36class IExecutionContext;
39class IEngineInspector;
105 static constexpr int32_t kVALUE = 3;
149 return mImpl->data();
153 std::size_t
size() const noexcept
155 return mImpl->size();
161 return mImpl->type();
215 static constexpr int32_t kVALUE = 2;
239 return mImpl->isConstant();
250 return mImpl->getConstantValue();
265 return mImpl->isSizeTensor();
294 return mImpl->constant(value);
306 return mImpl->operation(op, first, second);
340 return mImpl->declareSizeTensor(outputIndex, opt, upper);
436 int32_t outputIndex,
DimsExprs const* inputs, int32_t nbInputs,
IExprBuilder& exprBuilder) noexcept = 0;
441 static constexpr int32_t kFORMAT_COMBINATION_LIMIT = 100;
475 virtual
bool supportsFormatCombination(
476 int32_t pos,
PluginTensorDesc const* inOut, int32_t nbInputs, int32_t nbOutputs) noexcept = 0;
528 int32_t nbOutputs) const noexcept = 0;
543 void const* const* inputs,
void* const* outputs,
void* workspace, cudaStream_t stream) noexcept = 0;
553 int32_t getTensorRTVersion() const noexcept
567 bool const*,
PluginFormat, int32_t)
noexcept override final
582 Dims getOutputDimensions(int32_t,
Dims const*, int32_t)
noexcept override final
594 TRT_DEPRECATED bool isOutputBroadcastAcrossBatch(int32_t,
bool const*, int32_t)
const noexcept override final
606 TRT_DEPRECATED bool canBroadcastInputAcrossBatch(int32_t)
const noexcept override final
614 size_t getWorkspaceSize(int32_t)
const noexcept override final
622 int32_t enqueue(int32_t,
void const*
void*, cudaStream_t)
noexcept override final
656 virtual int64_t
void* destination, int64_t nbBytes) = 0;
722 virtual int64_t
void* destination, int64_t nbBytes, cudaStream_t stream)
noexcept = 0;
821 virtual
AsciiChar const* getPluginVersion() const noexcept = 0;
832 virtual
AsciiChar const* getPluginNamespace() const noexcept = 0;
843 static constexpr int32_t kDEFAULT_FORMAT_COMBINATION_LIMIT = 100;
892 DataType* outputTypes, int32_t nbOutputs,
const DataType* inputTypes, int32_t nbInputs)
const noexcept = 0;
915 int32_t nbShapeInputs,
DimsExprs* outputs, int32_t nbOutputs,
IExprBuilder& exprBuilder)
noexcept = 0;
1114 void const*
const* inputs,
const* outputs,
void* workspace, cudaStream_t stream)
noexcept = 0;
1496 static constexpr int32_t kVALUE = 13;
1518 static constexpr int32_t kVALUE = 1;
1600 static constexpr int32_t kVALUE = 5;
1635 uint64_t
const size, uint64_t
const alignment,
AllocatorFlags const flags)
noexcept = 0;
1677 virtual void*
const , uint64_t , uint64_t )
1731 uint64_t
const size, uint64_t
const alignment,
AllocatorFlags const flags, cudaStream_t )
1733 return allocate(size, alignment, flags);
1765 return deallocate(memory);
1773 return {
"IGpuAllocator", 1, 0};
1832 void setDLACore(int32_t dlaCore) noexcept
1834 mImpl->setDLACore(dlaCore);
1844 return mImpl->getDLACore();
1852 return mImpl->getNbDLACores();
1867 mImpl->setGpuAllocator(allocator);
1886 mImpl->setErrorRecorder(recorder);
1901 return mImpl->getErrorRecorder();
1916 return mImpl->deserializeCudaEngine(blob, size);
1937 return mImpl->deserializeCudaEngine(streamReader);
1958 return mImpl->deserializeCudaEngineV2(streamReader);
1968 return mImpl->getLogger();
1983 return mImpl->setMaxThreads(maxThreads);
1997 return mImpl->getMaxThreads();
2032 return mImpl->setTemporaryDirectory(path);
2043 return mImpl->getTemporaryDirectory();
2059 return mImpl->setTempfileControlFlags(flags);
2071 return mImpl->getTempfileControlFlags();
2081 return mImpl->getPluginRegistry();
2111 return mImpl->setEngineHostCodeAllowed(allowed);
2121 return mImpl->getEngineHostCodeAllowed();
2157 return mImpl->setWeights(layerName, role, weights);
2174 return mImpl->refitCudaEngine();
2195 return mImpl->getMissing(size, layerNames, roles);
2212 return mImpl->getAll(size, layerNames, roles);
2234 return mImpl->setDynamicRange(tensorName, min, max);
2250 return mImpl->getDynamicRangeMin(tensorName);
2266 return mImpl->getDynamicRangeMax(tensorName);
2284 return mImpl->getTensorsWithDynamicRange(size, tensorNames);
2303 mImpl->setErrorRecorder(recorder);
2318 return mImpl->getErrorRecorder();
2343 return mImpl->setNamedWeights(name, weights);
2363 return mImpl->getMissingWeights(size, weightsNames);
2379 return mImpl->getAllWeights(size, weightsNames);
2389 return mImpl->getLogger();
2405 return mImpl->setMaxThreads(maxThreads);
2419 return mImpl->getMaxThreads();
2446 return mImpl->setNamedWeightsWithLocation(name, weights, location);
2462 return mImpl->getNamedWeights(weightsName);
2478 return mImpl->getWeightsLocation(weightsName);
2494 return mImpl->unsetNamedWeights(weightsName);
2510 return mImpl->setWeightsValidation(weightsValidation);
2518 return mImpl->getWeightsValidation();
2540 return mImpl->refitCudaEngineAsync(stream);
2558 return mImpl->getWeightsPrototype(weightsName);
2647 return mImpl->setDimensions(inputName, select, dims);
2659 return mImpl->getDimensions(inputName, select);
2705 char const* inputName,
OptProfileSelector select, int32_t
const* values, int32_t nbValues)
2707 return mImpl->setShapeValues(inputName, select, values, nbValues);
2720 return mImpl->getNbShapeValues(inputName);
2732 return mImpl->getShapeValues(inputName, select);
2750 return mImpl->setExtraMemoryTarget(target);
2762 return mImpl->getExtraMemoryTarget();
2779 return mImpl->isValid();
2910 return mImpl->setFlags(serializationFlags);
2922 return mImpl->getFlags();
2934 return mImpl->clearFlag(serializationFlag);
2946 return mImpl->setFlag(serializationFlag);
2958 return mImpl->getFlag(serializationFlag);
3016 Dims getTensorShape(
char const* tensorName) const noexcept
3018 return mImpl->getTensorShape(tensorName);
3033 return mImpl->getTensorDataType(tensorName);
3047 return mImpl->getNbLayers();
3061 return mImpl->serialize();
3079 return mImpl->createExecutionContext(strategy);
3096 return mImpl->getTensorLocation(tensorName);
3116 return mImpl->isShapeInferenceIO(tensorName);
3130 return mImpl->getTensorIOMode(tensorName);
3142 return mImpl->createExecutionContextWithoutDeviceMemory();
3154 return mImpl->getDeviceMemorySize();
3166 return mImpl->getDeviceMemorySizeForProfile(profileIndex);
3182 return mImpl->getDeviceMemorySizeV2();
3198 return mImpl->getDeviceMemorySizeForProfileV2(profileIndex);
3208 return mImpl->isRefittable();
3229 return mImpl->getTensorBytesPerComponent(tensorName);
3247 return mImpl->getTensorBytesPerComponentV2(tensorName, profileIndex);
3268 return mImpl->getTensorComponentsPerElement(tensorName);
3286 return mImpl->getTensorComponentsPerElementV2(tensorName, profileIndex);
3301 return mImpl->getTensorFormat(tensorName);
3315 return mImpl->getTensorFormatV2(tensorName, profileIndex);
3339 return mImpl->getTensorFormatDesc(tensorName);
3362 return mImpl->getTensorFormatDescV2(tensorName, profileIndex);
3379 return mImpl->getTensorVectorizedDim(tensorName);
3395 return mImpl->getTensorVectorizedDimV2(tensorName, profileIndex);
3410 return mImpl->getName();
3421 return mImpl->getNbOptimizationProfiles();
3441 return mImpl->getProfileShape(tensorName, profileIndex, select);
3464 return mImpl->getProfileTensorValues(tensorName, profileIndex, select);
3479 return mImpl->getEngineCapability();
3498 return mImpl->setErrorRecorder(recorder);
3513 return mImpl->getErrorRecorder();
3527 return mImpl->hasImplicitBatchDimension();
3543 return mImpl->getTacticSources();
3555 return mImpl->getProfilingVerbosity();
3565 return mImpl->createEngineInspector();
3578 return mImpl->getNbIOTensors();
3590 return mImpl->getIOTensorName(index);
3603 return mImpl->getHardwareCompatibilityLevel();
3618 return mImpl->getNbAuxStreams();
3628 return mImpl->createSerializationConfig();
3644 return mImpl->serializeWithConfig(config);
3689 return mImpl->setWeightStreamingBudget(gpuMemoryBudget);
3709 return mImpl->getWeightStreamingBudget();
3732 return mImpl->getMinimumWeightStreamingBudget();
3748 return mImpl->getStreamableWeightsSize();
3790 return mImpl->setWeightStreamingBudgetV2(gpuMemoryBudget);
3808 return mImpl->getWeightStreamingBudgetV2();
3833 return mImpl->getWeightStreamingAutomaticBudget();
3861 return mImpl->getWeightStreamingScratchMemorySize();
3875 return mImpl->isDebugTensor(name);
3892 return {
"IOutputAllocator", 1, 0};
3915 char const* tensorName,
void* currentMemory, uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment)
3943 char const* tensorName,
void* currentMemory, uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment, cudaStream_t )
3945 return reallocateOutput(tensorName, currentMemory, size, alignment);
3979 return {
"IDebugListener", 1, 0};
3996 char const* name, cudaStream_t stream)
4033 void setDebugSync(
bool sync) noexcept
4035 mImpl->setDebugSync(sync);
4045 return mImpl->getDebugSync();
4055 mImpl->setProfiler(profiler);
4065 return mImpl->getProfiler();
4075 return mImpl->getEngine();
4089 mImpl->setName(name);
4099 return mImpl->getName();
4126 mImpl->setDeviceMemory(memory);
4148 return mImpl->setDeviceMemoryV2(memory, size);
4169 return mImpl->getTensorStrides(tensorName);
4184 return mImpl->getOptimizationProfile();
4202 return mImpl->setInputShape(tensorName, dims);
4239 return mImpl->getTensorShape(tensorName);
4255 return mImpl->allInputDimensionsSpecified();
4272 return mImpl->allInputShapesSpecified();
4291 mImpl->setErrorRecorder(recorder);
4306 return mImpl->getErrorRecorder();
4323 return mImpl->executeV2(bindings);
4367 return mImpl->setOptimizationProfileAsync(profileIndex, stream);
4383 mImpl->setEnqueueEmitsProfile(enqueueEmitsProfile);
4395 return mImpl->getEnqueueEmitsProfile();
4425 return mImpl->reportToProfiler();
4469 return mImpl->setTensorAddress(tensorName, data);
4486 return mImpl->getTensorAddress(tensorName);
4509 return mImpl->setOutputTensorAddress(tensorName, data);
4531 return mImpl->setInputTensorAddress(tensorName, data);
4550 return mImpl->getOutputTensorAddress(tensorName);
4581 int32_t
inferShapes(int32_t nbMaxNames,
char const** tensorNames)
4583 return mImpl->inferShapes(nbMaxNames, tensorNames);
4600 return mImpl->updateDeviceMemorySizeForShapes();
4616 return mImpl->setInputConsumedEvent(event);
4626 return mImpl->getInputConsumedEvent();
4645 return mImpl->setOutputAllocator(tensorName, outputAllocator);
4658 return mImpl->getOutputAllocator(tensorName);
4676 return mImpl->getMaxOutputSize(tensorName);
4696 return mImpl->setTemporaryStorageAllocator(allocator);
4706 return mImpl->getTemporaryStorageAllocator();
4730 return mImpl->enqueueV3(stream);
4746 mImpl->setPersistentCacheLimit(size);
4757 return mImpl->getPersistentCacheLimit();
4781 return mImpl->setNvtxVerbosity(verbosity);
4793 return mImpl->getNvtxVerbosity();
4824 mImpl->setAuxStreams(auxStreams, nbStreams);
4836 return mImpl->setDebugListener(listener);
4846 return mImpl->getDebugListener();
4865 return mImpl->setTensorDebugState(name, flag);
4878 return mImpl->setAllTensorsDebugState(flag);
4888 return mImpl->getDebugState(name);
4950 return mImpl->setExecutionContext(context);
4962 return mImpl->getExecutionContext();
4987 return mImpl->getLayerInformation(layerIndex, format);
5010 return mImpl->getEngineInformation(format);
5029 mImpl->setErrorRecorder(recorder);
5044 return mImpl->getErrorRecorder();
5057extern "C" TENSORRTAPI void* createInferRuntime_INTERNAL(
void* logger, int32_t version)
5063extern "C" TENSORRTAPI void* createInferRefitter_INTERNAL(
void* engine,
void* logger, int32_t version)
5115template <
typename T>
5131#define REGISTER_TENSORRT_PLUGIN(name) \
5132 static nvinfer1::PluginRegistrar<name> pluginRegistrar##name {}
5201 cudaStream_t )
noexcept override = 0;
5253 uint64_t
const size, uint64_t
const alignment,
AllocatorFlags const flags)
noexcept override
5255 return allocateAsync(size, alignment, flags,
5278 return deallocateAsync(memory,
5286 return {
"IGpuAllocator", 1, 0};
5334 virtual
AsciiChar const* getPluginName() const noexcept = 0;
5342 virtual
AsciiChar const* getPluginVersion() const noexcept = 0;
5350 virtual
AsciiChar const* getPluginNamespace() const noexcept = 0;
nvinfer1::ILogger * getLogger() noexcept
Return the logger object.
int32_t getInferLibMajorVersion() noexcept
Return the library major version number.
nvinfer1::IPluginRegistry * getPluginRegistry() noexcept
Return the plugin registry.
int32_t getInferLibPatchVersion() noexcept
Return the library patch version number.
int32_t getInferLibMinorVersion() noexcept
Return the library minor version number.
int32_t getInferLibBuildVersion() noexcept
Return the library build version number.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:59
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:91
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:45
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:46
Structure to define the dimensions of a tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:200
static constexpr int32_t MAX_DIMS
The maximum rank (number of dimensions) supported for a tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:203
Analog of class Dims with expressions instead of constants for the dimensions.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:350
IDimensionExpr const * d[Dims::MAX_DIMS]
The extent of each dimension.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:353
int32_t nbDims
The number of dimensions.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:352
An engine for executing inference on a built network, with functionally unsafe features.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3002
int32_t getTensorBytesPerComponent(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Return the number of bytes per component of an element, or -1 if the tensor is not vectorized or prov...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3227
ISerializationConfig * createSerializationConfig() noexcept
Create a serialization configuration object.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3626
TRT_DEPRECATED int64_t getWeightStreamingBudget() const noexcept
Returns the current weight streaming device memory budget in bytes.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3707
int32_t const * getProfileTensorValues(char const *tensorName, int32_t profileIndex, OptProfileSelector select) const noexcept
Get the minimum / optimum / maximum values (not dimensions) for an input tensor given its name under ...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3461
char const * getIOTensorName(int32_t index) const noexcept
Return name of an IO tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3588
int64_t getWeightStreamingBudgetV2() const noexcept
Returns the current weight streaming device memory budget in bytes.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3806
EngineCapability getEngineCapability() const noexcept
Determine what execution capability this engine has.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3477
IErrorRecorder * getErrorRecorder() const noexcept
Get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3511
TensorFormat getTensorFormat(char const *tensorName, int32_t profileIndex) const noexcept
Return the tensor format of given profile, or TensorFormat::kLINEAR if the provided name does not map...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3313
TRT_DEPRECATED bool hasImplicitBatchDimension() const noexcept
Query whether the engine was built with an implicit batch dimension.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3525
apiv::VCudaEngine * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3879
TRT_DEPRECATED size_t getDeviceMemorySizeForProfile(int32_t profileIndex) const noexcept
Return the maximum device memory required by the context for a profile.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3164
IExecutionContext * createExecutionContext(ExecutionContextAllocationStrategy strategy=ExecutionContextAllocationStrategy::kSTATIC) noexcept
Create an execution context and specify the strategy for allocating internal activation memory.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3076
char const * getTensorFormatDesc(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Return the human readable description of the tensor format, or empty string if the provided name does...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3337
Dims getProfileShape(char const *tensorName, int32_t profileIndex, OptProfileSelector select) const noexcept
Get the minimum / optimum / maximum dimensions for an input tensor given its name under an optimizati...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3439
bool setWeightStreamingBudgetV2(int64_t gpuMemoryBudget) noexcept
Limit the maximum amount of GPU memory usable for network weights in bytes.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3788
int32_t getNbAuxStreams() const noexcept
Return the number of auxiliary streams used by this engine.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3616
int64_t getStreamableWeightsSize() const noexcept
Get the total size in bytes of all streamable weights.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3746
DataType getTensorDataType(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Determine the required data type for a buffer from its tensor name.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3031
void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder *recorder) noexcept
Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3496
TacticSources getTacticSources() const noexcept
return the tactic sources required by this engine.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3541
IHostMemory * serializeWithConfig(ISerializationConfig &config) const noexcept
Serialize the network to a stream with the provided SerializationConfig.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3642
virtual ~ICudaEngine() noexcept=default
int64_t getWeightStreamingAutomaticBudget() const noexcept
TensorRT automatically determines a device memory budget for the model to run. The budget is close to...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3831
bool isDebugTensor(char const *name) const noexcept
Check if a tensor is marked as a debug tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3873
int32_t getTensorVectorizedDim(char const *tensorName, int32_t profileIndex) const noexcept
Return the dimension index that the buffer is vectorized of given profile, or -1 if the provided name...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3393
char const * getName() const noexcept
Returns the name of the network associated with the engine.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3408
ProfilingVerbosity getProfilingVerbosity() const noexcept
Return the ProfilingVerbosity the builder config was set to when the engine was built.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3553
bool isShapeInferenceIO(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
True if tensor is required as input for shape calculations or is output from shape calculations.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3114
int64_t getWeightStreamingScratchMemorySize() const noexcept
Returns the size of the scratch memory required by the current weight streaming budget.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3859
TRT_DEPRECATED bool setWeightStreamingBudget(int64_t gpuMemoryBudget) noexcept
Limit the maximum amount of GPU memory usable for network weights in bytes.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3687
int64_t getDeviceMemorySizeV2() const noexcept
Return the maximum device memory required by the context over all profiles.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3180
int32_t getTensorVectorizedDim(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Return the dimension index that the buffer is vectorized, or -1 if the provided name does not map to ...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3377
TRT_DEPRECATED size_t getDeviceMemorySize() const noexcept
Return the maximum device memory required by the context over all profiles.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3152
int32_t getTensorComponentsPerElement(char const *tensorName, int32_t profileIndex) const noexcept
Return the number of components included in one element of given profile, or -1 if tensor is not vect...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3284
int64_t getDeviceMemorySizeForProfileV2(int32_t profileIndex) const noexcept
Return the maximum device memory required by the context for a profile.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3196
TensorFormat getTensorFormat(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Return the tensor format, or TensorFormat::kLINEAR if the provided name does not map to an input or o...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3299
IHostMemory * serialize() const noexcept
Serialize the network to a stream.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3059
TensorLocation getTensorLocation(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Get whether an input or output tensor must be on GPU or CPU.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3094
IEngineInspector * createEngineInspector() const noexcept
Create a new engine inspector which prints the layer information in an engine or an execution context...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3563
int32_t getTensorBytesPerComponent(char const *tensorName, int32_t profileIndex) const noexcept
Return the number of bytes per component of an element given of given profile, or -1 if the tensor is...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3245
HardwareCompatibilityLevel getHardwareCompatibilityLevel() const noexcept
Return the hardware compatibility level of this engine.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3601
int32_t getNbOptimizationProfiles() const noexcept
Get the number of optimization profiles defined for this engine.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3419
TRT_DEPRECATED IExecutionContext * createExecutionContextWithoutDeviceMemory() noexcept
create an execution context without any device memory allocated
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3140
char const * getTensorFormatDesc(char const *tensorName, int32_t profileIndex) const noexcept
Return the human readable description of the tensor format of given profile, or empty string if the p...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3360
TRT_DEPRECATED int64_t getMinimumWeightStreamingBudget() const noexcept
The minimum number of bytes of GPU memory required by network weights for successful weight streaming...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3730
TensorIOMode getTensorIOMode(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Determine whether a tensor is an input or output tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3128
int32_t getNbLayers() const noexcept
Get the number of layers in the network.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3045
int32_t getNbIOTensors() const noexcept
Return number of IO tensors.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3576
int32_t getTensorComponentsPerElement(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Return the number of components included in one element, or -1 if tensor is not vectorized or if the ...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3266
bool isRefittable() const noexcept
Return true if an engine can be refit.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3206
An IDimensionExpr represents an integer expression constructed from constants, input dimensions,...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:232
bool isConstant() const noexcept
Return true if expression is a build-time constant.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:237
bool isSizeTensor() const noexcept
Return true if this denotes the value of a size tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:263
virtual ~IDimensionExpr() noexcept=default
apiv::VDimensionExpr * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:254
int64_t getConstantValue() const noexcept
Get the value of the constant.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:248
An engine inspector which prints out the layer information of an engine or an execution context.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4932
char const * getLayerInformation(int32_t layerIndex, LayerInformationFormat format) const noexcept
Get a string describing the information about a specific layer in the current engine or the execution...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4985
IErrorRecorder * getErrorRecorder() const noexcept
Get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5042
void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder *recorder) noexcept
Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5027
IExecutionContext const * getExecutionContext() const noexcept
Get the context currently being inspected.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4960
apiv::VEngineInspector * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5048
virtual ~IEngineInspector() noexcept=default
char const * getEngineInformation(LayerInformationFormat format) const noexcept
Get a string describing the information about all the layers in the current engine or the execution c...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5008
Context for executing inference using an engine, with functionally unsafe features.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4021
IOutputAllocator * getOutputAllocator(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Get output allocator associated with output tensor of given name, or nullptr if the provided name doe...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4656
IErrorRecorder * getErrorRecorder() const noexcept
Get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4304
bool reportToProfiler() const noexcept
Calculate layer timing info for the current optimization profile in IExecutionContext and update the ...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4423
virtual ~IExecutionContext() noexcept=default
void setDeviceMemory(void *memory) noexcept
Set the device memory for use by this execution context.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4124
TRT_DEPRECATED bool allInputShapesSpecified() const noexcept
Whether all input shape bindings have been specified.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4270
bool setTensorDebugState(char const *name, bool flag) noexcept
Set debug state of tensor given the tensor name.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4863
char const * getName() const noexcept
Return the name of the execution context.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4097
IGpuAllocator * getTemporaryStorageAllocator() const noexcept
Get allocator set by setTemporaryStorageAllocator.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4704
void setEnqueueEmitsProfile(bool enqueueEmitsProfile) noexcept
Set whether enqueue emits layer timing to the profiler.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4381
Dims getTensorShape(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Return the shape of the given input or output.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4237
bool getDebugState(char const *name) const noexcept
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4886
bool setInputShape(char const *tensorName, Dims const &dims) noexcept
Set shape of given input.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4200
bool executeV2(void *const *bindings) noexcept
Synchronously execute a network.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4321
bool getEnqueueEmitsProfile() const noexcept
Get the enqueueEmitsProfile state.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4393
void const * getTensorAddress(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Get memory address bound to given input or output tensor, or nullptr if the provided name does not ma...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4484
bool setOutputAllocator(char const *tensorName, IOutputAllocator *outputAllocator) noexcept
Set output allocator to use for output tensor of given name. Pass nullptr to outputAllocator to unset...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4643
bool setOptimizationProfileAsync(int32_t profileIndex, cudaStream_t stream) noexcept
Select an optimization profile for the current context with async semantics.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4365
apiv::VExecutionContext * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4892
bool setOutputTensorAddress(char const *tensorName, void *data) noexcept
Set the memory address for a given output tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4507
void setPersistentCacheLimit(size_t size) noexcept
Set the maximum size for persistent cache usage.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4744
size_t getPersistentCacheLimit() const noexcept
Get the maximum size for persistent cache usage.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4755
bool setAllTensorsDebugState(bool flag) noexcept
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4876
ICudaEngine const & getEngine() const noexcept
Get the associated engine.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4073
ProfilingVerbosity getNvtxVerbosity() const noexcept
Get the NVTX verbosity of the execution context.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4791
size_t updateDeviceMemorySizeForShapes() noexcept
Recompute the internal activation buffer sizes based on the current input shapes, and return the tota...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4598
void setAuxStreams(cudaStream_t *auxStreams, int32_t nbStreams) noexcept
Set the auxiliary streams that TensorRT should launch kernels on in the next enqueueV3() call.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4822
int64_t getMaxOutputSize(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Get upper bound on an output tensor's size, in bytes, based on the current optimization profile and i...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4674
int32_t inferShapes(int32_t nbMaxNames, char const **tensorNames) noexcept
Run shape calculations.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4581
bool setDebugListener(IDebugListener *listener) noexcept
Set DebugListener for this execution context.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4834
bool setTensorAddress(char const *tensorName, void *data) noexcept
Set memory address for given input or output tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4467
bool setTemporaryStorageAllocator(IGpuAllocator *allocator) noexcept
Specify allocator to use for internal temporary storage.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4694
void * getOutputTensorAddress(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Get memory address for given output.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4548
bool enqueueV3(cudaStream_t stream) noexcept
Enqueue inference on a stream.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4728
IDebugListener * getDebugListener() noexcept
Get the DebugListener of this execution context.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4844
int32_t getOptimizationProfile() const noexcept
Get the index of the currently selected optimization profile.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4182
bool setInputTensorAddress(char const *tensorName, void const *data) noexcept
Set memory address for given input.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4529
bool getDebugSync() const noexcept
Get the debug sync flag.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4043
bool setInputConsumedEvent(cudaEvent_t event) noexcept
Mark input as consumed.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4614
Dims getTensorStrides(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Return the strides of the buffer for the given tensor name.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4167
bool setNvtxVerbosity(ProfilingVerbosity verbosity) noexcept
Set the verbosity of the NVTX markers in the execution context.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4779
IProfiler * getProfiler() const noexcept
Get the profiler.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4063
void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder *recorder) noexcept
Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4289
void setDeviceMemoryV2(void *memory, int64_t size) noexcept
Set the device memory and its corresponding size for use by this execution context.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4146
bool allInputDimensionsSpecified() const noexcept
Whether all dynamic dimensions of input tensors have been specified.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4253
void setProfiler(IProfiler *profiler) noexcept
Set the profiler.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4053
void setName(char const *name) noexcept
Set the name of the execution context.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4087
cudaEvent_t getInputConsumedEvent() const noexcept
The event associated with consuming the input.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4624
Object for constructing IDimensionExpr.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:287
IDimensionExpr const * operation(DimensionOperation op, IDimensionExpr const &first, IDimensionExpr const &second) noexcept
Get the operation.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:303
virtual ~IExprBuilder() noexcept=default
IDimensionExpr const * constant(int64_t value) noexcept
Return pointer to IDimensionExp for given value.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:292
apiv::VExprBuilder * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:310
IDimensionExpr const * declareSizeTensor(int32_t outputIndex, IDimensionExpr const &opt, IDimensionExpr const &upper)
Declare a size tensor at the given output index, with the specified auto-tuning formula and upper bou...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:338
Class to handle library allocated memory that is accessible to the user.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:142
void * data() const noexcept
A pointer to the raw data that is owned by the library.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:147
DataType type() const noexcept
The type of the memory that was allocated.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:159
std::size_t size() const noexcept
The size in bytes of the data that was allocated.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:153
apiv::VHostMemory * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:165
virtual ~IHostMemory() noexcept=default
A virtual base class to find a logger. Allows a plugin to find an instance of a logger if it needs to...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5145
virtual ILogger * findLogger()=0
Get the logger used by the engine or execution context which called the plugin method.
virtual ~ILoggerFinder()=default
Application-implemented logging interface for the builder, refitter and runtime.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1540
virtual ~ILogger()=default
The severity corresponding to a log message.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1548
virtual void log(Severity severity, AsciiChar const *msg) noexcept=0
A callback implemented by the application to handle logging messages;.
Forward declaration of IEngineInspector for use by other interfaces.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:51
INoCopy & operator=(INoCopy &&other)=delete
INoCopy(INoCopy const &other)=delete
INoCopy(INoCopy &&other)=delete
virtual ~INoCopy()=default
INoCopy & operator=(INoCopy const &other)=delete
Optimization profile for dynamic input dimensions and shape tensors.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2616
int32_t const * getShapeValues(char const *inputName, OptProfileSelector select) const noexcept
Get the minimum / optimum / maximum values for an input shape tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2730
apiv::VOptimizationProfile * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2783
Dims getDimensions(char const *inputName, OptProfileSelector select) const noexcept
Get the minimum / optimum / maximum dimensions for a dynamic input tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2657
virtual ~IOptimizationProfile() noexcept=default
float getExtraMemoryTarget() const noexcept
Get the extra memory target that has been defined for this profile.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2760
bool setExtraMemoryTarget(float target) noexcept
Set a target for extra GPU memory that may be used by this profile.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2748
bool setDimensions(char const *inputName, OptProfileSelector select, Dims const &dims) noexcept
Set the minimum / optimum / maximum dimensions for a dynamic input tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2645
bool setShapeValues(char const *inputName, OptProfileSelector select, int32_t const *values, int32_t nbValues) noexcept
Set the minimum / optimum / maximum values for an input shape tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2704
bool isValid() const noexcept
Check whether the optimization profile can be passed to an IBuilderConfig object.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2777
int32_t getNbShapeValues(char const *inputName) const noexcept
Get the number of values for an input shape tensor.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2718
Single registration point for all plugins in an application. It is used to find plugin implementation...
Definition: NvInferRuntimeCommon.h:56
virtual TRT_DEPRECATED bool registerCreator(IPluginCreator &creator, AsciiChar const *const pluginNamespace) noexcept=0
Register a plugin creator implementing IPluginCreator. Returns false if any plugin creator with the s...
Interface for plugins to access per context resources provided by TensorRT.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:767
virtual IErrorRecorder * getErrorRecorder() const noexcept=0
Get the error recorder associated with the resource context.
IPluginResourceContext & operator=(IPluginResourceContext const &) &=default
virtual IGpuAllocator * getGpuAllocator() const noexcept=0
Get the GPU allocator associated with the resource context.
Similar to IPluginV2Ext, but with support for dynamic shapes.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:407
IPluginV2DynamicExt * clone() const noexcept override=0
Clone the plugin object. This copies over internal plugin parameters as well and returns a new plugin...
virtual ~IPluginV2DynamicExt() noexcept
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:558
Plugin class for user-implemented layers.
Definition: NvInferRuntimePlugin.h:468
Updates weights in an engine.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2136
bool refitCudaEngineAsync(cudaStream_t stream) noexcept
Enqueue weights refitting of the associated engine on the given stream.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2538
int32_t getMaxThreads() const noexcept
get the maximum number of threads that can be used by the refitter.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2417
TensorLocation getWeightsLocation(char const *weightsName) const noexcept
Get location for the weights associated with the given name.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2476
bool setNamedWeights(char const *name, Weights weights) noexcept
Specify new weights of given name.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2341
int32_t getAllWeights(int32_t size, char const **weightsNames) noexcept
Get names of all weights that could be refit.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2377
ILogger * getLogger() const noexcept
get the logger with which the refitter was created
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2387
bool refitCudaEngine() noexcept
Refits associated engine.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2172
int32_t getMissingWeights(int32_t size, char const **weightsNames) noexcept
Get names of missing weights.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2361
TRT_DEPRECATED float getDynamicRangeMax(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Get maximum of dynamic range.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2264
int32_t getMissing(int32_t size, char const **layerNames, WeightsRole *roles) noexcept
Get description of missing weights.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2193
Weights getNamedWeights(char const *weightsName) const noexcept
Get weights associated with the given name.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2460
bool unsetNamedWeights(char const *weightsName) noexcept
Unset weights associated with the given name.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2492
Weights getWeightsPrototype(char const *weightsName) const noexcept
Get the Weights prototype associated with the given name.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2556
bool setMaxThreads(int32_t maxThreads) noexcept
Set the maximum number of threads.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2403
TRT_DEPRECATED float getDynamicRangeMin(char const *tensorName) const noexcept
Get minimum of dynamic range.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2248
TRT_DEPRECATED int32_t getTensorsWithDynamicRange(int32_t size, char const **tensorNames) const noexcept
Get names of all tensors that have refittable dynamic ranges.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2282
bool setNamedWeights(char const *name, Weights weights, TensorLocation location) noexcept
Specify new weights on a specified device of given name.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2444
void setWeightsValidation(bool weightsValidation) noexcept
Set whether to validate weights during refitting.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2508
TRT_DEPRECATED bool setDynamicRange(char const *tensorName, float min, float max) noexcept
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2232
apiv::VRefitter * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2562
int32_t getAll(int32_t size, char const **layerNames, WeightsRole *roles) noexcept
Get description of all weights that could be refit.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2210
virtual ~IRefitter() noexcept=default
bool getWeightsValidation() const noexcept
Get whether to validate weights values during refitting.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2516
void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder *recorder) noexcept
Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2301
IErrorRecorder * getErrorRecorder() const noexcept
Get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2316
Allows a serialized functionally unsafe engine to be deserialized.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1817
bool setMaxThreads(int32_t maxThreads) noexcept
Set the maximum number of threads.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1981
IRuntime * loadRuntime(char const *path) noexcept
Load IRuntime from the file.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2097
bool getEngineHostCodeAllowed() const noexcept
Get whether the runtime is allowed to deserialize engines with host executable code.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2119
TempfileControlFlags getTempfileControlFlags() const noexcept
Get the tempfile control flags for this runtime.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2069
void setEngineHostCodeAllowed(bool allowed) noexcept
Set whether the runtime is allowed to deserialize engines with host executable code.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2109
virtual ~IRuntime() noexcept=default
void setTemporaryDirectory(char const *path) noexcept
Set the directory that will be used by this runtime for temporary files.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2030
IPluginRegistry & getPluginRegistry() noexcept
Get the local plugin registry that can be used by the runtime.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2079
apiv::VRuntime * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2125
int32_t getNbDLACores() const noexcept
Returns number of DLA hardware cores accessible or 0 if DLA is unavailable.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1850
ICudaEngine * deserializeCudaEngine(void const *blob, std::size_t size) noexcept
Deserialize an engine from host memory.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1914
void setTempfileControlFlags(TempfileControlFlags flags) noexcept
Set the tempfile control flags for this runtime.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2057
int32_t getDLACore() const noexcept
Get the DLA core that the engine executes on.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1842
void setGpuAllocator(IGpuAllocator *allocator) noexcept
Set the GPU allocator.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1865
IErrorRecorder * getErrorRecorder() const noexcept
get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1899
ICudaEngine * deserializeCudaEngine(IStreamReaderV2 &streamReader)
Deserialize an engine from a stream. IStreamReaderV2 is expected to support reading to both host and ...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1956
ILogger * getLogger() const noexcept
get the logger with which the runtime was created
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1966
int32_t getMaxThreads() const noexcept
Get the maximum number of threads that can be used by the runtime.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1995
char const * getTemporaryDirectory() const noexcept
Get the directory that will be used by this runtime for temporary files.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2041
TRT_DEPRECATED ICudaEngine * deserializeCudaEngine(IStreamReader &streamReader)
Deserialize an engine from a stream.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1935
void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder *recorder) noexcept
Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1884
Holds properties for configuring an engine to serialize the binary.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2893
virtual ~ISerializationConfig() noexcept=default
bool clearFlag(SerializationFlag serializationFlag) noexcept
clear a serialization flag.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2932
bool setFlag(SerializationFlag serializationFlag) noexcept
Set a serialization flag.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2944
SerializationFlags getFlags() const noexcept
Get the serialization flags for this config.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2920
bool getFlag(SerializationFlag serializationFlag) const noexcept
Returns true if the serialization flag is set.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2956
apiv::VSerializationConfig * mImpl
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2962
An Interface class for version control.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:260
Version information associated with a TRT interface.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:225
Register the plugin creator to the registry The static registry object will be instantiated when the ...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5117
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5119
An array of weights used as a layer parameter.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:124
DataType type
The type of the weights.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:126
int64_t count
The number of weights in the array.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:128
void const * values
The weight values, in a contiguous array.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:127
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3972
virtual bool processDebugTensor(void const *addr, TensorLocation location, DataType type, Dims const &shape, char const *name, cudaStream_t stream)=0
Callback function that is called when a debug tensor’s value is updated and the debug state of the te...
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3977
~IDebugListener() override=default
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:397
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1608
virtual void * allocateAsync(uint64_t const size, uint64_t const alignment, AllocatorFlags const flags, cudaStream_t) noexcept
A thread-safe callback implemented by the application to handle stream-ordered acquisition of GPU mem...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1730
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1771
virtual TRT_DEPRECATED bool deallocate(void *const memory) noexcept=0
A thread-safe callback implemented by the application to handle release of GPU memory.
~IGpuAllocator() override=default
virtual void * reallocate(void *const, uint64_t, uint64_t) noexcept
A thread-safe callback implemented by the application to resize an existing allocation.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1677
virtual TRT_DEPRECATED void * allocate(uint64_t const size, uint64_t const alignment, AllocatorFlags const flags) noexcept=0
A thread-safe callback implemented by the application to handle acquisition of GPU memory.
virtual bool deallocateAsync(void *const memory, cudaStream_t) noexcept
A thread-safe callback implemented by the application to handle stream-ordered release of GPU memory.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1763
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5166
bool deallocateAsync(void *const memory, cudaStream_t) noexcept override=0
A thread-safe callback implemented by the application to handle stream-ordered asynchronous release o...
void * allocateAsync(uint64_t const size, uint64_t const alignment, AllocatorFlags const flags, cudaStream_t) noexcept override=0
A thread-safe callback implemented by the application to handle stream-ordered asynchronous acquisiti...
TRT_DEPRECATED void * allocate(uint64_t const size, uint64_t const alignment, AllocatorFlags const flags) noexcept override
A thread-safe callback implemented by the application to handle acquisition of GPU memory.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5252
TRT_DEPRECATED bool deallocate(void *const memory) noexcept override
A thread-safe callback implemented by the application to handle release of GPU memory.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5276
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5284
~IGpuAsyncAllocator() override=default
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3885
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3890
virtual void * reallocateOutputAsync(char const *tensorName, void *currentMemory, uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment, cudaStream_t)
Return a pointer to memory for an output tensor, or nullptr if memory cannot be allocated....
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3942
virtual void notifyShape(char const *tensorName, Dims const &dims) noexcept=0
Called by TensorRT when the shape of the output tensor is known.
virtual TRT_DEPRECATED void * reallocateOutput(char const *tensorName, void *currentMemory, uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment) noexcept
Return a pointer to memory for an output tensor, or nullptr if memory cannot be allocated....
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3914
Definition: NvInferPluginBase.h:139
Definition: NvInferPluginBase.h:191
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5291
virtual PluginFieldCollection const * getFieldNames() noexcept=0
Return a list of fields that need to be passed to createPlugin() when creating a plugin for use in th...
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5296
virtual IPluginV3 * createPlugin(AsciiChar const *name, PluginFieldCollection const *fc, TensorRTPhase phase) noexcept=0
Return a plugin object. Return nullptr in case of error.
Definition: NvInferPluginBase.h:204
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:836
virtual int32_t getFormatCombinationLimit() noexcept
Return the maximum number of format combinations that will be timed by TensorRT during the build phas...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1039
virtual int32_t getNbOutputs() const noexcept=0
Get the number of outputs from the plugin.
virtual int32_t configurePlugin(DynamicPluginTensorDesc const *in, int32_t nbInputs, DynamicPluginTensorDesc const *out, int32_t nbOutputs) noexcept=0
Configure the plugin.
virtual int32_t getNbTactics() noexcept
Query for the number of custom tactics the plugin intends to use.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1015
virtual char const * getMetadataString() noexcept
Query for a string representing the configuration of the plugin. May be called anytime after plugin c...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1050
virtual char const * getTimingCacheID() noexcept
Called to query the suffix to use for the timing cache ID. May be called anytime after plugin creatio...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1031
virtual bool supportsFormatCombination(int32_t pos, DynamicPluginTensorDesc const *inOut, int32_t nbInputs, int32_t nbOutputs) noexcept=0
Return true if plugin supports the format and datatype for the input/output indexed by pos.
virtual int32_t getOutputDataTypes(DataType *outputTypes, int32_t nbOutputs, const DataType *inputTypes, int32_t nbInputs) const noexcept=0
Provide the data types of the plugin outputs if the input tensors have the data types provided.
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:848
virtual int32_t getOutputShapes(DimsExprs const *inputs, int32_t nbInputs, DimsExprs const *shapeInputs, int32_t nbShapeInputs, DimsExprs *outputs, int32_t nbOutputs, IExprBuilder &exprBuilder) noexcept=0
Provide expressions for computing dimensions of the output tensors from dimensions of the input tenso...
virtual int32_t getValidTactics(int32_t *tactics, int32_t nbTactics) noexcept
Query for any custom tactics that the plugin intends to use.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1007
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:793
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:798
virtual AsciiChar const * getPluginName() const noexcept=0
Return the plugin name. Should match the plugin name returned by the corresponding plugin creator.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1057
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1062
virtual int32_t onShapeChange(PluginTensorDesc const *in, int32_t nbInputs, PluginTensorDesc const *out, int32_t nbOutputs) noexcept=0
Called when a plugin is being prepared for execution for specific dimensions. This could happen multi...
virtual PluginFieldCollection const * getFieldsToSerialize() noexcept=0
Get the plugin fields which should be serialized.
virtual int32_t setTactic(int32_t tactic) noexcept
Set the tactic to be used in the subsequent call to enqueue(). If no custom tactics were advertised,...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1074
virtual int32_t enqueue(PluginTensorDesc const *inputDesc, PluginTensorDesc const *outputDesc, void const *const *inputs, void *const *outputs, void *workspace, cudaStream_t stream) noexcept=0
Execute the layer.
virtual IPluginV3 * attachToContext(IPluginResourceContext *context) noexcept=0
Clone the plugin, attach the cloned plugin object to a execution context and grant the cloned plugin ...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1245
virtual ~IProfiler() noexcept
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1256
virtual void reportLayerTime(char const *layerName, float ms) noexcept=0
Layer time reporting callback.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:631
~IStreamReader() override=default
IStreamReader & operator=(IStreamReader const &) &=default
IStreamReader & operator=(IStreamReader &&) &=default
virtual int64_t read(void *destination, int64_t nbBytes)=0
Read the next number of bytes in the stream.
IStreamReader(IStreamReader &&)=default
IStreamReader(IStreamReader const &)=default
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:643
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:695
IStreamReaderV2 & operator=(IStreamReaderV2 const &) &=default
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:707
IStreamReaderV2(IStreamReaderV2 &&)=default
~IStreamReaderV2() override=default
virtual int64_t read(void *destination, int64_t nbBytes, cudaStream_t stream) noexcept=0
Read the next number of bytes in the stream asynchronously.
IStreamReaderV2(IStreamReaderV2 const &)=default
virtual bool seek(int64_t offset, SeekPosition where) noexcept=0
Sets the position of the stream to the given offset.
IStreamReaderV2 & operator=(IStreamReaderV2 &&) &=default
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1154
virtual int32_t getAliasedInput(int32_t outputIndex) noexcept
Communicates to TensorRT that the output at the specified output index is aliased to the input at the...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1190
InterfaceInfo getInterfaceInfo() const noexcept override
Return version information associated with this interface. Applications must not override this method...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1156
IRefitter * createInferRefitter(ICudaEngine &engine, ILogger &logger) noexcept
Create an instance of an IRefitter class.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5097
IRuntime * createInferRuntime(ILogger &logger) noexcept
Create an instance of an IRuntime class.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:5087
The TensorRT API version 1 namespace.
uint32_t TacticSources
Represents a collection of one or more TacticSource values combine using bitwise-OR operations.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2832
v_1_0::IOutputAllocator IOutputAllocator
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:3967
List of supported engine capability flows.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:76
An operation on two IDimensionExpr, which represent integer expressions used in dimension computation...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:179
@ kSUB
Substract the second element from the first.
@ kSUM
Sum of the two operands.
Product of the two operands.
Floor division of the first element by the second.
1 if operands are equal, 0 otherwise.
@ kMIN
Minimum of the two operands.
1 if first operand is less than second operand, 0 otherwise.
@ kMAX
Maximum of the two operands.
Division rounding up.
v_1_0::IPluginV3OneCore IPluginV3OneCore
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1207
Definition of tensor IO Mode.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:640
Describes requirements of compatibility with GPU architectures other than that of the GPU on which th...
Definition: NvInfer.h:8760
List of valid flags that the engine can enable when serializing the bytes.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2873
Exclude the weights that can be refitted.
v_1_0::IProfiler IProfiler
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1271
Controls the seek mode of IStreamReaderV2.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:681
@ kSET
From the beginning of the file.
@ kCUR
From the current position of the file.
@ kEND
From the tail of the file.
v_1_0::IStreamReaderV2 IStreamReaderV2
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:751
uint32_t TempfileControlFlags
Represents a collection of one or more TempfileControlFlag values combined using bitwise-OR operation...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1349
v_1_0::IGpuAllocator IGpuAllocator
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1807
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< WeightsRole >() noexcept
Maximum number of elements in WeightsRole enum.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1292
char_t AsciiChar
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:105
Indicates a phase of operation of TensorRT.
Definition: NvInferPluginBase.h:114
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< LayerInformationFormat >() noexcept
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4911
The type of weights and tensors.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:133
The device that this layer/network will execute on.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1303
Constant layer.
v_1_0::IDebugListener IDebugListener
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4008
Flags used to control TensorRT's behavior when creating executable temporary files.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1326
Allow creating and loading files in-memory (or unnamed files).
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< OptProfileSelector >() noexcept
Number of different values of OptProfileSelector enum.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2588
How a layer uses particular Weights.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1281
shift part of IScaleLayer
@ kANY
Any other weights role.
bias for IConvolutionLayer or IDeconvolutionLayer
kernel for IConvolutionLayer or IDeconvolutionLayer
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< ProfilingVerbosity >() noexcept
Maximum number of profile verbosity levels in ProfilingVerbosity enum.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2852
List of verbosity levels of layer information exposed in NVTX annotations and in IEngineInspector.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2844
Print only the layer names. This is the default setting.
Print detailed layer information including layer names and layer parameters.
List of tactic sources for TensorRT.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2795
TensorFormat PluginFormat
PluginFormat is reserved for backward compatibility.
Definition: NvInferRuntimePlugin.h:54
v_1_0::IPluginV3OneRuntime IPluginV3OneRuntime
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1231
@ kMIN
Minimum of the two elements.
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< TempfileControlFlag >() noexcept
Maximum number of elements in TempfileControlFlag enum.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1338
uint32_t SerializationFlags
Represents one or more SerializationFlag values using binary OR operations, e.g., 1U << Serialization...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2863
Supports linear (1D), bilinear (2D), and trilinear (3D) interpolation.
v_1_0::IPluginV3OneBuild IPluginV3OneBuild
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1219
Format of the input/output tensors.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1382
Different memory allocation behaviors for IExecutionContext.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2977
Default static allocation with the maximum size across all profiles.
The user supplies custom allocation to the execution context.
Reallocate for a profile when it's selected.
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< TacticSource >() noexcept
Maximum number of tactic sources in TacticSource enum.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2821
The format in which the IEngineInspector prints the layer information.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:4903
Print layer information in JSON format.
Print layer information in one line per layer.
v_1_0::IStreamReader IStreamReader
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:674
Allowed type of memory allocation.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1506
TensorRT may call realloc() on this allocation.
@ kMAX
Maximum over elements.
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< DeviceType >() noexcept
Maximum number of elements in DeviceType enum.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1310
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< DimensionOperation >() noexcept
Maximum number of elements in DimensionOperation enum.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:193
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< ExecutionContextAllocationStrategy >() noexcept
Maximum number of memory allocation strategies in ExecutionContextAllocationStrategy enum.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2989
constexpr int32_t EnumMax< SerializationFlag >() noexcept
Maximum number of serialization flags in SerializationFlag enum.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2880
The location for tensor data storage, device or host.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:204
Data stored on host.
Data stored on device.
When setting or querying optimization profile parameters (such as shape tensor inputs or dynamic dime...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:2576
@ kOPT
This is used to set or get the value that is used in the optimization (kernel selection).
uint32_t AllocatorFlags
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:1522
Summarizes tensors that a plugin might see for an input or output.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:362
Dims min
Lower bounds on tensor’s dimensions.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:367
Dims max
Upper bounds on tensor’s dimensions.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:370
Dims opt
Optimum value of tensor’s dimensions specified for auto-tuning.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:373
PluginTensorDesc desc
Information required to interpret a pointer to tensor data, except that desc.dims has -1 in place of ...
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:364
Plugin field collection struct.
Definition: NvInferPluginBase.h:101
Fields that a plugin might see for an input or output.
Definition: NvInferRuntimePlugin.h:73
Declaration of EnumMaxImpl struct to store maximum number of elements in an enumeration type.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeBase.h:118