TensorRT 10.1.0
NvInferRuntimeBase.h File Reference
#include "NvInferVersion.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< DataType >
 Maximum number of elements in DataType enum. More...
class  nvinfer1::Dims64
class  nvinfer1::InterfaceInfo
 Version information associated with a TRT interface. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< APILanguage >
 Maximum number of elements in APILanguage enum. More...
class  nvinfer1::IVersionedInterface
 An Interface class for version control. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< TensorFormat >
 Maximum number of elements in TensorFormat enum. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< AllocatorFlag >
 Maximum number of elements in AllocatorFlag enum. More...
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IGpuAllocator
class  nvinfer1::ILogger
 Application-implemented logging interface for the builder, refitter and runtime. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< ILogger::Severity >
 Maximum number of elements in ILogger::Severity enum. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< ErrorCode >
 Maximum number of elements in ErrorCode enum. More...
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IErrorRecorder
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IStreamReader
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IPluginResource
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< TensorIOMode >
 Maximum number of elements in TensorIOMode enum. More...


namespace  nvinfer1
 The TensorRT API version 1 namespace.
namespace  nvinfer1::v_1_0
 Forward declare IErrorRecorder for use in other interfaces.
namespace  nvinfer1::impl


#define TRT_DEPRECATED   __attribute__((deprecated))
#define TRT_DEPRECATED_API   __attribute__((deprecated, visibility("default")))
#define NV_TENSORRT_VERSION_INT(major, minor, patch)   ((major) *10000L + (minor) *100L + (patch) *1L)


using nvinfer1::char_t = char
 char_t is the type used by TensorRT to represent all valid characters. More...
using nvinfer1::AsciiChar = char_t
using nvinfer1::IErrorRecorder = v_1_0::IErrorRecorder
using nvinfer1::Dims = Dims64
using nvinfer1::InterfaceKind = char const *
using nvinfer1::AllocatorFlags = uint32_t
using nvinfer1::IGpuAllocator = v_1_0::IGpuAllocator
using nvinfer1::IStreamReader = v_1_0::IStreamReader
using nvinfer1::IPluginResource = v_1_0::IPluginResource


enum class  nvinfer1::DataType : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kFLOAT = 0 , nvinfer1::kHALF = 1 , nvinfer1::kINT8 = 2 , nvinfer1::kINT32 = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kBOOL = 4 , nvinfer1::kUINT8 = 5 , nvinfer1::kFP8 = 6 , nvinfer1::kBF16 = 7 ,
  nvinfer1::kINT64 = 8 , nvinfer1::kINT4 = 9
 The type of weights and tensors. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::TensorFormat : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kLINEAR = 0 , nvinfer1::kCHW2 = 1 , nvinfer1::kHWC8 = 2 , nvinfer1::kCHW4 = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kCHW16 = 4 , nvinfer1::kCHW32 = 5 , nvinfer1::kDHWC8 = 6 , nvinfer1::kCDHW32 = 7 ,
  nvinfer1::kHWC = 8 , nvinfer1::kDLA_LINEAR = 9 , nvinfer1::kDLA_HWC4 = 10 , nvinfer1::kHWC16 = 11 ,
  nvinfer1::kDHWC = 12
 Format of the input/output tensors. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::APILanguage : int32_t { nvinfer1::kCPP = 0 , nvinfer1::kPYTHON = 1 }
 Programming language used in the implementation of a TRT interface. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::AllocatorFlag : int32_t { nvinfer1::kRESIZABLE = 0 }
 Allowed type of memory allocation. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::ErrorCode : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kSUCCESS = 0 , nvinfer1::kUNSPECIFIED_ERROR = 1 , nvinfer1::kINTERNAL_ERROR = 2 , nvinfer1::kINVALID_ARGUMENT = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kINVALID_CONFIG = 4 , nvinfer1::kFAILED_ALLOCATION = 5 , nvinfer1::kFAILED_INITIALIZATION = 6 , nvinfer1::kFAILED_EXECUTION = 7 ,
  nvinfer1::kFAILED_COMPUTATION = 8 , nvinfer1::kINVALID_STATE = 9 , nvinfer1::kUNSUPPORTED_STATE = 10
 Error codes that can be returned by TensorRT during execution. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::TensorIOMode : int32_t { nvinfer1::kNONE = 0 , nvinfer1::kINPUT = 1 , nvinfer1::kOUTPUT = 2 }
 Definition of tensor IO Mode. More...


template<typename T >
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax () noexcept
 Maximum number of elements in an enumeration type. More...
int32_t getInferLibVersion () noexcept
 Return the library version number. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains common definitions, data structures and interfaces shared between the standard and safe runtime.

Do not directly include this file. Instead include one of:

Macro Definition Documentation


TensorRT version as a single integer. Usable in preprocessor expressions.


#define NV_TENSORRT_VERSION_INT (   major,
)    ((major) *10000L + (minor) *100L + (patch) *1L)

Construct a single integer denoting TensorRT version. Usable in preprocessor expressions.




#define TRT_DEPRECATED   __attribute__((deprecated))


#define TRT_DEPRECATED_API   __attribute__((deprecated, visibility("default")))





Function Documentation

◆ getInferLibVersion()

int32_t getInferLibVersion ( )

Return the library version number.

The format is as for TENSORRT_VERSION: (MAJOR * 100 + MINOR) * 100 + PATCH

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