3.68. dcgmProfWatchFields_v1 Struct Reference

[Structure definitions]

Structure to pass to dcgmProfWatchFields() when watching profiling metrics

Public Variables

unsigned short  fieldIds[16]
unsigned int  flags
dcgmGpuGrp_t groupId
double  maxKeepAge
int  maxKeepSamples
unsigned int  numFieldIds
long long  updateFreq


unsigned short dcgmProfWatchFields_v1::fieldIds[16] [inherited]

Number of field IDs that are being passed in fieldIds[]

unsigned int dcgmProfWatchFields_v1::flags [inherited]

Maximum number of samples to keep for each fieldId. 0=no limit

dcgmGpuGrp_tdcgmProfWatchFields_v1::groupId [inherited]

Version of this request. Should be dcgmProfWatchFields_version

double dcgmProfWatchFields_v1::maxKeepAge [inherited]

How often to update this field in usec. Note that profiling metrics may need to be sampled more frequently than this value. See dcgmProfMetricGroupInfo_t.minUpdateFreqUsec of the metric group matching metricGroupTag to see what this minimum is. If minUpdateFreqUsec < updateFreq then samples will be aggregated to updateFreq intervals in DCGM's internal cache.

int dcgmProfWatchFields_v1::maxKeepSamples [inherited]

How long to keep data for every fieldId in seconds

unsigned int dcgmProfWatchFields_v1::numFieldIds [inherited]

Group ID representing collection of one or more GPUs. Look at dcgmGroupCreate for details on creating the group. Alternatively, pass in the group id as DCGM_GROUP_ALL_GPUS to perform operation on all the GPUs. The GPUs of the group must all be identical or DCGM_ST_GROUP_INCOMPATIBLE will be returned by this API.

long long dcgmProfWatchFields_v1::updateFreq [inherited]

DCGM_FI_PROF_? field IDs to watch