User Guide

The architecture of the NVIDIA Container Toolkit allows for different container engines in the ecosystem - Docker, LXC, Podman to be supported easily.


The NVIDIA Container Toolkit provides different options for enumerating GPUs and the capabilities that are supported for CUDA containers. This user guide demonstrates the following features of the NVIDIA Container Toolkit:

  • Registering the NVIDIA runtime as a custom runtime to Docker

  • Using environment variables to enable the following:

    • Enumerating GPUs and controlling which GPUs are visible to the container

    • Controlling which features of the driver are visible to the container using capabilities

    • Controlling the behavior of the runtime using constraints

Adding the NVIDIA Runtime

To register the nvidia runtime, use the method below that is best suited to your environment. You might need to merge the new argument with your existing configuration. Three options are available:

Systemd drop-in file

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
$ sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf <<EOF
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --host=fd:// --add-runtime=nvidia=/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload \
  && sudo systemctl restart docker

Daemon configuration file

The nvidia runtime can also be registered with Docker using the daemon.json configuration file. The NVIDIA Container Toolkit provides a utility to apply this configuration:

$ sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker

You can optionally set the nvidia runtime as the default runtime by specifying the --set-as-default flag:

$ sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker --set-as-default

And a --dry-run flag is also available to preview the changes before applying them.

To apply the new configuration, restart the docker daemon:

$ sudo systemctl restart docker

Command Line

Use dockerd to add the nvidia runtime:

$ sudo dockerd --add-runtime=nvidia=/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime [...]

Environment variables (OCI spec)

Users can control the behavior of the NVIDIA container runtime using environment variables - especially for enumerating the GPUs and the capabilities of the driver. Each environment variable maps to an command-line argument for nvidia-container-cli from libnvidia-container. These variables are already set in the NVIDIA provided base CUDA images.

GPU Enumeration

GPUs can be specified to the Docker CLI using either the --gpus option starting with Docker 19.03 or using the environment variable NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES. This variable controls which GPUs will be made accessible inside the container.

The possible values of the NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variable are:

Possible values


0,1,2, or GPU-fef8089b

a comma-separated list of GPU UUID(s) or index(es).


all GPUs will be accessible, this is the default value in base CUDA container images.


no GPU will be accessible, but driver capabilities will be enabled.

void or empty or unset

nvidia-container-runtime will have the same behavior as runc (i.e. neither GPUs nor capabilities are exposed)


When using the --gpus option to specify the GPUs, the device parameter should be used. This is shown in the examples below. The format of the device parameter should be encapsulated within single quotes, followed by double quotes for the devices you want enumerated to the container. For example: '"device=2,3"' will enumerate GPUs 2 and 3 to the container.

When using the NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variable, you may need to set --runtime to nvidia unless already set as default.

Some examples of the usage are shown below:

  1. Starting a GPU enabled CUDA container; using --gpus

    $ docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi
  2. Using NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and specify the nvidia runtime

    $ docker run --rm --runtime=nvidia \
        -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi
  3. Start a GPU enabled container on two GPUs

    $ docker run --rm --gpus 2 nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi
  4. Starting a GPU enabled container on specific GPUs

    $ docker run --gpus '"device=1,2"' \
        nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi --query-gpu=uuid --format=csv
  5. Alternatively, you can also use NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES

    $ docker run --rm --runtime=nvidia \
        nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi --query-gpu=uuid --format=csv
  6. Query the GPU UUID using nvidia-smi and then specify that to the container

    $ nvidia-smi -i 3 --query-gpu=uuid --format=csv
    $ docker run --gpus device=GPU-18a3e86f-4c0e-cd9f-59c3-55488c4b0c24 \
         nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi

Driver Capabilities

The NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES controls which driver libraries/binaries will be mounted inside the container.

The possible values of the NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES variable are:

Possible values


compute,video or graphics,utility

a comma-separated list of driver features the container needs.


enable all available driver capabilities.

empty or unset

use default driver capability: utility, compute

The supported driver capabilities are provided below:

Driver Capability



required for CUDA and OpenCL applications.


required for running 32-bit applications.


required for running OpenGL and Vulkan applications.


required for using nvidia-smi and NVML.


required for using the Video Codec SDK.


required for leveraging X11 display.

For example, specify the compute and utility capabilities, allowing usage of CUDA and NVML

$ docker run --rm --runtime=nvidia \
    -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility \
    nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi
$ docker run --rm --gpus 'all,"capabilities=compute,utility"' \
    nvidia/cuda:11.6.2-base-ubuntu20.04 nvidia-smi


The NVIDIA runtime also provides the ability to define constraints on the configurations supported by the container.


This variable is a logical expression to define constraints on the software versions or GPU architectures on the container.

The supported constraints are provided below:




constraint on the CUDA driver version.


constraint on the driver version.


constraint on the compute architectures of the selected GPUs.


constraint on the brand of the selected GPUs (e.g. GeForce, Tesla, GRID).

Multiple constraints can be expressed in a single environment variable: space-separated constraints are ORed, comma-separated constraints are ANDed. Multiple environment variables of the form NVIDIA_REQUIRE_* are ANDed together.

For example, the following constraints can be specified to the container image for constraining the supported CUDA and driver versions:

NVIDIA_REQUIRE_CUDA "cuda>=11.0 driver>=450"

Single switch to disable all the constraints of the form NVIDIA_REQUIRE_*.


If you are running CUDA-base images older than CUDA 11.7 (and unable to update to the new base images with updated constraints), CUDA compatibility checks can be disabled by setting NVIDIA_DISABLE_REQUIRE to true.


The version of the CUDA toolkit used by the container. It is an instance of the generic NVIDIA_REQUIRE_* case and it is set by official CUDA images. If the version of the NVIDIA driver is insufficient to run this version of CUDA, the container will not be started. This variable can be specified in the form major.minor

The possible values for this variable: cuda>=7.5, cuda>=8.0, cuda>=9.0 and so on.


Capabilities and GPU enumeration can be set in images via environment variables. If the environment variables are set inside the Dockerfile, you don’t need to set them on the docker run command-line.

For instance, if you are creating your own custom CUDA container, you should use the following:


These environment variables are already set in the NVIDIA provided CUDA images.


Generating debugging logs

For most common issues, debugging logs can be generated and can help us root cause the problem. In order to generate these:

  • Edit your runtime configuration under /etc/nvidia-container-runtime/config.toml and uncomment the debug=... line.

  • Run your container again, thus reproducing the issue and generating the logs.

Generating core dumps

In the event of a critical failure, core dumps can be automatically generated and can help us troubleshoot issues. Refer to core(5) in order to generate these, in particular make sure that:

  • /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern is correctly set and points somewhere with write access

  • ulimit -c is set to a sensible default

In case the nvidia-container-cli process becomes unresponsive, gcore(1) can also be used.

Sharing your debugging information

You can attach a particular output to your issue with a drag and drop into the comment section.