The following sections describe the collective communications methods and operations.

Communicator Creation And Management Functions

The following functions are public APIs exposed by NVIDIA® Collective Communications Library ™ (NCCL) to create and manage the collective communication operations.


The ncclGetVersion function returns the version number of the currently linked NCCL library. The NCCL version number is encoded as an integer which includes the NCCL_MAJOR, NCCL_MINOR and NCCL_PATCH levels. The version number returned will be the same as the NCCL_VERSION_CODE defined in nccl.h. NCCL version numbers can be compared using the supplied macro; NCCL_VERSION(MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH).
ncclResult_t  ncclGetVersion(int* version);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclGetVersion function.
Type Argument Name Description
int* version Pointer to an integer to be used to return the NCCL version number.


The ncclGetUniqueId function generates an Id to be used in the ncclCommInitRank function.

The ncclGetUniqueId function should be called once. The Id should be distributed to all of the ranks in the communicator before calling the ncclCommInitRank function.
ncclResult_t  ncclGetUniqueId(ncclUniqueId* uniqueId);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclGetUniqueId function.
Type Argument Name Description
ncclUniqueId* uniqueId Pointer to an already allocated unique Id.


The ncclCommInitRank function creates a new communicator object for the current CUDA® device. This function allows for multi-process initialization.
ncclResult_t  ncclCommInitRank(ncclComm_t* comm, int nranks, ncclUniqueId commId, int

The ncclCommInitRank function implicitly synchronizes with other ranks, so it must be called by different threads and processes or use the ncclGroupStart and ncclGroupEnd functions.

The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclCommInitRank function.
Type Argument Name Description
ncclComm_t* comm Returned communicator.
int nranks Number of ranks in the communicator.
ncclUniqueId* uniqueId Pointer to a unique Id.
int rank The rank associated to the current device. The rank must be between 0 and nranks-1 and unique within the communicator clique.


The ncclCommInitAll function creates a full communicator. For example, a clique of communicator objects. The communicator only works within a single process.
ncclResult_t  ncclCommInitAll(ncclComm_t* comm, int ndev, const int* devlist);

The ncclCommInitAll function returns an array of ndev newly initialized communicators in comm. The argument name comm, should be pre-allocated with the size of at least ndev*sizeof(ncclComm_t). If devlist is NULL, the first ndevCUDA devices are used. The order of devlist defines the user order of the devices within the communicator.

The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclCommInitAll function.
Type Argument Name Description
ncclComm_t* comm Returned array of communicators. The comm argument should be pre-allocated with a size of at least: ndev*sizeof(ncclComm_t).
int ndev Number of ranks or devices in the communicator.
const int* devlist A list of CUDA devices to associate with each rank. Should be an array of ndev integers.


The ncclCommDestroy function frees resources that are allocated to a communicator object.
ncclResult_t  ncclCommDestroy(ncclComm_t comm);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclCommDestroy function.
Type Argument Name Description
ncclComm_t comm Communicator object to free.


The ncclCommCount function returns the number of ranks in a communicator.
ncclResult_t  ncclCommCount(const ncclComm_t comm, int* count);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclCommCount function.
Type Argument Name Description
ncclComm_t comm Communicator object.
int* count Number of ranks returned.


The ncclCommCuDevice function returns the CUDA device associated with a communicator object.
ncclResult_t  ncclCommCuDevice(const ncclComm_t comm, int* device);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclCommCuDevice function.
Type Argument Name Description
ncclComm_t comm Communicator object.
int* count CUDA device returned.


The ncclCommUserRank function returns the rank of a communicator object.
ncclResult_t  ncclCommUserRank(const ncclComm_t comm, int* rank);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclCommUserRank function.
Type Argument Name Description
ncclComm_t comm Communicator object.
int* rank Rank returned.

Collective Communication Functions

The following NCCL APIs provide some commonly used collective operations.


The ncclAllReduce function reduces data arrays of length count in sendbuff using op operation and leaves identical copies of the result on each recvbuff.
ncclResult_t  ncclAllReduce(const void* sendbuff, void* recvbuff, size_t
     ncclDataType_t datatype, ncclRedOp_t op, ncclComm_t comm, cudaStream_t
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclAllReduce function.
Type Argument Name Description
const void* sendbuff Pointer to the data to read from.
void* recvbuff Pointer to the data to write to.
size_t count Number of elements to process.
ncclDataType_t datatype Type of element.
ncclRedOp_t op Operation to perform on each element.
ncclComm_t comm Communicator object.
cudaStream_t stream CUDA stream to run the operation on.


The ncclBroadcast function copies the count values from the root rank to all ranks.
ncclResult_t  ncclBroadcast(const void* sendbuff, void* recvbuff, size_t count, ncclDataType_t datatype, int root,
    ncclComm_t comm, cudaStream_t stream);
The ncclBcast function is a legacy in-place version of ncclBroadcast in a similar fashion to MPI_Bcast. A call to ncclBcast (buff, count, datatype, root, comm, stream) is equivalent to ncclBroadcast (buff, count, datatype, root, comm, stream).
ncclResult_t  ncclBcast(void* buff, size_t count, ncclDataType_t datatype, int root, ncclComm_t comm, cudaStream_t stream);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclBroadcast function.
Type Argument Name Description
const void* sendbuff Pointer to the data to read from.
void* recvbuff Pointer to the data to read to.
size_t count Number of elements to process.
ncclDataType_t datatype Type of element.
int root Rank of the root of the operation.
ncclComm_t comm Communicator object.
cudaStream_t stream CUDA stream to run the operation on.


The ncclReduce function reduces data arrays of length count in sendbuff into recvbuff using the op operation.
ncclResult_t  ncclReduce(const void* sendbuff, void* recvbuff, size_t count,
        ncclDataType_t datatype,
     ncclRedOp_t op, int root, ncclComm_t comm, cudaStream_t stream);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclReduce function.
Type Argument Name Description
const void* sendbuff Pointer to the data to read from.
void* recvbuff Pointer to the data to write to.
size_t count Number of elements to process.
ncclDataType_t datatype Type of element.
ncclRedOp_t op Operation to perform on each element.
int root Rank of the root of the operation.
ncclComm_t comm Communicator object.
cudaStream_t stream CUDA stream to run the operation on.


The ncclAllGather function gathers sendcount values from other GPUs into recvbuff, receiving data from rank i at offset i*sendcount.
Note: This assumes recvcount is equal to nranks*sendcount, which means that recvbuff should have a size of at least nranks*sendcount elements.
ncclResult_t  ncclAllGather(const void* sendbuff, void* recvbuff, size_t
     ncclDataType_t datatype, ncclComm_t comm, cudaStream_t stream);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclAllGather function.
Type Argument Name Description
const void* sendbuff Pointer to the data to read from.
void* recvbuff Pointer to the data to write to. This should be the size of sendcount*nranks.
size_t sendcount Number of elements sent per rank.
ncclDataType_t datatype Type of element.
int root Rank of the root of the operation.
ncclComm_t comm Communicator object.
cudaStream_t stream CUDA stream to run the operation on.


The ncclReduceScatter function reduces data in sendbuff using the op operation and leaves the reduced result scattered over the devices so that the recvbuff on rank i will contain the i-th block of the result.
Note: This assumes sendcount is equal to nranks*recvcount, which means that sendbuff should have a size of at least nranks*recvcount elements.
ncclResult_t  ncclReduceScatter(const void* sendbuff, void* recvbuff,
     size_t recvcount, ncclDataType_t datatype, ncclRedOp_t op, ncclComm_t comm,
     cudaStream_t stream);
The following table lists the arguments that are passed to the ncclReduceScatter function.
Type Argument Name Description
const void* sendbuff Pointer to the data to read from. This should be the size of recvcount*nranks.
void* recvbuff Pointer to the data to write to.
size_t recvcount Number of elements to receive by each rank.
ncclDataType_t datatype Type of element.
ncclRedOp_t op Operation to perform on each element.
ncclComm_t comm Communicator object.
cudaStream_t stream CUDA stream to run the operation on.

Group Calls

Group primitives define the behavior of the current thread to avoid blocking. They can therefore be used from multiple threads independently.


The ncclGroupStart call starts a group call.

All subsequent calls to NCCL may not block due to inter-CPU synchronization.

ncclResult_t ncclGroupStart();


The ncclGroupEnd call ends a group call.

The ncclGroupEnd call returns when all operations since ncclGroupStart have been processed. This means communication primitives have been enqueued to the provided streams, but are not necessary complete. When used with ncclCommInitRank, it means all communicators have been initialized and are ready to be used.

When the ncclGroupEnd call is used with the ncclCommInitRank function, the ncclGroupEnd call waits for all communicators to be initialized.
ncclResult_t ncclGroupEnd();


The following types are used by the CUDA library. These types are useful when configuring your collective operations.


NCCL defines the following integral and floating data-types.
Data-Type Description
ncclInt8, ncclChar Signed 8-bits integer.
ncclUint8 Unsigned 8-bits integer.
ncclInt32, ncclInt Signed 32-bits integer.
ncclUint32 Unsigned 32-bits integer.
ncclInt64 Signed 64-bits integer.
ncclUint64 Unsigned 64-bits integer.
ncclFloat16, ncclHalf 16-bits floating point number (half precision)
ncclFloat32, ncclFloat 32-bits floating point number (single precision)
ncclFloat64, ncclDouble 64-bits floating point number (double precision)


NCCL defines the following reduction operations.
Reduction Operation Description
ncclSum Perform a sum (+) operation.
ncclProd Perform a product (*) operation.
ncclMin Perform a min operation.
ncclMax Perform a max operation.


NCCL functions always return an error code of type ncclResult_t.

If the NCCL_DEBUG environment variable is set to WARN, whenever a function returns an error, NCCL should print the reason.

Return Code Description
ncclSuccess The operations completed successfully.
ncclUnhandledCudaError A call to CUDA returned a fatal error for the NCCL operation.
ncclSystemError A call to the system returned a fatal error for the NCCL operation.
ncclInternalError NCCL experienced an internal error.
ncclInvalidArgument The user has supplied an invalid argument.
ncclInvalidUsage The user has used NCCL in an invalid manner.


NCCL defines two constants NCCL_MAJOR and NCCL_MINOR to help distinguish between API changes, in particular between NCCL 1.x and NCCL 2.x.