Installation and Upgrade Overview on OpenShift#

High-Level Steps#

Follow these high-level steps to install an entitlement-free supported version of the NVIDIA GPU Operator:

  1. Installing the Node Feature Discovery Operator on OpenShift.

  2. Installing the NVIDIA GPU Operator on OpenShift.

  3. Running a sample GPU Application.


The installation process for NVIDIA AI Enterprise customers is documented separately. Refer to NVIDIA AI Enterprise with OpenShift.

Preparing to Install the Operator#

You can deploy the Operator on a a newly deployed cluster that was not upgraded without entitlement on the following versions:

  • OpenShift 4.9.9 and above z-streams

Special Considerations for OpenShift 4.15#

In OpenShift 4.15, secrets are no longer automatically generated when the integrated OpenShift image registry is disabled. For more information, refer to the OpenShift 4.15 Release Notes.

This change affects the installation of NVIDIA GPU Operator. During installation, the Driver Toolkit daemon set checks for the existence of a build-dockercfg secret for the Driver Toolkit service account. When the secret does not exist, the installation stalls.

You can run the following command to determine if your cluster is affected.

$ oc get cluster -o jsonpath='{}{"\n"}'

If the output from the preceding command is empty, {}, then your cluster is affected and you must configure your registry to use storage. Refer to Configuring the registry for bare metal for information about configuring the registry with a PVC. For platforms other than bare metal, refer to the additional resources section of the Image Registry Operator in OpenShift Container Platform page.

If the output from the preceding command is any value other than empty, your cluster is not affected.

Preparing to Install the Operator#

  • Verify your cluster has the OpenShift Driver toolkit:

    $ oc get -n openshift is/driver-toolkit

    Example Output

    NAME             IMAGE REPOSITORY                                                            TAGS                           UPDATED
    driver-toolkit   image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/driver-toolkit   410.84.202203290245-0,latest   47 minutes ago

Preparing to Upgrade the Operator#

After an upgrade a bug in OpenShift Cluster Version Operator (BZ#2014071) prevents the proper upgrade of the Driver Toolkit image stream. A fix for this issue has been merged in the following releases:

  • OpenShift 4.8.21 and above z-streams

  • OpenShift 4.9.5 and above z-streams

  1. Verify your cluster is affected by this bug, search for a tag with an empty name:

    $ oc get -n openshift is/driver-toolkit '-ojsonpath={.spec.tags[?("")]}'

    Example Output

  2. As a workaround, delete the broken image stream and the Cluster Version Operator recreates it:

    $ oc delete -n openshift is/driver-toolkit

    Example Output "driver-toolkit" deleted

About the Broken Driver Toolkit#

OpenShift 4.8.19, 4.8.21, 4.9.8 are known to have a broken Driver Toolkit image. The following messages are recorded in the driver pod containers. Follow the guidance in enabling a Cluster-wide entitlement. Afterward, the nvidia-driver-daemonset automatically uses an entitlement-based fallback.

To disable the use of Driver Toolkit image altogether, edit the cluster policy instance and set operator.use_ocp_driver_toolkit option to false. Also, we recommend maintaining entitlements for OpenShift versions < 4.9.9.

  1. View the logs from the OpenShift Driver Toolkit container:

    $ oc logs nvidia-driver-daemonset-49.84.202111111343-0-6mpw4 -c openshift-driver-toolkit-ctr

    Example Output

    + '[' -f /mnt/shared-nvidia-driver-toolkit/dir_prepared ']'
    Waiting for nvidia-driver-ctr container to prepare the shared directory ...
    + echo Waiting for nvidia-driver-ctr container to prepare the shared directory ...
    + sleep 10
    + '[' -f /mnt/shared-nvidia-driver-toolkit/dir_prepared ']'
    + exec /mnt/shared-nvidia-driver-toolkit/ocp_dtk_entrypoint dtk-build-driver
    Running dtk-build-driver
    WARNING: broken Driver Toolkit image detected:
    - Node kernel:    4.18.0-305.25.1.el8_4.x86_64
    - Kernel package: 4.18.0-305.28.1.el8_4.x86_64
    INFO: informing nvidia-driver-ctr to fallback on entitled-build.
    INFO: nothing else to do in openshift-driver-toolkit-ctr container, sleeping forever.
  2. View the logs from the NVIDIA Driver container:

    $ oc logs nvidia-driver-daemonset-49.84.202111111343-0-6mpw4 -c nvidia-driver-ctr

    Example Output

    Running nv-ctr-run-with-dtk
    + [[ '' == \t\r\u\e ]]
    + [[ ! -f /mnt/shared-nvidia-driver-toolkit/dir_prepared ]]
    + cp -r /tmp/ /usr/local/bin/ocp_dtk_entrypoint /usr/local/bin/nvidia-driver /usr/local/bin/extract-vmlinux /usr/bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/vgpu-util /drivers /licenses /mnt/shared-nvidia-driver-toolkit/
    + env
    + sed 's/=/="/'
    + sed 's/$/"/'
    + touch /mnt/shared-nvidia-driver-toolkit/dir_prepared
    + set +x
    Wed Nov 24 13:36:31 UTC 2021 Waiting for openshift-driver-toolkit-ctr container to start ...
    WARNING: broken driver toolkit detected, using entitlement-based fallback