TensorRT 10.4.0
NvInferSafeRuntime.h File Reference
#include "NvInferRuntimeBase.h"
#include "NvInferRuntimePlugin.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>

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class  nvinfer1::safe::IRuntime
 Allows a serialized functionally safe engine to be deserialized. More...
class  nvinfer1::safe::ICudaEngine
 A functionally safe engine for executing inference on a built network. More...
struct  nvinfer1::safe::RuntimeErrorInformation
 Space to record information about runtime errors. More...
class  nvinfer1::safe::IExecutionContext
 Functionally safe context for executing inference using an engine. More...
class  nvinfer1::safe::IPluginRegistry
 Single registration point for all plugins in an application. It is used to find plugin implementations during engine deserialization. Internally, the plugin registry is considered to be a singleton so all plugins in an application are part of the same global registry. Note that the plugin registry is only supported for plugins of type IPluginV2 and must also have a corresponding IPluginCreator implementation. More...
class  nvinfer1::safe::PluginRegistrar< T >
 Register the plugin creator to the registry The static registry object will be instantiated when the plugin library is loaded. This static object will register all creators available in the library to the registry. More...


namespace  nvinfer1
 The TensorRT API version 1 namespace.
namespace  nvinfer1::safe
 The safety subset of TensorRT's API version 1 namespace.


#define REGISTER_SAFE_TENSORRT_PLUGIN(name)    static nvinfer1::safe::PluginRegistrar<name> pluginRegistrar##name {}


enum class  nvinfer1::safe::RuntimeErrorType : uint64_t {
  nvinfer1::safe::kNAN_CONSUMED = 1ULL << 0 , nvinfer1::safe::kINF_CONSUMED = 1ULL << 1 , nvinfer1::safe::kGATHER_OOB = 1ULL << 2 , nvinfer1::safe::kSCATTER_OOB = 1ULL << 3 ,
  nvinfer1::safe::kSCATTER_RACE = 1ULL << 4
 Enum to represent runtime error types. More...


IRuntime * nvinfer1::safe::createInferRuntime (ILogger &logger) noexcept
 Create an instance of a safe::IRuntime class. More...
IPluginRegistry * nvinfer1::safe::getSafePluginRegistry () noexcept
 Return the safe plugin registry. More...

Detailed Description

The functionality in this file is only supported in NVIDIA Drive(R) products.

Macro Definition Documentation




#define REGISTER_SAFE_TENSORRT_PLUGIN (   name)     static nvinfer1::safe::PluginRegistrar<name> pluginRegistrar##name {}

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