cuOpt MILP Features#


For detailed information about the features and specifications, please visit the cuOpt API specifications for linear programming.


The constraints are set in CSR format through csr_constraint_matrix and bounds are set through constraint_bounds in the API. Users can set upper and lower bounds explicitly.

Initial Solutions#

For warm start, initial primal solutions can be provided to the solver.

Time Limit#

The time_limit is required and the solver will run until that time before it returns a result.


The time_limit set is what the solver will use to solve the problem, and doesn’t include network transfer, etl, validation of input, instance being busy with other requests and a few other overheads. These overheads would be comparatively smaller. So the overall request to the response of round-trip time would be solve_time + overhead.

Variable Types#

For MILP, variable types are essential to know which ones are integers. If nothing is set, the problem is treated as Linear Programming.


Instead of forming data in json/dict format, users can use utility classes to build their data_model and solver_settings, and convert that into JSON directly. Examples on utlity classes can be found in the thin client examples section.