TensorRT 10.1.0
NvInferRuntime.h File Reference
#include "NvInferImpl.h"
#include "NvInferRuntimeCommon.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  nvinfer1::INoCopy
 Forward declaration of IEngineInspector for use by other interfaces. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< EngineCapability >
 Maximum number of elements in EngineCapability enum. More...
class  nvinfer1::Weights
 An array of weights used as a layer parameter. More...
class  nvinfer1::IHostMemory
 Class to handle library allocated memory that is accessible to the user. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< TensorLocation >
 Maximum number of elements in TensorLocation enum. More...
class  nvinfer1::IDimensionExpr
 An IDimensionExpr represents an integer expression constructed from constants, input dimensions, and binary operations. These expressions are can be used in overrides of IPluginV2DynamicExt::getOutputDimensions or IPluginV3OneBuild::getOutputShapes() to define output dimensions in terms of input dimensions. More...
class  nvinfer1::IExprBuilder
 Object for constructing IDimensionExpr. More...
class  nvinfer1::DimsExprs
 Analog of class Dims with expressions instead of constants for the dimensions. More...
struct  nvinfer1::DynamicPluginTensorDesc
 Summarizes tensors that a plugin might see for an input or output. More...
class  nvinfer1::IPluginV2DynamicExt
 Similar to IPluginV2Ext, but with support for dynamic shapes. More...
class  nvinfer1::IPluginResourceContext
 Interface for plugins to access per context resources provided by TensorRT. More...
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IPluginCapability
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IPluginV3
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IPluginV3OneCore
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IPluginV3OneBuild
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IPluginV3OneRuntime
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IPluginCreatorV3One
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IProfiler
class  nvinfer1::IRuntime
 Allows a serialized functionally unsafe engine to be deserialized. More...
class  nvinfer1::IRefitter
 Updates weights in an engine. More...
class  nvinfer1::IOptimizationProfile
 Optimization profile for dynamic input dimensions and shape tensors. More...
class  nvinfer1::ISerializationConfig
 Holds properties for configuring an engine to serialize the binary. More...
class  nvinfer1::ICudaEngine
 An engine for executing inference on a built network, with functionally unsafe features. More...
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IOutputAllocator
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IDebugListener
class  nvinfer1::IExecutionContext
 Context for executing inference using an engine, with functionally unsafe features. More...
class  nvinfer1::IEngineInspector
 An engine inspector which prints out the layer information of an engine or an execution context. More...
class  nvinfer1::PluginRegistrar< T >
 Register the plugin creator to the registry The static registry object will be instantiated when the plugin library is loaded. This static object will register all creators available in the library to the registry. More...
class  nvinfer1::ILoggerFinder
 A virtual base class to find a logger. Allows a plugin to find an instance of a logger if it needs to emit a log message. A pointer to an instance of this class is passed to a plugin shared library on initialization when that plugin is serialized as part of a version-compatible plan. See the plugin chapter in the developer guide for details. More...
class  nvinfer1::v_1_0::IGpuAsyncAllocator


namespace  nvinfer1
 The TensorRT API version 1 namespace.
namespace  nvinfer1::impl
namespace  nvinfer1::v_1_0
 Forward declare IErrorRecorder for use in other interfaces.
namespace  nvinfer1::anonymous_namespace{NvInferRuntime.h}


#define REGISTER_TENSORRT_PLUGIN(name)    static nvinfer1::PluginRegistrar<name> pluginRegistrar##name {}


using nvinfer1::IPluginCapability = v_1_0::IPluginCapability
using nvinfer1::IPluginV3 = v_1_0::IPluginV3
using nvinfer1::IPluginV3OneCore = v_1_0::IPluginV3OneCore
using nvinfer1::IPluginV3OneBuild = v_1_0::IPluginV3OneBuild
using nvinfer1::IPluginV3OneRuntime = v_1_0::IPluginV3OneRuntime
using nvinfer1::IPluginCreatorV3One = v_1_0::IPluginCreatorV3One
using nvinfer1::IProfiler = v_1_0::IProfiler
using nvinfer1::TempfileControlFlags = uint32_t
 Represents a collection of one or more TempfileControlFlag values combined using bitwise-OR operations. More...
using nvinfer1::TacticSources = uint32_t
 Represents a collection of one or more TacticSource values combine using bitwise-OR operations. More...
using nvinfer1::SerializationFlags = uint32_t
 Represents one or more SerializationFlag values using binary OR operations, e.g., 1U << SerializationFlag::kEXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME. More...
using nvinfer1::IOutputAllocator = v_1_0::IOutputAllocator
using nvinfer1::IDebugListener = v_1_0::IDebugListener
using nvinfer1::IGpuAsyncAllocator = v_1_0::IGpuAsyncAllocator


enum class  nvinfer1::EngineCapability : int32_t { nvinfer1::kSTANDARD = 0 , nvinfer1::kSAFETY = 1 , nvinfer1::kDLA_STANDALONE = 2 }
 List of supported engine capability flows. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::DimensionOperation : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kSUM = 0 , nvinfer1::kPROD = 1 , nvinfer1::kMAX = 2 , nvinfer1::kMIN = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kSUB = 4 , nvinfer1::kEQUAL = 5 , nvinfer1::kLESS = 6 , nvinfer1::kFLOOR_DIV = 7 ,
  nvinfer1::kCEIL_DIV = 8
 An operation on two IDimensionExpr, which represent integer expressions used in dimension computations. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::TensorLocation : int32_t { nvinfer1::kDEVICE = 0 , nvinfer1::kHOST = 1 }
 The location for tensor data storage, device or host. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::WeightsRole : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kKERNEL = 0 , nvinfer1::kBIAS = 1 , nvinfer1::kSHIFT = 2 , nvinfer1::kSCALE = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kCONSTANT = 4 , nvinfer1::kANY = 5
 How a layer uses particular Weights. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::DeviceType : int32_t { nvinfer1::kGPU = 0 , nvinfer1::kDLA = 1 }
 The device that this layer/network will execute on. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::TempfileControlFlag : int32_t { nvinfer1::kALLOW_IN_MEMORY_FILES = 0 , nvinfer1::kALLOW_TEMPORARY_FILES = 1 }
 Flags used to control TensorRT's behavior when creating executable temporary files. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::OptProfileSelector : int32_t { nvinfer1::kMIN = 0 , nvinfer1::kOPT = 1 , nvinfer1::kMAX = 2 }
 When setting or querying optimization profile parameters (such as shape tensor inputs or dynamic dimensions), select whether we are interested in the minimum, optimum, or maximum values for these parameters. The minimum and maximum specify the permitted range that is supported at runtime, while the optimum value is used for the kernel selection. This should be the "typical" value that is expected to occur at runtime. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::TacticSource : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kCUBLAS = 0 , nvinfer1::kCUBLAS_LT = 1 , nvinfer1::kCUDNN = 2 , nvinfer1::kEDGE_MASK_CONVOLUTIONS = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kJIT_CONVOLUTIONS = 4
 List of tactic sources for TensorRT. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::ProfilingVerbosity : int32_t { nvinfer1::kLAYER_NAMES_ONLY = 0 , nvinfer1::kNONE = 1 , nvinfer1::kDETAILED = 2 }
 List of verbosity levels of layer information exposed in NVTX annotations and in IEngineInspector. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::SerializationFlag : int32_t { nvinfer1::kEXCLUDE_WEIGHTS = 0 , nvinfer1::kEXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME = 1 }
 List of valid flags that the engine can enable when serializing the bytes. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::ExecutionContextAllocationStrategy : int32_t { nvinfer1::kSTATIC = 0 , nvinfer1::kON_PROFILE_CHANGE = 1 , nvinfer1::kUSER_MANAGED = 2 }
 Different memory allocation behaviors for IExecutionContext. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::LayerInformationFormat : int32_t { nvinfer1::kONELINE = 0 , nvinfer1::kJSON = 1 }
 The format in which the IEngineInspector prints the layer information. More...


constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< DimensionOperation > () noexcept
 Maximum number of elements in DimensionOperation enum. More...
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< WeightsRole > () noexcept
 Maximum number of elements in WeightsRole enum. More...
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< DeviceType > () noexcept
 Maximum number of elements in DeviceType enum. More...
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< TempfileControlFlag > () noexcept
 Maximum number of elements in TempfileControlFlag enum. More...
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< OptProfileSelector > () noexcept
 Number of different values of OptProfileSelector enum. More...
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< TacticSource > () noexcept
 Maximum number of tactic sources in TacticSource enum. More...
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< ProfilingVerbosity > () noexcept
 Maximum number of profile verbosity levels in ProfilingVerbosity enum. More...
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< SerializationFlag > () noexcept
 Maximum number of serialization flags in SerializationFlag enum. More...
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< ExecutionContextAllocationStrategy > () noexcept
 Maximum number of memory allocation strategies in ExecutionContextAllocationStrategy enum. More...
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax< LayerInformationFormat > () noexcept
nvinfer1::IPluginRegistrygetPluginRegistry () noexcept
 Return the plugin registry. More...
nvinfer1::ILoggergetLogger () noexcept
 Return the logger object. More...
IRuntime * nvinfer1::anonymous_namespace{NvInferRuntime.h}::createInferRuntime (ILogger &logger) noexcept
 Create an instance of an IRuntime class. More...
IRefitter * nvinfer1::anonymous_namespace{NvInferRuntime.h}::createInferRefitter (ICudaEngine &engine, ILogger &logger) noexcept
 Create an instance of an IRefitter class. More...
int32_t getInferLibMajorVersion () noexcept
 Return the library major version number. More...
int32_t getInferLibMinorVersion () noexcept
 Return the library minor version number. More...
int32_t getInferLibPatchVersion () noexcept
 Return the library patch version number. More...
int32_t getInferLibBuildVersion () noexcept
 Return the library build version number. More...

Detailed Description

This is the top-level API file for TensorRT extended runtime library.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define REGISTER_TENSORRT_PLUGIN (   name)     static nvinfer1::PluginRegistrar<name> pluginRegistrar##name {}

Function Documentation

◆ getInferLibBuildVersion()

int32_t getInferLibBuildVersion ( )

Return the library build version number.

◆ getInferLibMajorVersion()

int32_t getInferLibMajorVersion ( )

Return the library major version number.

◆ getInferLibMinorVersion()

int32_t getInferLibMinorVersion ( )

Return the library minor version number.

◆ getInferLibPatchVersion()

int32_t getInferLibPatchVersion ( )

Return the library patch version number.

◆ getLogger()

nvinfer1::ILogger * getLogger ( )

Return the logger object.

the global logger is used only by standalone functions which have no associated builder, runtime or refitter.

◆ getPluginRegistry()

nvinfer1::IPluginRegistry * getPluginRegistry ( )

Return the plugin registry.

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