TensorRT 10.2.0
INonZero Class Reference

A NonZero layer in a network. More...

#include <NvInfer.h>

Detailed Description

A NonZero layer in a network.

This layer gets the positions of elements that are non-zero in the input. For boolean input, "non-zero" means "true". Semantics are similar to ONNX NonZero.

The input may have type kFLOAT, kHALF, kINT32, or kBOOL.

The output is a matrix of type kINT32. For an input with dimensions [L1, L2, ..., Lm], the output has dimensions [m,n], where n is the number of non-zero elements. I.e., each column denotes a m-D position.

The columns are lexically ordered. E.g., a column with [3,2,4,7] precedes a column with [3,2,5,6].

Tip: "compress" can be implemented with INonZero+IShuffle+Gather. For example, to compress a tensor x over axis k using mask vector v, use nonzero(v) to compute the subscripts, shuffle with reshape dimensions = [-1] to make the subscripts 1D, and then gather with the subscripts.

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