TensorRT 10.8.0
This is the complete list of members for nvinfer1::IResizeLayer, including all inherited members.
getCoordinateTransformation() const noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
getCubicCoeff() const noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
getExcludeOutside() const noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
getInput(int32_t index) const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
getMetadata() const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
getName() const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
getNbInputs() const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
getNbOutputs() const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
getNearestRounding() const noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
getOutput(int32_t index) const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
getOutputDimensions() const noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
getOutputType(int32_t index) const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
getPrecision() const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
getResizeMode() const noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
getScales(int32_t size, float *scales) const noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
getSelectorForSinglePixel() const noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
getType() const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
INoCopy()=default | nvinfer1::INoCopy | protected |
INoCopy(INoCopy const &other)=delete | nvinfer1::INoCopy | protected |
INoCopy(INoCopy &&other)=delete | nvinfer1::INoCopy | protected |
mImpl | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | protected |
mLayer | nvinfer1::ILayer | protected |
operator=(INoCopy const &other)=delete | nvinfer1::INoCopy | protected |
operator=(INoCopy &&other)=delete | nvinfer1::INoCopy | protected |
outputTypeIsSet(int32_t index) const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
precisionIsSet() const noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
resetOutputType(int32_t index) noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
resetPrecision() noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
setCoordinateTransformation(ResizeCoordinateTransformation coordTransform) noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
setCubicCoeff(float A) noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
setExcludeOutside(bool excludeFlag) noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
setInput(int32_t index, ITensor &tensor) noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
setMetadata(char const *metadata) noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
setName(char const *name) noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
setNearestRounding(ResizeRoundMode value) noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
setOutputDimensions(Dims const &dimensions) noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
setOutputType(int32_t index, DataType dataType) noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
setPrecision(DataType dataType) noexcept | nvinfer1::ILayer | inline |
setResizeMode(InterpolationMode interpolationMode) noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
setScales(float const *scales, int32_t nbScales) noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
setSelectorForSinglePixel(ResizeSelector selector) noexcept | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | inline |
~ILayer() noexcept=default | nvinfer1::ILayer | protectedvirtual |
~INoCopy()=default | nvinfer1::INoCopy | protectedvirtual |
~IResizeLayer() noexcept=default | nvinfer1::IResizeLayer | protectedvirtual |
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