
This NVIDIA Data Loading Library (DALI) 0.1 Developer Guide demonstrates how to define, build, and run a DALI pipeline, as a single library, that can be integrated into different deep learning training and inference applications. By exposing optimized building blocks that are executed using an efficient engine, and enabling offloading of operations onto a GPU, DALI provides both performance and flexibility of accelerating different data pipelines. DALI is available as a beta release.

1. What Is DALI?

DALI is a data loading library that accelerates the preprocessing of input data for deep learning applications. By offloading augmentations onto GPUs, DALI addresses performance bottlenecks in today’s computer vision deep learning applications that include complex, multi-stage data augmentation steps. With DALI 0.1 beta release, deep learning researchers can scale training performance on image classification models such as ResNet-50 with MXNet™ , TensorFlow™ , and PyTorch™ across Amazon Web Services P3 8 GPU instances or DGX-1 systems with Volta architecture. Framework developers will have less duplication due to better code reuse and maintainability.

DALI offers both performance and flexibility of accelerating different data pipelines (graphs that can have multiple inputs and outputs), as a single library, that can be easily integrated into different deep learning training and inference applications.

1.1. Benefits Of DALI

There are 3 key factors that DALI brings to deep learning training and inference applications:
On dense GPU systems, deep learning applications can be significantly bottlenecked on the CPU, limiting the overall performance and scalability of training and inference tasks. DALI enables offloading key deep learning augmentation steps on to GPUs, alleviating CPU bottleneck on the deep learning preprocessing pipelines. This results in out-of-box performance of overall training workflow and efficient utilization of multi-GPU resources on the system.
Drop-in Integration
DALI comes with built-in plugins for key frameworks such as MXNet, TensorFlow, and PyTorch™ . This enables automatic integration with frameworks so that researchers and developers can get up and running with DALI easily and quickly.
DALI supports multiple input data formats that are commonly used in computer vision deep learning applications, for example, JPEG images, raw formats, Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB), RecordIO and TFRecord. The flexibility of input data formats allows portability of training workflows across different frameworks and models, and helps to avoid intermediate data conversion steps. DALI enables better code reuse and maintainability with optimized building blocks and support for different data formats.

1.2. Where Does DALI Fit?

DALI focuses on data loading and augmentations, in other words, all the preprocessing stages before you start training your model.

Without DALI, a ResNet-50 model pipeline operations are primarily processed on CPUs. These functions are implemented differently in each of the frameworks and not currently optimized to scale across multi-GPU environments.
Figure 1. ResNet-50 pipeline without DALI ResNet-50 pipeline without DALI
With DALI, the same pipeline is now accelerated by offloading key augmentation functions onto the GPU. The hybrid approach of efficiently utilizing available CPU and GPU resources helps maximize the overall training and inference performance.
Figure 2. ResNet-50 pipeline with DALI ResNet-50 pipeline with DALI

1.3. How Do I Get DALI?

For step-by-step instructions on how to install DALI, see the DALI Quick Start Guide.

2. Getting Started With DALI

The following tasks assume you’ve already installed DALI. If you have not installed DALI, see the DALI Quick Start Guide.

The following sections highlight the user goals and tasks that you can perform with DALI. In DALI 0.1 beta release, you can define and execute a pipeline graph. In order to perform these tasks, ensure you have the following software installed:

To interact with the code, see the Getting Started Tutorial.

2.1. Defining A Pipeline Graph

DALI data pipelines are graphs that can have multiple outputs and inputs. Fundamentally, a pipeline can have multiple data processing connections where the output of one connection is the input of the next connection. The pipeline class contains all the necessary information and multiple functions related to defining, building and running the pipeline.

In order to create our own input and augmentation pipeline, we will make subclasses of it. The first step to running your data pipeline is to import DALI.
from dali.pipeline import Pipeline
Let’s define a simple pipeline for a classifier that determines whether a picture contains a cat or dog. Our pipeline is called SimplePipeline.
import os
import fnmatch

for root, dir, files in os.walk("images"):
        depth = root.count('/')
        ret = ""
        if depth > 0:
            ret += "  " * (depth - 1) + "|-"
        print ret + root
        for items in fnmatch.filter(files, "*"):
                print (" " * len(ret)) + "|-" + items
We prepared a directory structure that contains pictures of dogs and cats. The following output code shows the structure of our directory:
This pipeline will read images from the directory where the images are stored, decode them, and return (image, label) pairs.
import dali.ops as ops
import dali.types as types

image_dir = "images"
batch_size = 8

class SimplePipeline(Pipeline):
    def __init__(self, batch_size, num_threads, device_id):
        super(SimplePipeline, self).__init__(batch_size, num_threads, device_id, seed = 12)
        self.input = ops.FileReader(file_root = image_dir)
        self.decode = ops.HostDecoder(output_type = types.RGB)

    def define_graph(self):
        jpegs, labels = self.input()
        images = self.decode(jpegs)
        return (images, labels)

The SimplePipeline class is a subclass of dali.pipeline.Pipeline, which provides most of the methods to create and launch a pipeline. The only two methods we need to implement is the constructor, (__init__), and define_graph function.

Constructor Function

In the constructor function, we first call our superclass constructor, in order to set global parameters of the pipeline. The global parameters consist of:
  • batch size
  • number of threads used to perform computation on the CPU
  • which GPU device to use (SimplePipeline does not yet use GPU for compute though)
  • seed for random number generation
We also define member variables of our SimplePipeline class as operations defined in the dali.ops module. The member variables are:
Traverses the directory and returns pairs of (encoded image, label).
Takes an encoded image input and outputs decoded RGB image.

define_graph Function

In the define_graph function, we define the actual flow of computation. We use our input operation to create jpegs (encoded images) and labels.
jpegs, labels = self.input()
Next, we use the decode operation to create images (decoded RGB images).
images = self.decode(jpegs)
Finally, we specify which of the intermediate variables should be returned as outputs of the pipeline.
return (images, labels)

2.2. Building A Pipeline Graph

Before we can use our SimplePipeline, we need to build it by calling the build function.
pipe = SimplePipeline(batch_size, 1, 0)

2.3. Running A Pipeline Graph

We’re now ready to run our SimplePipeline and view the batch of results.
pipe_out = pipe.run()

The output of SimplePipeline is saved to the pipe_out variable. The output is a list of two elements since we specified two outputs in the define_graph function in the SimplePipeline class. Both of these elements are TensorListCPU objects; meaning, each element contains a list of tensors on the CPU.

In order to show the results (for debugging purposes since during the actual training we would not do this step because it would make our batch of images do a round trip from GPU to CPU and back), we can send our data from DALI's Tensor to NumPy array. Not every TensorList can be accessed that way though. TensorList is more general than NumPy array and can hold tensors with different shapes. In order to check whether we can send it to NumPy directly, we can call the is_dense_tensor function of TensorList.
images, labels = pipe_out
print("Images is_dense_tensor: " + str(images.is_dense_tensor()))
print("Labels is_dense_tensor: " + str(labels.is_dense_tensor()))

Images is_dense_tensor: False
Labels is_dense_tensor: True

As it turns out, TensorList containing labels can be represented by a tensor, while the TensorList containing images cannot.

Let us see, what is the shape and contents of the returned labels.
import numpy as np

labels_tensor = labels.as_tensor()

print (labels_tensor.shape())
print (np.array(labels_tensor))
In order to see the images, we will need to loop over all tensors contained in TensorList, accessed with its at method.
from __future__ import division
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

def show_images(image_batch):
    columns = 4
    rows = (batch_size + 1) // (columns)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (32,(32 // columns) * rows))
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(rows, columns)
    for j in range(rows*columns):

Figure 3. SimplePipeline results output SimplePipeline results output

3. Supported Operations

The following sections describe the operations that are supported by DALI. These operations enable you to create the desired input and augmentation pipeline.

3.1. Color Augmentation Operators

The color augmentation operators enable you to change the color of the image.

3.1.1. Brightness

The Brightness class controls the brightness of an image.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Brightness class.
Table 1. Brightness class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
brightness No Brightness change factor values >=0 are accepted. float or float tensor A value of 0 produces a black image.

A value of 1 is no change.

A value of 2 increases the light twice as much.

The default value is 1.000000.

image_type No The color space of the input and output image. dali.types.DALIImageType The default value is RGB.

3.1.2. Contrast

The Contrast class controls the color contrast of the image.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Contrast class.
Table 2. Contrast class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
contrast No Contrast change factor values >=0 are accepted. float or float tensor A value of 0 produces a gray image.

A value of 1 is no change.

A value of 2 increases the contrast twice as much.

The default value is 1.000000.

image_type No The color space of the input and output image. dali.types.DALIImageType The default value isRGB.

3.1.3. Hue

The Hue class controls the hue level of the image.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Hue class.
Table 3. Hue class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
hue No Hue change in angles. float or float tensor The default value is0.000000.
image_type No The color space of the input and output image. dali.types.DALIImageType The default value isRGB.

3.1.4. Saturation

The Saturation class controls the saturation level of the image.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Saturation class.
Table 4. Saturation class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
image_type No The color space of the input and output image. dali.types.DALIImageType The default value isRGB.
saturation No Saturation change factor. float or float tensor Values >=0 are supported. For example:

A value of 0 gives you a completely desaturated image.

A value of 1 is no change to the images saturation.

The default value is 1.000000.

3.2. Decoder Operators

The decoder operators enable you to decode encoded input into an image.

3.2.1. HostDecoder

The HostDecoder class decodes images on the host using OpenCV. When applicable, it will pass execution to faster, format-specific decoders, like libjpeg-turbo. Output of the decoder is in HWC ordering.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the HostDecoder class.
Table 5. HostDecoder class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
output_type No The color space of the output image. dali.types.DALIImageType The default value isRGB.

3.2.2. nvJPEGDecoder

The nvJPEGDecoder decodes JPEG images using the nvJPEG library. Output of the decoder is on the GPU and uses an HWC ordering.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the nvJPEGDecoder class.
Table 6. nvJPEGDecoder class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
output_type No The color space of the output image. dali.types.DALIImageType The default value isRGB.
use_batched_decode No Use nvJPEG's batched decoding API. bool The default value isFalse.

3.3. Displacement Operators

The displacement operators enable you to perform spatial transformations (such as rotation) of images.

3.3.1. Jitter

The Jitter class performs a random jitter augmentation. The output image is produced by moving each pixel by a random amount bounded by half of nDegree parameter (in both x and y dimensions).

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Jitter class.
Table 7. Jitter class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
fill_value No Color value used for padding pixels. float The default value is0.000000.
interp_type No Type of interpolation used. dali.types.DALIInterpType The default value isINTERP_NN.
mask No Whether to apply this augmentation to the input image or not. int or int tensor A value of 0 will not apply this transformation.

A value of 1 will apply this transformation.

The default value is1.

nDegree No Each pixel is moved by a random amount in range [-nDegree/2, nDegree/2]. int The default value is2.

3.3.2. Rotate

The Rotate class rotates the image.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Rotate class.
Table 8. Rotate class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
angle Yes Rotation angle. float or float tensor  
fill_value No Color value used for padding pixels. float The default value is0.000000.
interp_type No Type of interpolation used. dali.types.DALIInterpType The default value is INTERP_NN.
mask No Whether to apply this augmentation to the input image. int or int tensor A value of 0 will not apply this transformation.

A value of 1 will apply this transformation.

The default value is 1.

3.3.3. Sphere

The Sphere class performs a sphere augmentation.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Sphere class.
Table 9. Sphere class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
fill_value No Color value used for padding pixels. float The default value is 0.000000.
interp_type No Type of interpolation used. dali.types.DALIInterpType The default value is INTERP_NN.
mask No Whether to apply this augmentation to the input image. int or int tensor A value of 0 will not apply this transformation.

A value of 1 will apply this transformation.

The default value is 1.

3.3.4. WarpAffine

The WarpAffine class applies an affine transformation to the image.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the WarpAffine class.
Table 10. WarpAffine class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
matrix Yes Matrix of the transform (dst - src). list of float Given a list of values (M11, M12, M13, M21, M22, M23) this operation will produce a new image using the formula:
dst(x,y) = src(M11 * x + M12 * y + M13, M21 * x + M22 * y + M23)

It is equivalent to OpenCV's warpAffine operation with a flag WARP_INVERSE_MAP set.

fill_value No Color value used for padding pixels. float The default value is 0.000000.
interp_type No Type of interpolation used. dali.types.DALIInterpType The default value is INTERP_NN.
mask No Whether to apply this augmentation to the input image. int or int tensor A value of 0 will not apply this transformation.

A value of 1 will apply this transformation.

The default value is 1.

use_image_center No Whether to use the image center as the center of transformation. bool When set to true, the coordinates are calculated from the center of the image.

The default value is False.

3.3.5. Water

The Water class performs a water augmentation.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Water class.
Table 11. Water class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
ampl_x No Amplitude of the wave in x direction. float The default value is 10.000000.
ampl_y No Amplitude of the wave in y direction. float The default value is 10.000000.
fill_value No Color value used for padding pixels. float The default value is 0.000000.
freq_x No Frequency of the wave in x direction. float The default value is 0.049087.
freq_y No Frequency of the wave in y direction. float The default value is 0.049087.
interp_type No Type of interpolation used. dali.types.DALIInterpType The default value is INTERP_NN.
mask No Whether to apply this augmentation to the input image. int or int tensor A value of 0 will not apply this transformation.

A value of 1 will apply this transformation.

The default value is -1.

phase_x No Phase of the wave in x direction. float The default value is 0.000000.
phase_y No Phase of the wave in y direction. float The default value is 0.000000.

3.4. Normalize Operators

The normalize operators enable you to normalize the images with mean and standard deviation, as well as prepare them for ingestion in the framework by converting datatype to float and layout to NCHW.

3.4.1. CropMirrorNormalize

The CropMirrorNormalize class performs fused cropping, normalization, format conversion (NHWC to NCHW) if desired, and type casting. The normalization takes the input image and produces an output using the formula:
output = (input - mean) / std
The following table lists the supported parameters for the CropMirrorNormalize class.
Table 12. CropMirrorNormalize class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
crop Yes Size of the cropped image. int or list of int If only a single value of c is provided, the resulting crop will be a square with size (c, c).
mean Yes Mean pixel values for image normalization. list of float  
std Yes Standard deviation values for image normalization. list of float  
crop_pos_x No Horizontal position of the crop in image coordinates (0.0 - 1.0). float or float tensor The default value is 0.500000.
crop_pos_y No Vertical position of the crop in image coordinates (0.0 - 1.0). float or float tensor The default value is 0.500000.
image_type No The color space of the input and output image. dali.types.DALIImageType The default value is RGB.
mirror No Mask for horizontal flip. int or int tensor A value of 0 will not perform a horizontal flip for this image.

A value of 1 will perform a horizontal flip for this image.

The default value is 0.

output_dtype No Output data type. dali.types.DALIDataType The default value is FLOAT.
output_layout No Output tensor data type. dali.types.DALITensorLayout The default value is NCHW.
pad_output No Whether to pad the output to the number of channels being multiple of 4. bool The default value is False.

3.4.2. NormalizePermute

The NormalizePermute class performs fused normalization, format conversion from NHWC to NCHW and type casting. Normalization takes an input image and produces output using the formula:
output = (input - mean) / std
The following table lists the supported parameters for the NormalizePermute class.
Table 13. NormalizePermute class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
height Yes Height of the input image. int  
mean Yes Mean pixel values for image normalization. list of float  
std Yes Standard deviation values for image normalization. list of float  
width Yes Width of the input image. int  
image_type No The color space of the input and output image. dali.types.DALIImageType The default value is RGB.
output_dtype No Output data type. dali.types.DALIDataType The default value is FLOAT.

3.5. Reader Operators

The reader operators enable you to read data stored on the disk in various formats.

3.5.1. Caffe2Reader

The Caffe2Reader class reads the sample data from a Caffe2™ LMDB.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Caffe2Reader class.
Table 14. Caffe2Reader class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
path Yes Path to Caffe2 LMDB. string  
additional_inputs No Additional auxiliary data tensors provided for each sample. int The default value is 0.
bbox No Denotes if bounding-box information is present. bool The default value is False.
initial_fill No Size of the buffer used for shuffling. int The default value is 1024.
label_type No Enum describing the type of label stored in the dataset. int SINGLE_LABEL = 0 is a single integer label for multi-class classification.

MULTI_LABEL_SPARSE = 1 is a sparse active label indices for multi-label classification.

MULTI_LABEL_DENSE = 2 is a dense label embedding vector for label embedding regression.

MULTI_LABEL_WEIGHTED_SPARSE = 3 is a sparse active label indices with per-label weights for multi-label classification.

The default value is 0.

num_labels No

This parameter is required when sparse labels are used.

Number of classes in the dataset. int The default value is 1.
num_shards No Partitions the data into this many parts. int The default value is 1.
random_shuffle No Whether to shuffle data or not. bool The default value is False.
shard_id No The id of the part to read. int The default value is 0.
tensor_init_bytes No Hint for how much memory to allocate per image. int The default value is 1048576.

3.5.2. CaffeReader

The CaffeReader class reads (image and label) pairs from a Caffe™ LMDB.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the CaffeReader class.
Table 15. CaffeReader class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
path Yes Path to Caffe LMDB. string  
initial_fill No Size of the buffer used for shuffling. int The default value is 1024.
num_shards No Partitions the data into this many parts. int The default value is 1.
random_shuffle No Whether to shuffle data or not. bool The default value is False.
shard_id No The id of the part to read. int The default value is 0.
tensor_init_bytes No Hint for how much memory to allocate per image. int The default value is 1048576.

3.5.3. FileReader

The FileReader class reads (image and label) pairs from a directory.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the FileReader class.
Table 16. FileReader class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
file_root Yes Path to a directory containing data files. string  
file_list No Path to the file with a list of pairs file label. string Leave empty to traverse the file_root directory to obtain files and labels.
initial_fill No Size of the buffer used for shuffling. int The default value is 1024.
num_shards No Partitions the data into this many parts. int The default value is 1.
random_shuffle No Whether to shuffle data or not. bool The default value is False.
shard_id No The id of the part to read. int The default value is 0.
tensor_init_bytes No Hint for how much memory to allocate per image. int The default value is 1048576.

3.5.4. MXNetReader

The MXNetReader class reads sample data from an MXNet RecordIO.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the MXNetReader class.
Table 17. MXNetReader class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
index_path Yes List (of length 1) containing a path to index (.idx) file. It is generated by the MXNetim2rec.py script together with an RecordIO file. It can also be generated using the rec2idx script distributed with DALI. list of string  
path Yes List of paths to RecordIO files. list of string  
initial_fill No Size of the buffer used for shuffling. int The default value is 1024.
num_shards No Partitions the data into this many parts. int The default value is 1.
random_shuffle No Whether to shuffle data or not. bool The default value is False.
shard_id No The id of the part to read. int The default value is 0.
tensor_init_bytes No Hint for how much memory to allocate per image. int The default value is 1048576.

3.5.5. TFRecordReader

The TFRecordReader class reads sample data from a TensorFlow TFRecord file.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the TFRecordReader class.
Table 18. TFRecordReader class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
features Yes Dictionary of names and configuration of features existing in the TFRecord file. Typically obtained using helper functions dali.tfrecord.FixedLenFeature and dali.tfrecord.VarLenFeature, they are equivalent to TensorFlowtf.FixedLenFeature and tf.VarLenFeature functions respectively. dict of (string, dali.tfrecord.Feature)  
index_path Yes List of paths to index files (one index file for every TFRecord file). Index files may be obtained from the TFRecord files using the tfrecord2idx script distributed with DALI. list of string  
path Yes List of paths to TFRecord files. list of string  
initial_fill No Size of the buffer used for shuffling. int The default value is 1024.
num_shards No Partitions the data into this many parts. int The default value is 1.
random_shuffle No Whether to shuffle data or not. bool The default value is False.
shard_id No The id of the part to read. int The default value is 0.
tensor_init_bytes No Hint for how much memory to allocate per image. int The default value is 1048576.

3.6. Resize Operators

The resize operators enable you to resize images.

3.6.1. FastResizeCropMirror

The FastResizeCropMirror class performs a fused resize, crop, and mirror operation. It handles both fixed and random resizing and cropping. It also backprojects the desired crop through the resize operation to reduce the amount of work performed.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the FastResizeCropMirror class.
Table 19. FastResizeCropMirror class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
crop Yes Size of the cropped image. int or list of int If only a single value of c is provided, the resulting crop will be a square with size (c,c).
crop_pos_x No Horizontal position of the crop in image coordinates (0.0 - 1.0). float or float tensor The default value is 0.500000.
crop_pos_y No Vertical position of the crop in image coordinates (0.0 - 1.0). float or float tensor The default value is 0.500000.
mirror No Mask for horizontal flip. int or int tensor A value of 0 will not perform a horizontal flip for this image.

A value of 1 will perform a horizontal flip for this image.

The default value is 0.

resize_shorter No The length of the shorter dimension of the resized image. This option is mutually exclusive with resize_x and resize_y. The operation will keep the aspect ratio of the original image. float or float tensor The default value is 0.000000.
resize_x No The length of the X dimension of the resized image. This option is mutually exclusive with resize_shorter. If the resize_y is left at 0, then the operation will keep the aspect ratio of the original image. float or float tensor The default value is 0.000000.
resize_y No The length of the Y dimension of the resized image. This option is mutually exclusive with resize_shorter. If the resize_x is left at 0, then the operation will keep the aspect ratio of the original image. float or float tensor The default value is 0.000000.

3.6.2. RandomResizedCrop

The RandomResizedCrop class performs a crop with a randomly chosen area and aspect ratio, then resizes it to a given size.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the RandomResizedCrop class.
Table 20. RandomResizedCrop class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
size Yes Size of the resized image. list of float  
interp_type No Type of interpolation used. dali.types.DALIInterpType The default value is INTERP_LINEAR.
num_attempts No Maximum number of attempts used to choose random area and aspect ratio.

If the maximum number of attempts is reached without finding the crop that fits in the input image, then a square shaped crop from the center of the image is chosen instead. The square size is equal to the shorter side of the input image.

int The default value is 10.
random_area No Range from which to choose a random area factor A. Before resizing, the cropped images area will be equal to A * original images area. list of float The default value is [0.080000, 1.000000, ].
random_aspect_ratio No Range from which to choose the random aspect ratio. list of float The default value is [0.750000, 1.333333, ].

3.6.3. Resize

The Resize class resizes images. This class controls both fixed and random resizes, along with fuse cropping (random and fixed), and image mirroring.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Resize class.
Table 21. Resize class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
resize_a Yes Lower bound for resize. int If neither random_resize nor warp_resize is set, then the shorter side of the input image is resized to resize_a and resize_b is ignored.

If warp_image is set and random_resize is not set, then the input image is resized so that the height is resize_a and the width is resize_b.

If random_resize is set and warp_resize is not set, then the shorter side of the input image is resized to a random value between [resize_a, resize_b].

If both random_resize and warp_resize are set, then both sides of the input image are resized to random values in range [resize_a, resize_b].

resize_b Yes Upper bound for resize. int If neither random_resize nor warp_resize is set, then this parameter is ignored.

If warp_image is set and random_resize is not set, then the input image is resized so that the height is resize_a and the width is resize_b.

If random_resize is set and warp_resize is not set, then the shorter side of the input image is resized to a random value between [resize_a, resize_b].

If both random_resize and warp_resize are set, then both sides of the input image are resized to random values in range [resize_a, resize_b].

image_type No The color space of the input and output image. dali.types.DALIImageType The default value is RGB.
interp_type No Type of interpolation used. dali.types.DALIInterpType The default value is INTERP_LINEAR
random_resize No Whether to randomly resize images or not. bool The default value is False.
save_attrs No Save the reshape attributes for testing. bool The default value is False.
warp_resize No Whether to modify the aspect ratio of the image. bool The default value is False.

3.6.4. ResizeCropMirror

The ResizeCropMirror class performs a fused resize, crop, and mirror operation. It handles both fixed and random resizing and cropping.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the ResizeCropMirror class.
Table 22. ResizeCropMirror class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
crop Yes Size of the cropped image. int or list of int If only a single value of c is provided, the resulting crop will be a square with size (c,c).
crop_pos_x No Horizontal position of the crop in image coordinates (0.0 - 1.0). float or float tensor The default value is 0.500000.
crop_pos_y No Vertical position of the crop in image coordinates (0.0 - 1.0). float or float tensor The default value is 0.500000.
mirror No Mask for horizontal flip. int or int tensor A value of 0 will not perform a horizontal flip for this image.

A value of 1 will perform a horizontal flip for this image.

The default value is 0.

resize_shorter No The length of the shorter dimension of the resized image. This option is mutually exclusive with resize_x and resize_y. The operation will keep the aspect ratio of the original image. float The default value is 0.000000.
resize_x No The length of the X dimension of the resized image. This option is mutually exclusive with resize_shorter. If the resize_y is left at 0, then the operation will keep the aspect ratio of the original image. float The default value is 0.000000.
resize_y No The length of the Y dimension of the resized image. This option is mutually exclusive with resize_shorter. If the resize_x is left at 0, then the operation will keep the aspect ratio of the original image. float The default value is 0.000000.

3.7. Support Operators

The support operators are a class of operators, the result of which can be used as arguments to other functions. Currently only Random Number Generators are members of this class.

3.7.1. CoinFlip

The CoinFlip class produces tensor filled with 0 and 1; the results of a random coin flip. It's useable as an argument for select operations.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the CoinFlip class.
Table 23. CoinFlip class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
probability No Probability of returning 1. float The default value is 0.500000.

3.7.2. Uniform

The Uniform class produces tensors that are filled with uniformly distributed random numbers.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Uniform class.
Table 24. Uniform class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
range No Range of produced random numbers. list of float The default value is [-1.000000, 1.000000, ].

3.8. Utility Operators

The utility operators is a collection of common operations to help with casting, copying, and debugging.

3.8.1. Cast

The Cast class casts the tensor to a different type.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the Cast class.
Table 25. Cast class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
dtype Yes Output data type. dali.types.DALIDataType  

3.8.2. Copy

The Copy class makes a copy of the input tensor.

There are no parameters for this class.

3.8.3. DummyOp

The DummyOp class is the dummy operator for testing.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the DummyOp class.
Table 26. DummyOp class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
num_outputs No Number of outputs.   The default value is2.

3.8.4. DumpImage

The DumpImage class saves the images in batch to disk in PPM format.

The following table lists the supported parameters for the DumpImage class.
Table 27. DumpImage class parameters
Parameter Required Description Type Values
input_layout No Layout of input images. dali.types.DALITensorLayout The default value isNHWC.
suffix No Suffix to be added to the output file names. string  

3.8.5. ExternalSource

The ExternalSource class enables externally provided data to be passed as an input to the pipeline.

There are no parameters for this class.

4. Samples

The dali/examples directory contains a series of examples, in the form of Jupyter notebooks, that show different features of DALI. The examples also show how to use DALI to interface with the deep learning frameworks.

4.1. Working With Deep Learning Frameworks

DALI enables frameworks, such as MXNet, PyTorch, and TensorFlow, to bypass the native input data pipeline across deep learning tasks such as managing data, designing, and training neural networks on multi-GPU systems.

In order to minimize the steps needed to replace the native data pipeline in deep learning frameworks, DALI provides a built-in plugins to simplify integration into MXNet, PyTorch, and TensorFlow frameworks.

4.4. Data Loading: TFRecord

What Does This Sample Do?

The DataLoading-TFRecord.ipynb sample demonstrates how to use DALI with data stored in TensorFlow TFRecord file format.

Where Is This Sample Located?

The DataLoading-TFRecord.ipynb sample is located in the examples directory.

4.1.2. PyTorch: Execute ResNet-50 Pipeline

What Does This Sample Do?

The Pytorch-ResNet50.md sample uses the results from a DALI pipeline to train a classification model, such as ResNet-50, using PyTorch.

Where Is This Sample Located?

The Pytorch-ResNet50.md sample is located in the examples/pytorch/ directory.

4.1.3. TensorFlow: Execute ResNet-50 Pipeline

What Does This Sample Do?

DALI provides a custom TensorFlow op called DALIIterator. The purpose of the DALIIterator op is to understand both DALI tensors and TensorFlow tensors and transform one into the other.

The TensorFlow-ResNet50.ipynb sample demonstrates how to use DALI with TensorFlow training. There are three parts to this sample:
  • Define the DALI pipeline
  • Give the pipeline to the custom op
  • Use the custom op in a TensorFlow graph to train a classification model, such as ResNet-50.

Where Is This Sample Located?

The TensorFlow-ResNet50.ipynb sample is located in the examples/tensorflow/ directory.

4.2. Data Loading: LMDB

What Does This Sample Do?

The DataLoading-LMDB.ipynb sample demonstrates how to use DALI with data stored in LMDB in either Caffe or Caffe2 format.

Where Is This Sample Located?

The DataLoading-LMDB.ipynb sample is located in the examples directory.

4.3. Data Loading: RecordIO

What Does This Sample Do?

The DataLoading-RecordIO.ipynb sample demonstrates how to use DALI with data stored in MXNet RecordIO file format.

Where Is This Sample Located?

The DataLoading-RecordIO.ipynb sample is located in the examples directory.

4.1.1. MXNet: Execute ResNet-50 Pipeline

What Does This Sample Do?

The MXNet-ResNet50.ipynb sample uses the results from a DALI pipeline to train a classification model, such as ResNet-50, using MXNet.

Where Is This Sample Located?

The MXNet-ResNet50.ipynb sample is located in the examples/mxnet/ directory.

4.5. Serialization

What Does This Sample Do?

The Serialization.ipynb sample demonstrates how to serialize the pipeline defined in Python so you can use it with either C API or training with TensorFlow.

Where Is This Sample Located?

The Serialization.ipynb sample is located in the examples directory.





NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that the product described in this guide will be suitable for any specified use without further testing or modification. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer and to do the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/or requirements beyond those contained in this guide. NVIDIA does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this guide, or (ii) customer product designs.

Other than the right for customer to use the information in this guide with the product, no other license, either expressed or implied, is hereby granted by NVIDIA under this guide. Reproduction of information in this guide is permissible only if reproduction is approved by NVIDIA in writing, is reproduced without alteration, and is accompanied by all associated conditions, limitations, and notices.


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