TensorRT 10.8.0
IProgressMonitor Class Reference

Application-implemented progress reporting interface for TensorRT. More...

#include <NvInfer.h>

Detailed Description

Application-implemented progress reporting interface for TensorRT.

The IProgressMonitor is a user-defined object that TensorRT uses to report back when an internal algorithm has started or finished a phase to help provide feedback on the progress of the optimizer.

The IProgressMonitor will trigger its start function when a phase is entered and will trigger its finish function when that phase is exited. Each phase consists of one or more steps. When each step is completed, the stepComplete function is triggered. This will allow an application using the builder to communicate progress relative to when the optimization step is expected to complete.

The implementation of IProgressMonitor must be thread-safe so that it can be called from multiple internal threads. The lifetime of the IProgressMonitor must exceed the lifetime of all TensorRT objects that use it.

To ensure compatibility of source code with future versions of TensorRT, use IProgressMonitor, not v_1_0::IProgressMonitor

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