Installing TensorRT-Cloud CLI


  1. Install Linux, Windows, or MacOS.

  2. Install Python 3.8 or above.

  3. For refit support through CLI, the tensorrt or tensorrt-lean Python package must be installed with the version matching the TensorRT engine. The tensorrt-lean package is required for refitting version-compatible engines (those built with the --vc trtexec flag), and tensorrt is required for refitting non-version-compatible engines. Currently, we support TensorRT 10.0.1.

    python3 -m pip install tensorrt==10.0.1
    python3 -m pip install tensorrt-lean==10.0.1


refit is not supported on MacOS as TensorRT does not support MacOS.


The TensorRT-Cloud CLI tool is distributed as a Python wheel, packaged in a tar file. To get access to the tar, refer to Getting TensorRT-Cloud Access.

  1. Use pip to install.

    python3 -m pip install trt-cloud
  2. Verify the TensorRT-Cloud CLI tool was installed successfully.

    trt-cloud --version
  3. Get an overview of the CLI usage.

    trt-cloud --help