TensorRT 10.5.0
nvinfer1::IRuntime Class Reference

Allows a serialized functionally unsafe engine to be deserialized. More...

#include <NvInferRuntime.h>

Inheritance diagram for nvinfer1::IRuntime:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~IRuntime () noexcept=default
void setDLACore (int32_t dlaCore) noexcept
 Sets the DLA core used by the network. Defaults to -1. More...
int32_t getDLACore () const noexcept
 Get the DLA core that the engine executes on. More...
int32_t getNbDLACores () const noexcept
 Returns number of DLA hardware cores accessible or 0 if DLA is unavailable. More...
void setGpuAllocator (IGpuAllocator *allocator) noexcept
 Set the GPU allocator. More...
void setErrorRecorder (IErrorRecorder *recorder) noexcept
 Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface. More...
IErrorRecordergetErrorRecorder () const noexcept
 get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface. More...
ICudaEnginedeserializeCudaEngine (void const *blob, std::size_t size) noexcept
 Deserialize an engine from host memory. More...
ICudaEnginedeserializeCudaEngine (IStreamReader &streamReader)
 Deserialize an engine from a stream. More...
ILoggergetLogger () const noexcept
 get the logger with which the runtime was created More...
bool setMaxThreads (int32_t maxThreads) noexcept
 Set the maximum number of threads. More...
int32_t getMaxThreads () const noexcept
 Get the maximum number of threads that can be used by the runtime. More...
void setTemporaryDirectory (char const *path) noexcept
 Set the directory that will be used by this runtime for temporary files. More...
char const * getTemporaryDirectory () const noexcept
 Get the directory that will be used by this runtime for temporary files. More...
void setTempfileControlFlags (TempfileControlFlags flags) noexcept
 Set the tempfile control flags for this runtime. More...
TempfileControlFlags getTempfileControlFlags () const noexcept
 Get the tempfile control flags for this runtime. More...
IPluginRegistrygetPluginRegistry () noexcept
 Get the local plugin registry that can be used by the runtime. More...
IRuntimeloadRuntime (char const *path) noexcept
 Load IRuntime from the file. More...
void setEngineHostCodeAllowed (bool allowed) noexcept
 Set whether the runtime is allowed to deserialize engines with host executable code. More...
bool getEngineHostCodeAllowed () const noexcept
 Get whether the runtime is allowed to deserialize engines with host executable code. More...

Protected Attributes

apiv::VRuntime * mImpl

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from nvinfer1::INoCopy
 INoCopy ()=default
virtual ~INoCopy ()=default
 INoCopy (INoCopy const &other)=delete
INoCopyoperator= (INoCopy const &other)=delete
 INoCopy (INoCopy &&other)=delete
INoCopyoperator= (INoCopy &&other)=delete

Detailed Description

Allows a serialized functionally unsafe engine to be deserialized.

Do not inherit from this class, as doing so will break forward-compatibility of the API and ABI.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~IRuntime()

virtual nvinfer1::IRuntime::~IRuntime ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ deserializeCudaEngine() [1/2]

ICudaEngine * nvinfer1::IRuntime::deserializeCudaEngine ( IStreamReader streamReader)

Deserialize an engine from a stream.

If an error recorder has been set for the runtime, it will also be passed to the engine.

This deserialization path will reduce host memory usage when weight streaming is enabled.

streamReadera read-only stream from which TensorRT will deserialize a previously serialized engine.
The engine, or nullptr if it could not be deserialized.

◆ deserializeCudaEngine() [2/2]

ICudaEngine * nvinfer1::IRuntime::deserializeCudaEngine ( void const *  blob,
std::size_t  size 

Deserialize an engine from host memory.

If an error recorder has been set for the runtime, it will also be passed to the engine.

blobThe memory that holds the serialized engine.
sizeThe size of the memory.
The engine, or nullptr if it could not be deserialized.

◆ getDLACore()

int32_t nvinfer1::IRuntime::getDLACore ( ) const

Get the DLA core that the engine executes on.

assigned DLA core or -1 for DLA not present or unset.

◆ getEngineHostCodeAllowed()

bool nvinfer1::IRuntime::getEngineHostCodeAllowed ( ) const

Get whether the runtime is allowed to deserialize engines with host executable code.

Whether the runtime is allowed to deserialize engines with host executable code.

◆ getErrorRecorder()

IErrorRecorder * nvinfer1::IRuntime::getErrorRecorder ( ) const

get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.

Retrieves the assigned error recorder object for the given class. A nullptr will be returned if an error handler has not been set.

A pointer to the IErrorRecorder object that has been registered.
See also

◆ getLogger()

ILogger * nvinfer1::IRuntime::getLogger ( ) const

get the logger with which the runtime was created

the logger

◆ getMaxThreads()

int32_t nvinfer1::IRuntime::getMaxThreads ( ) const

Get the maximum number of threads that can be used by the runtime.

Retrieves the maximum number of threads that can be used by the runtime.

The maximum number of threads that can be used by the runtime.
See also

◆ getNbDLACores()

int32_t nvinfer1::IRuntime::getNbDLACores ( ) const

Returns number of DLA hardware cores accessible or 0 if DLA is unavailable.

◆ getPluginRegistry()

IPluginRegistry & nvinfer1::IRuntime::getPluginRegistry ( )

Get the local plugin registry that can be used by the runtime.

The local plugin registry that can be used by the runtime.

◆ getTempfileControlFlags()

TempfileControlFlags nvinfer1::IRuntime::getTempfileControlFlags ( ) const

Get the tempfile control flags for this runtime.

The flags currently set.
See also
TempfileControlFlag, TempfileControlFlags, setTempfileControlFlags()

◆ getTemporaryDirectory()

char const * nvinfer1::IRuntime::getTemporaryDirectory ( ) const

Get the directory that will be used by this runtime for temporary files.

A path to the temporary directory in use, or nullptr if no path is specified.
See also

◆ loadRuntime()

IRuntime * nvinfer1::IRuntime::loadRuntime ( char const *  path)

Load IRuntime from the file.

This method loads a runtime library from a shared library file. The runtime can then be used to execute a plan file built with BuilderFlag::kVERSION_COMPATIBLE and BuilderFlag::kEXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME both set and built with the same version of TensorRT as the loaded runtime library.

pathPath to the runtime lean library.
the runtime library, or nullptr if it could not be loaded
The path string must be null-terminated, and be at most 4096 bytes including the terminator.

◆ setDLACore()

void nvinfer1::IRuntime::setDLACore ( int32_t  dlaCore)

Sets the DLA core used by the network. Defaults to -1.

dlaCoreThe DLA core to execute the engine on, in the range [0,getNbDlaCores()).

This function is used to specify which DLA core to use via indexing, if multiple DLA cores are available.

if getNbDLACores() returns 0, then this function does nothing.
See also

◆ setEngineHostCodeAllowed()

void nvinfer1::IRuntime::setEngineHostCodeAllowed ( bool  allowed)

Set whether the runtime is allowed to deserialize engines with host executable code.

allowedWhether the runtime is allowed to deserialize engines with host executable code.

The default value is false.

◆ setErrorRecorder()

void nvinfer1::IRuntime::setErrorRecorder ( IErrorRecorder recorder)

Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface.

Assigns the ErrorRecorder to this interface. The ErrorRecorder will track all errors during execution. This function will call incRefCount of the registered ErrorRecorder at least once. Setting recorder to nullptr unregisters the recorder with the interface, resulting in a call to decRefCount if a recorder has been registered.

If an error recorder is not set, messages will be sent to the global log stream.

recorderThe error recorder to register with this interface.
See also

◆ setGpuAllocator()

void nvinfer1::IRuntime::setGpuAllocator ( IGpuAllocator allocator)

Set the GPU allocator.

allocatorSet the GPU allocator to be used by the runtime. All GPU memory acquired will use this allocator. If NULL is passed, the default allocator will be used.

Default: uses cudaMalloc/cudaFree.

If nullptr is passed, the default allocator will be used.

◆ setMaxThreads()

bool nvinfer1::IRuntime::setMaxThreads ( int32_t  maxThreads)

Set the maximum number of threads.

maxThreadsThe maximum number of threads that can be used by the runtime.
True if successful, false otherwise.

The default value is 1 and includes the current thread. A value greater than 1 permits TensorRT to use multi-threaded algorithms. A value less than 1 triggers a kINVALID_ARGUMENT error.

◆ setTempfileControlFlags()

void nvinfer1::IRuntime::setTempfileControlFlags ( TempfileControlFlags  flags)

Set the tempfile control flags for this runtime.

flagsThe flags to set.

The default value is all flags set, i.e.

(1U << static_cast<uint32_t>(kALLOW_IN_MEMORY_FILES)) | (1U << static_cast<uint32_t>(kALLOW_TEMPORARY_FILES))

See also
TempfileControlFlag, TempfileControlFlags, getTempfileControlFlags()

◆ setTemporaryDirectory()

void nvinfer1::IRuntime::setTemporaryDirectory ( char const *  path)

Set the directory that will be used by this runtime for temporary files.

On some platforms the TensorRT runtime may need to create and use temporary files with read/write/execute permissions to implement runtime functionality.

pathPath to the temporary directory for use, or nullptr.

If path is nullptr, then TensorRT will use platform-specific heuristics to pick a default temporary directory if required:

  • On UNIX/Linux platforms, TensorRT will first try the TMPDIR environment variable, then fall back to /tmp
  • On Windows, TensorRT will try the TEMP environment variable.

See the TensorRT Developer Guide for more information.

The default value is nullptr.

If path is not nullptr, it must be a non-empty string representing a relative or absolute path in the format expected by the host operating system.
The string path must be null-terminated, and be at most 4096 bytes including the terminator. Note that the operating system may have stricter path length requirements.
The process using TensorRT must have rwx permissions for the temporary directory, and the directory shall be configured to disallow other users from modifying created files (e.g. on Linux, if the directory is shared with other users, the sticky bit must be set).
See also

Member Data Documentation

◆ mImpl

apiv::VRuntime* nvinfer1::IRuntime::mImpl

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