TensorRT 8.2.5
NvInferRuntimeCommon.h File Reference
#include "NvInferVersion.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>

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struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< DataType >
 Maximum number of elements in DataType enum. More...
class  nvinfer1::Dims32
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< TensorFormat >
 Maximum number of elements in TensorFormat enum. More...
struct  nvinfer1::PluginTensorDesc
 Fields that a plugin might see for an input or output. More...
class  nvinfer1::IPluginV2
 Plugin class for user-implemented layers. More...
class  nvinfer1::IPluginV2Ext
 Plugin class for user-implemented layers. More...
class  nvinfer1::IPluginV2IOExt
 Plugin class for user-implemented layers. More...
class  nvinfer1::PluginField
 Structure containing plugin attribute field names and associated data This information can be parsed to decode necessary plugin metadata. More...
struct  nvinfer1::PluginFieldCollection
 Plugin field collection struct. More...
class  nvinfer1::IPluginCreator
 Plugin creator class for user implemented layers. More...
class  nvinfer1::IPluginRegistry
 Single registration point for all plugins in an application. It is used to find plugin implementations during engine deserialization. Internally, the plugin registry is considered to be a singleton so all plugins in an application are part of the same global registry. Note that the plugin registry is only supported for plugins of type IPluginV2 and should also have a corresponding IPluginCreator implementation. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< AllocatorFlag >
 Maximum number of elements in AllocatorFlag enum. More...
class  nvinfer1::IGpuAllocator
 Application-implemented class for controlling allocation on the GPU. More...
class  nvinfer1::ILogger
 Application-implemented logging interface for the builder, refitter and runtime. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< ILogger::Severity >
 Maximum number of elements in ILogger::Severity enum. More...
struct  nvinfer1::impl::EnumMaxImpl< ErrorCode >
 Maximum number of elements in ErrorCode enum. More...
class  nvinfer1::IErrorRecorder
 Reference counted application-implemented error reporting interface for TensorRT objects. More...


namespace  nvinfer1
 The TensorRT API version 1 namespace.


#define TRT_DEPRECATED   __attribute__((deprecated))
 < Items that are marked as deprecated will be removed in a future release.
#define TRT_DEPRECATED_API   __attribute__((deprecated, visibility("default")))
 Defines which symbols are exported.


using nvinfer1::char_t = char
 char_t is the type used by TensorRT to represent all valid characters.
using nvinfer1::AsciiChar = char_t
 AsciiChar is the type used by TensorRT to represent valid ASCII characters.
using nvinfer1::Dims = Dims32
using nvinfer1::PluginFormat = TensorFormat
 PluginFormat is reserved for backward compatibility. More...
using nvinfer1::AllocatorFlags = uint32_t


enum class  nvinfer1::DataType : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kFLOAT = 0 , nvinfer1::kHALF = 1 , nvinfer1::kINT8 = 2 , nvinfer1::kINT32 = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kBOOL = 4
 The type of weights and tensors. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::TensorFormat : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kLINEAR = 0 , nvinfer1::kCHW2 = 1 , nvinfer1::kHWC8 = 2 , nvinfer1::kCHW4 = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kCHW16 = 4 , nvinfer1::kCHW32 = 5 , nvinfer1::kDHWC8 = 6 , nvinfer1::kCDHW32 = 7 ,
  nvinfer1::kHWC = 8 , nvinfer1::kDLA_LINEAR = 9 , nvinfer1::kDLA_HWC4 = 10 , nvinfer1::kHWC16 = 11
 Format of the input/output tensors. More...
enum class  nvinfer1::PluginVersion : uint8_t { nvinfer1::kV2 = 0 , nvinfer1::kV2_EXT = 1 , nvinfer1::kV2_IOEXT = 2 , nvinfer1::kV2_DYNAMICEXT = 3 }
enum class  nvinfer1::PluginFieldType : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kFLOAT16 = 0 , nvinfer1::kFLOAT32 = 1 , nvinfer1::kFLOAT64 = 2 , nvinfer1::kINT8 = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kINT16 = 4 , nvinfer1::kINT32 = 5 , nvinfer1::kCHAR = 6 , nvinfer1::kDIMS = 7 ,
  nvinfer1::kUNKNOWN = 8
enum class  nvinfer1::AllocatorFlag : int32_t { nvinfer1::kRESIZABLE = 0 }
enum class  nvinfer1::ErrorCode : int32_t {
  nvinfer1::kSUCCESS = 0 , nvinfer1::kUNSPECIFIED_ERROR = 1 , nvinfer1::kINTERNAL_ERROR = 2 , nvinfer1::kINVALID_ARGUMENT = 3 ,
  nvinfer1::kINVALID_CONFIG = 4 , nvinfer1::kFAILED_ALLOCATION = 5 , nvinfer1::kFAILED_INITIALIZATION = 6 , nvinfer1::kFAILED_EXECUTION = 7 ,
  nvinfer1::kFAILED_COMPUTATION = 8 , nvinfer1::kINVALID_STATE = 9 , nvinfer1::kUNSUPPORTED_STATE = 10
 Error codes that can be returned by TensorRT during execution. More...


template<typename T >
constexpr int32_t nvinfer1::EnumMax () noexcept
 Maximum number of elements in an enumeration type.
int32_t getInferLibVersion () noexcept
 Return the library version number. More...

Detailed Description

This is the top-level API file for TensorRT core runtime library.

Function Documentation

◆ getInferLibVersion()

int32_t getInferLibVersion ( )

Return the library version number.


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