_offset) 32 33 return offsets, edges, weights 34 35offsets, edges, weights = convert_to_csr(graph) 36print(f"offsets = {offsets}") 37print(f"edges = {edges}") 38print(f"weights = {weights}")
What is a mixed fleet?
In some cases, not all vehicles within a fleet are identical. Some might travel faster, while others might incur unaffordable costs when traveling through certain areas. For example, we could have a fleet consisting of planes and trucks.
can be used along with data such as cost/time matrix for each of the vehicles. Given the example above, planes would have one cost/time matrix, while trucks would have a different cost/time matrix.
How to get partially feasible solutions to infeasible problems?
Use Prize collection which associates each task with a prize and the solver will maximize the prize collected. This allows cuOpt to prioritize some tasks over others.
What is a dimension mismatch error?
Some of the metrics need to be equal in size, for example the number of tasks and their demand. If they don’t match, it means the problem is partially defined or there is an issue with the data.
cuOpt resource estimates; how large a problem can I run with a given set of constraints?
For the standard CVRPTW (Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows) problem with real-world constraints, cuOpt can easily solve for 15K locations with NVIDIA GPU A100/H100.
Not getting the same solution in every run: Determinism?
cuOpt routing solver is not deterministic so the results might vary across multiple runs. Increasing the time limit set for the solver will increase the likelihood of getting identical results across multiple runs.
Also there might be several different solutions with the same cost.
How do we account for dynamic changing constraints?
cuOpt is stateless and can’t handle dynamic constraints directly, but this can be resolved with modeling.
Dynamic reoptimization is used when there is a change in the conditions of the operation such as a vehicle getting broken, a driver calling in sick, a road block, traffic, or a high priority order coming in.
The problem is prepped in such a way that the packages that are already enroute are assigned to only those vehicles and new and old deliveries will be added to this problem. Please refer to example notebooks in cuOpt Resources to understand more about how to tackle this problem.
Does cuOpt take an initial solution?
Currently cuOpt doesn’t accept the initial solution.
Do we need to normalize the data when creating a time window matrix?
The units can be whatever the customer wants them to be: minutes, seconds, milliseconds, hours, and so on. It is the user’s responsibility to normalize the data across complete problem So all time-related constraints use the same unit. For example, if the travel time matrix is given in minutes, we want to make sure time windows and service times are also given in minutes.
Is there a way to prevent vehicles from traveling along the same path in a waypoint graph, or is there a way to prevent more than one vehicle from visiting a location, or even that a location is only visited one time by a single vehicle?
Currently, we do not have such restrictions, and cuOpt tries to optimize for the fewest number of vehicles as the primary default objective.
Travel time deviation: When using the same dataset, the travel time varies by a couple of seconds in different runs, but the distance remains the same. How can travel time deviate in multiple runs on the same data and distance remains constant?
This is because travel time is not part of the objective so we could have two solutions that are equivalent and when picking the best solution. You can include total travel time (includes wait time) as part of the objective.
There is no path between two locations, how do I input this information to the solver?
Set high values compared to other actual values, not max of float type.
This will ensure this path would not be traversed since it will incur huge cost.
Floating point vs. integers for specifying task locations.
The documentation says task_locations
should be integers. But in the real world, latitude and longitude coordinates are floating point values. To explain this, read the following section.
cuOpt expects that a user provides either:
A cost matrix and corresponding location indices.
A waypoint graph and locations corresponding to waypoints as integers.
So in either case, task locations are actually integer indices into another structure.
If you have (lat, long) values, then you can generate a cost matrix using a map API. cuOpt does not directly connect to a third-party map engine, but that can be done outside of cuOpt as shown here.
Is it possible to define constraints such as refrigerated vehicles required for certain orders?
Yes, you can define constraints to match vehicles to order type using vehicle_order_match
. Frozen goods are a great example.
How do we model the following scenario: Pick up from multiple different locations and deliver to a single customer?
This can be observed as a pickup and delivery problem.
I know that the problem has a feasible solution, but cuOpt returns an infeasible solution. How to avoid this?
The time limit could be too short.
Infeasible solution always provides information about what constraints caused it and which constraint can be relaxed, which might give more hints.
How to set prize collection to deliver as many orders as possible ?
Set all prize values = 1 with a very high prize objective (like 10^6), and then set the other objective values for cost, travel_time, and route_variance proportional to each other for cuOpt to always return the best possible solution.
Linear Programming FAQs#
How small and how many problems can I give when using the batch mode?
The batch mode allows solving many LPs in parallel to try to fully utilize the GPU when LP problems are too small. Using H100 SXM, the problem should be of at least 1K elements, and giving more than 100 LPs will usually not increase performance.
Can the Solver run on dense problems?
Yes, but we usually see great results on very large and sparse problems.
How large can the problem be?
If run on a H100 SXM 80GB (hardware used when using NVIDIA Cloud Functions), you can run the following sizes:
4.5M rows/constraints; 4.5M columns/variables; and 900M non-zeros in the constraint matrix
36M rows/constraints; 36M columns/variables; and 720M non-zeros in the constraint matrix
How can I get the best performance?
There are several ways to tune the Solver to get the best possible performance:
Hardware: If using self-hosted, you should use a recent server-grade GPU. We recommend H100 SXM (not the PCIE version).
Tolerance: The set tolerance usually has a massive impact on performance. Try the lowest possible value using
until you have reached your lowest possible acceptable accuracy.Solver mode: The solver mode will change the way the solver internally optimizes the problem. The mode choice made using
can drastically impact how fast a specific problem will be solved. You should test the different mode to see which one fits your problem best.Infeasibility detection: By default, the solver will try to detect infeasible problems which takes time. If you know your problem is feasible, use
to make solving faster.Batch mode: In case you know upfront that you need to solve multiple LP problems, instead of solving them sequentially, you should use the batch mode which can solve multiple LPs in parallel.
What solver mode should I choose?
We can’t predict upfront which solver mode will work best for a particular problem. The only way to know is to test. Once you know a solver mode is good on a class of problems, it should also be good on other similar problems.
What threshold should I use?
The choice entirely depends on the level of accuracy you need for your problem. A higher threshold will always result in a faster result. In general, 1e-2 is low accuracy, 1e-4 regular, 1e-6 high, 1e-8 very high.