TensorRT  8.0.3
nvinfer1::plugin::NMSParameters Struct Reference

The NMSParameters are used by the BatchedNMSPlugin for performing the non_max_suppression operation over boxes for object detection networks. More...

#include <NvInferPluginUtils.h>

Public Attributes

bool shareLocation
int32_t backgroundLabelId
int32_t numClasses
int32_t topK
int32_t keepTopK
float scoreThreshold
float iouThreshold
bool isNormalized

Detailed Description

The NMSParameters are used by the BatchedNMSPlugin for performing the non_max_suppression operation over boxes for object detection networks.

shareLocationIf set to true, the boxes inputs are shared across all classes. If set to false, the boxes input should account for per class box data.
backgroundLabelIdLabel ID for the background class. If there is no background class, set it as -1
numClassesNumber of classes in the network.
topKNumber of bounding boxes to be fed into the NMS step.
keepTopKNumber of total bounding boxes to be kept per image after NMS step. Should be less than or equal to the topK value.
scoreThresholdScalar threshold for score (low scoring boxes are removed).
iouThresholdscalar threshold for IOU (new boxes that have high IOU overlap with previously selected boxes are removed).
isNormalizedSet to false, if the box coordinates are not normalized, i.e. not in the range [0,1]. Defaults to false.

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