TensorRT 10.2.0
IErrorRecorder Class Reference

Reference counted application-implemented error reporting interface for TensorRT objects. More...

#include <NvInferRuntimeBase.h>

Detailed Description

Reference counted application-implemented error reporting interface for TensorRT objects.

The error reporting mechanism is a user-defined object that interacts with the internal state of the object that it is assigned to in order to determine information about abnormalities in execution. The error recorder gets both an error enum that is more descriptive than pass/fail and also a string description that gives more detail on the exact failure modes. In the safety context, the error strings are all limited to 128 bytes or less in length, including the NULL terminator.

The ErrorRecorder gets passed along to any class that is created from another class that has an ErrorRecorder assigned to it. For example, assigning an ErrorRecorder to an IBuilder allows all INetwork's, ILayer's, and ITensor's to use the same error recorder. For functions that have their own ErrorRecorder accessor functions. This allows registering a different error recorder or de-registering of the error recorder for that specific object.

ErrorRecorder objects that are used in the safety runtime must define an implementation-dependent upper limit of errors whose information can be stored, and drop errors above this upper limit. The limit must fit in int32_t. The IErrorRecorder::hasOverflowed() method is used to signal that one or more errors have been dropped.

The ErrorRecorder object implementation must be thread safe. All locking and synchronization is pushed to the interface implementation and TensorRT does not hold any synchronization primitives when calling the interface functions.

The lifetime of the ErrorRecorder object must exceed the lifetime of all TensorRT objects that use it.

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