TensorRT 10.5.0
nvinfer1::INoCopy Class Reference

Forward declaration of IEngineInspector for use by other interfaces. More...

#include <NvInferRuntime.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvinfer1::INoCopy:
nvinfer1::IAlgorithm nvinfer1::IAlgorithmContext nvinfer1::IAlgorithmIOInfo nvinfer1::IAlgorithmVariant nvinfer1::IBuilder nvinfer1::IBuilderConfig nvinfer1::ICudaEngine nvinfer1::IDimensionExpr nvinfer1::IEngineInspector nvinfer1::IExecutionContext nvinfer1::IExprBuilder nvinfer1::IHostMemory nvinfer1::IIfConditional nvinfer1::ILayer nvinfer1::ILoop nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition nvinfer1::IOptimizationProfile nvinfer1::IRefitter nvinfer1::IRuntime nvinfer1::ISerializationConfig nvinfer1::ITensor nvinfer1::ITimingCache

Protected Member Functions

 INoCopy ()=default
virtual ~INoCopy ()=default
 INoCopy (INoCopy const &other)=delete
INoCopyoperator= (INoCopy const &other)=delete
 INoCopy (INoCopy &&other)=delete
INoCopyoperator= (INoCopy &&other)=delete

Detailed Description

Forward declaration of IEngineInspector for use by other interfaces.

Base class for all TensorRT interfaces that are implemented by the TensorRT libraries

Objects of such classes are not movable or copyable, and should only be manipulated via pointers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ INoCopy() [1/3]

nvinfer1::INoCopy::INoCopy ( )

◆ ~INoCopy()

virtual nvinfer1::INoCopy::~INoCopy ( )

◆ INoCopy() [2/3]

nvinfer1::INoCopy::INoCopy ( INoCopy const &  other)

◆ INoCopy() [3/3]

nvinfer1::INoCopy::INoCopy ( INoCopy &&  other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

INoCopy & nvinfer1::INoCopy::operator= ( INoCopy &&  other)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

INoCopy & nvinfer1::INoCopy::operator= ( INoCopy const &  other)

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