
This Samples Support Guide provides an overview of all the supported NVIDIA TensorRT 8.2.5 samples included on GitHub and in the product package. The TensorRT samples specifically help in areas such as recommenders, machine comprehension, character recognition, image classification, and object detection.

For previously released TensorRT developer documentation, see TensorRT Archives.

1. Introduction

The following samples show how to use NVIDIA® TensorRT™ in numerous use cases while highlighting different capabilities of the interface.
Note: The TensorRT samples are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not meant to be used nor taken as examples of production quality code.
Title TensorRT Sample Name Description
trtexec trtexec A tool to quickly utilize TensorRT without having to develop your own application.
“Hello World” For TensorRT sampleMNIST Performs the basic setup and initialization of TensorRT using the Caffe parser.
Building A Simple MNIST Network Layer By Layer sampleMNISTAPI Uses the TensorRT API to build an MNIST (handwritten digit recognition) layer by layer, sets up weights and inputs/outputs and then performs inference.
Importing The TensorFlow Model And Running Inference sampleUffMNIST Imports a TensorFlow model trained on the MNIST dataset.
“Hello World” For TensorRT From ONNX sampleOnnxMNIST Converts a model trained on the MNIST dataset in ONNX format to a TensorRT network.
Building And Running GoogleNet In TensorRT sampleGoogleNet Shows how to import a model trained with Caffe into TensorRT using GoogleNet as an example.
Building An RNN Network Layer By Layer sampleCharRNN Uses the TensorRT API to build an RNN network layer by layer, sets up weights and inputs/outputs and then performs inference.
Performing Inference In INT8 Using Custom Calibration sampleINT8 Performs INT8 calibration and inference. Calibrates a network for execution in INT8.
Performing Inference In INT8 Precision sampleINT8API Sets per tensor dynamic range and computation precision of a layer.
Object Detection With Faster R-CNN sampleFasterRCNN Uses TensorRT plugins, performs inference and implements a fused custom layer for end-to-end inferencing of a Faster R-CNN model.
Object Detection With A TensorFlow SSD Network sampleUffSSD Preprocesses the TensorFlow SSD network, performs inference on the SSD network in TensorRT and uses TensorRT plugins to speed up inference.
Object Detection With SSD sampleSSD Preprocesses the input to the SSD network, performs inference on the SSD network in TensorRT, uses TensorRT plugins to speed up inference, and performs INT8 calibration on an SSD network.
Specifying I/O Formats sampleIOFormats Uses a Caffe model that was trained on theMNIST dataset and performs engine building and inference using TensorRT. The correctness of outputs is then compared to the golden reference.
Adding A Custom Layer That Supports INT8 I/O To Your Network In TensorRT sampleUffPluginV2Ext Demonstrates how to extend INT8 I/O for a plugin that is introduced in TensorRT 6.x.x.
Digit Recognition With Dynamic Shapes In TensorRT sampleDynamicReshape Demonstrates how to use dynamic input dimensions in TensorRT by creating an engine for resizing dynamically shaped inputs to the correct size for an ONNX MNIST model.
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) Using A Sequence To Sequence (seq2seq) Model sampleNMT Demonstrates the implementation of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) based on a TensorFlow seq2seq model using the TensorRT API.
Object Detection And Instance Segmentation With A TensorFlow Mask R-CNN Network sampleUffMaskRCNN Performs inference on the Mask R-CNN network in TensorRT. Mask R-CNN is based on the Mask R-CNN paper which performs the task of object detection and object mask predictions on a target image.
Object Detection With A TensorFlow Faster R-CNN Network sampleUffFasterRCNN Serves as a demo of how to use a pre-trained Faster-RCNN model in NVIDIA TAO to do inference with TensorRT.
Algorithm Selection API Usage Example Based On sampleMNIST In TensorRT sampleAlgorithmSelector End-to-end example of how to use the algorithm selection API based on sampleMNIST.
Introduction To Importing Caffe, TensorFlow And ONNX Models Into TensorRT Using Python introductory_parser_samples Uses TensorRT and its included suite of parsers (the UFF, Caffe and ONNX parsers), to perform inference with ResNet-50 models trained with various different frameworks.
“Hello World” For TensorRT Using TensorFlow And Python end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist An end-to-end sample that trains a model in TensorFlow and Keras, freezes the model and writes it to a protobuf file, converts it to UFF, and finally runs inference using TensorRT.
“Hello World” For TensorRT Using PyTorch And Python network_api_pytorch_mnist An end-to-end sample that trains a model in PyTorch, recreates the network in TensorRT, imports weights from the trained model, and finally runs inference with a TensorRT engine.
Adding A Custom Layer To Your TensorFlow Network In TensorRT In Python uff_custom_plugin Implements a clip layer (as a NVIDIA CUDA® kernel) wraps the implementation in a TensorRT plugin (with a corresponding plugin creator), and generates a shared library module containing its code.
Object Detection With The ONNX TensorRT Backend In Python yolov3_onnx Implements a full ONNX-based pipeline for performing inference with the YOLOv3-608 network, including pre and post-processing.
Object Detection With SSD In Python uff_ssd Implements a full UFF-based pipeline for performing inference with an SSD (InceptionV2 feature extractor) network. The sample downloads a trained ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17 model and uses it to perform inference. Additionally, it superimposes bounding boxes on the input image as a post-processing step.
INT8 Calibration In Python int8_caffe_mnist Demonstrates how to calibrate an engine to run in INT8 mode.
Refitting An Engine In Python engine_refit_mnist Trains an MNIST model in PyTorch, recreates the network in TensorRT with dummy weights, and finally refits the TensorRT engine with weights from the model.
TensorRT Inference Of ONNX Models With Custom Layers In Python onnx_packnet Uses TensorRT to perform inference with a PackNet network. This sample demonstrates the use of custom layers in ONNX graphs and processing them using ONNX-graphsurgeon API.
Refitting An Engine Built From An ONNX Model In Python engine_refit_onnx_bidaf Builds an engine from the ONNX BiDAF model, refits the TensorRT engine with weights from the model.
Scalable And Efficient Object Detection With EfficientDet Networks In Python efficientdet Sample application to demonstrate conversion and execution of Google® EfficientDet models with TensorRT.
Scalable And Efficient Image Classification With EfficientNet Networks In Python efficientnet Sample application to demonstrate conversion and execution of a Google EfficientNet model with TensorRT.

1.1. Getting Started With C++ Samples

You can find the C++ samples in the /usr/src/tensorrt/samples package directory as well as on GitHub. The following C++ samples are shipped with TensorRT.

Getting Started With C++ Samples

Every C++ sample includes a README.md file in GitHub that provides detailed information about how the sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

Running C++ Samples on Linux

If you installed TensorRT using the Debian files, copy /usr/src/tensorrt to a new directory first before building the C++ samples. If you installed TensorRT using the tar file, then the samples are located in {TAR_EXTRACT_PATH}/samples. To build all the samples and then run one of the samples, use the following commands:
$ cd <samples_dir>
$ make -j4
$ cd ../bin
$ ./<sample_bin>

Running C++ Samples on Windows

All of the C++ samples on Windows are provided as Visual Studio Solution files. To build a sample, open its corresponding Visual Studio Solution file and build the solution. The output executable will be generated in (ZIP_EXTRACT_PATH)\bin. You can then run the executable directly or through Visual Studio.

1.2. Getting Started With Python Samples

You can find the Python samples in the /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python package directory. The following Python samples are shipped with TensorRT.

Getting Started With Python Samples

Every C++ sample includes a README.md file in GitHub that provides detailed information about how the sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

Running Python Samples

To run one of the Python samples, the process typically involves two steps:
  1. Install the sample requirements:
    python<x> -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    where python<x> is either python2 or python3.
  2. Run the sample code with the data directory provided if the TensorRT sample data is not in the default location. For example:
    python<x> sample.py [-d DATA_DIR]

For more information on running samples, see the README.md file included with the sample.

2. Cross Compiling Samples

The following sections show how to cross-compile TensorRT samples for AArch64 QNX and Linux platforms under x86_64 Linux.

2.1. Prerequisites

This section provides step-by-step instructions to ensure you meet the minimum requirements to cross-compile.
  1. Install the CUDA cross-platform toolkit for the corresponding target and set the environment variable CUDA_INSTALL_DIR.
    $ export CUDA_INSTALL_DIR="your cuda install dir"

    Where CUDA_INSTALL_DIR is set to /usr/local/cuda by default.

    Note: If you are installing TensorRT using the network repository, then it’s best if you install the cuda-toolkit-X-Y and cuda-cross-<arch>-X-Y packages first to ensure you have all CUDA dependencies required to build the TensorRT samples.
  2. Install the cuDNN cross-platform libraries for the corresponding target and set the environment variable CUDNN_INSTALL_DIR.
    $ export CUDNN_INSTALL_DIR="your cudnn install dir"

    Where CUDNN_INSTALL_DIR is set to CUDA_INSTALL_DIR by default.

  3. Install the TensorRT cross-compilation Debian packages for the corresponding target.
    Note: If you are using the tar file release for the target platform, then you can safely skip this step. The tar file release already includes the cross-compile libraries so no additional packages are required.
    QNX AArch64
    • libnvinfer-dev-cross-qnx
    • libnvinfer8-cross-qnx
    • libnvinfer-plugin-dev-cross-qnx
    • libnvinfer-plugin8-cross-qnx
    • libnvparsers-dev-cross-qnx
    • libnvparsers8-cross-qnx
    • libnvonnxparsers-dev-cross-qnx
    • libnvonnxparsers8-cross-qnx
    Linux AArch64
    • libnvinfer-dev-cross-aarch64
    • libnvinfer8-cross-aarch64
    • libnvinfer-plugin-dev-cross-aarch64
    • libnvinfer-plugin8-cross-aarch64
    • libnvparsers-dev-cross-aarch64
    • libnvparsers8-cross-aarch64
    • libnvonnxparsers-dev-cross-aarch64
    • libnvonnxparsers8-cross-aarch6
    Linux SBSA
    • libnvinfer-dev-cross-sbsa
    • libnvinfer8-cross-sbsa
    • libnvinfer-plugin-dev-cross-sbsa
    • libnvinfer-plugin8-cross-sbsa
    • libnvparsers-dev-cross-sbsa
    • libnvparsers8-cross-sbsa
    • libnvonnxparsers-dev-cross-sbsa
    • libnvonnxparsers8-cross-sbsa

2.2. Building Samples For QNX AArch64

This section provides step-by-step instructions to build samples for QNX users.
  1. Download the QNX tool-chain and export the following environment variables.
    $ export QNX_HOST=/path/to/your/qnx/toolchains/host/linux/x86_64
    $ export QNX_TARGET=/path/to/your/qnx/toolchain/target/qnx7
  2. Build the samples by issuing:
    $ cd /path/to/TensorRT/samples
    $ make TARGET=qnx

2.3. Building Samples For Linux AArch64

This section provides step-by-step instructions to build samples for Linux users.
  1. Install the corresponding GCC compiler, aarch64-linux-gnu-g++. In Ubuntu, this can be installed via:
    $ sudo apt-get install g++-aarch64-linux-gnu
  2. Build the samples by issuing:
    $ cd /path/to/TensorRT/samples
    $ make TARGET=aarch64

2.4. Building Samples For Linux SBSA

This section provides step-by-step instructions to build samples for Linux SBSA users.
  1. Install the corresponding GCC compiler, aarch64-linux-gnu-g++. In Ubuntu, this can be installed via:
    $ sudo apt-get install g++-aarch64-linux-gnu
  2. Build the samples by issuing:
    $ cd /path/to/TensorRT/samples
    $ make TARGET=aarch64 ARMSERVER=1

3. Building Samples Using Static Libraries

The following section demonstrates how to build the TensorRT samples using the TensorRT static libraries, including cuDNN and other CUDA libraries that are statically linked. The TensorRT samples can be used as a guideline for how to build your own application using the TensorRT static libraries, if you choose.
Note: You must use the tar package if you wish to build the TensorRT samples statically because some libraries are not included in the Debian or RPM packages including some required dependent static libraries and linker scripts. Also, building the TensorRT samples statically is only supported on Linux x86 platforms and not AArch64 or PowerPC at this time.
To build the TensorRT samples using the TensorRT static libraries, you can use the following command when you are building the samples.
$ make TRT_STATIC=1

You should append any other Make arguments you would normally include, such as TARGET to indicate the CPU architecture or CUDA_INSTALL_DIR to indicate where CUDA has been installed on your system. The static sample binaries created by the TRT_STATIC make option will have the suffix _static appended to the filename in the output directory to distinguish them from the dynamic sample binaries.

3.1. Limitations

It’s strongly advised that the same major.minor version of the CUDA toolkit that was used to build TensorRT is used to build your application. Since symbols cannot be hidden or duplicated in a static binary, like they can for dynamic libraries, using the same CUDA toolkit version reduces the chance of symbol conflicts or incompatibilities.
If you are including libnvinfer_static.a and libnvinfer_plugin_static.a in your linker command line, then consider using the following linker flags to ensure that all CUDA kernels and TensorRT plugins are included in your final application.
-Wl,-whole-archive -lnvinfer_static -Wl,-no-whole-archive
-Wl,-whole-archive -lnvinfer_plugin_static -Wl,-no-whole-archive
When linking with the cuDNN static library, libcudnn_static.a should be linked with the following whole-archive linker flag for best possible performance. Refer to the cuDNN 8.x.x Release Notes for more information.
-Wl,-whole-archive -lcudnn_static -Wl,-no-whole-archive
For platforms other than x86_64 Linux CUDA-11.x, if libnvrtc.so.* cannot be found in your library search path, then TensorRT will automatically disable some TensorRT features that require NVRTC to function (see list below). If these features are required for your application, then you must provide the NVRTC library at runtime.
  • Loops
  • Boolean operations
  • PointWise fusions
  • Fusions that depend on PointWise fusion. For example, Convolution or FullyConnected operations fused with the subsequent PointWise operation.
If you are building the TensorRT samples with a GCC version less than 8.x, then you may require the RedHat Developer Toolset 8 non-shared libstdc++ library to avoid missing C++ standard library symbols during linking. You can use the following one-line command to obtain this additional static library, assuming the programs required by this command are already installed on your system.
$ curl -s http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/sclo/x86_64/rh/Packages/d/devtoolset-8-libstdc++-devel-8.3.1-3.2.el7.x86_64.rpm | rpm2cpio - | bsdtar --strip-components=10 -xf - '*/libstdc++_nonshared.a'
If you are building the TensorRT samples with a GCC version less than 5.x (for example GCC 4.8 on RHEL/CentOS 7.x), then you may require the linker options mentioned below to ensure you’re using the correct C++ standard library symbols in your application. Your application object files must come after the TensorRT static libraries when linking to ensure the newer C++ standard library symbols from the RedHat Developer Toolset are used. This change is required to avoid undefined behavior within TensorRT that may lead to a crash. Since the resulting binary will of course depend on TensorRT both the TensorRT static libraries and any dependent object files must be linked together as a group to ensure all symbols are resolved.
-Wl,--start-group -lnvinfer_static -lnvinfer_plugin_static -lnvparsers_static -lnvonnxparser_static <object_files> -Wl,--end-group
You may observe relocation issues during linking if the resulting binary exceeds 2 GB. This can occur if you are linking TensorRT and all of its dependencies into your application statically. To workaround this issue and move the GPU code to the end of the binary, you may require the linker script below and the following linker option -Wl,<path/to/fatbin.ld>.
  .nvFatBinSegment : { *(.nvFatBinSegment) }
  .nv_fatbin : { *(.nv_fatbin) }

4. Machine Comprehension

Machine comprehension systems are used to translate text from one language to another language, make predictions or answer questions based on a specific context. Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are one of the most popular deep learning solutions for machine comprehension.

4.1. Neural Machine Translation (NMT) Using A Sequence To Sequence (seq2seq) Model

This sample, sampleNMT, demonstrates the implementation of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) based on a TensorFlow seq2seq model using the TensorRT API. The TensorFlow seq2seq model is an open-sourced NMT project that uses deep neural networks to translate text from one language to another language.

What does this sample do?

Specifically, this sample is an end-to-end sample that takes a TensorFlow model, builds an engine, and runs inference using the generated network. The sample is intended to be modular so it can be used as a starting point for your machine translation application.

This sample implements German to English translation using the data that is provided by and trained from the TensorFlow NMT (seq2seq) Tutorial.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleNMT directory in the GitHub: sampleNMT repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleNMT. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleNMT.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleNMT/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

4.2. Building An RNN Network Layer By Layer

This sample, sampleCharRNN, uses the TensorRT API to build an RNN network layer by layer, sets up weights and inputs/outputs and then performs inference.

What does this sample do?

Specifically, this sample creates a CharRNN network that has been trained on the Tiny Shakespeare dataset. For more information about character level modeling, see char-rnn.

TensorFlow has a useful RNN Tutorial which can be used to train a word-level model. Word level models learn a probability distribution over a set of all possible word sequences. Since our goal is to train a char level model, which learns a probability distribution over a set of all possible characters, a few modifications will need to be made to get the TensorFlow sample to work. These modifications can be seen here.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleCharRNN directory in the GitHub: sampleCharRNN repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleCharRNN. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleCharRNN.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleCharRNN/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

4.3. Refitting An Engine Built From An ONNX Model In Python

This sample, engine_refit_onnx_bidaf, builds an engine from the ONNX BiDAF model, and refits the TensorRT engine with weights from the model. The new refit APIs allow users to locate the weights via names from ONNX models instead of layer names and weights roles.

In the first pass, the weights “Parameter576_B_0” are refitted with empty values resulting in an incorrect inference result. In the second pass, we refit the engine with the actual weights and run inference again. With the weights now set correctly, inference should provide correct results.

Where Is This Sample Located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/engine_refit_onnx_bidaf directory in the GitHub: engine_refit_onnx_bidaf repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/engine_refit_onnx_bidaf. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/engine_refit_onnx_bidaf.

Getting Started:

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: engine_refit_onnx_bidaf/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5. Character Recognition

5.1. “Hello World” For TensorRT

This sample, sampleMNIST, is a simple hello world example that performs the basic setup and initialization of TensorRT using the Caffe parser.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleMNIST directory in the GitHub: sampleMNIST repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleMNIST. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleMNIST.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleMNIST/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.2. Building A Simple MNIST Network Layer By Layer

This sample, sampleMNISTAPI, uses the TensorRT API to build an engine for a model trained on the MNIST dataset.

What does this sample do?

Specifically, it creates the network layer by layer, sets up weights and inputs/outputs, and then performs inference. This sample is similar to sampleMNIST. Both of these samples use the same model weights, handle the same input, and expect similar output.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleMNISTAPI directory in the GitHub: sampleMNISTAPI repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleMNISTAPI. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleMNISTAPI.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleMNISTAPI/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.3. Importing The TensorFlow Model And Running Inference

This sample, sampleUffMNIST, imports a TensorFlow model trained on the MNIST dataset.

What does this sample do?

The MNIST TensorFlow model has been converted to UFF (Universal Framework Format) using the explanation described in Working With TensorFlow.

The UFF is designed to store neural networks as a graph. The NvUffParser that we use in this sample parses the UFF file in order to create an inference engine based on that neural network.

With TensorRT, you can take a TensorFlow trained model, export it into a UFF protobuf file (.uff) using the UFF converter, and import it using the UFF parser.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleUffMNIST directory in the GitHub: sampleUffMNIST repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleUffMNIST. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleUffMNIST.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleUffMNIST/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.4. “Hello World” For TensorRT From ONNX

This sample, sampleOnnxMNIST, converts a model trained on the MNIST in ONNX format to a TensorRT network and runs inference on the network. ONNX is a standard for representing deep learning models that enables models to be transferred between frameworks.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleOnnxMNIST directory in the GitHub: sampleOnnxMNIST repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleOnnxMNIST. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleOnnxMNIST.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleOnnxMNIST/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.5. Performing Inference In INT8 Using Custom Calibration

This sample, sampleINT8, performs INT8 calibration and inference.

What does this sample do?

Specifically, this sample demonstrates how to perform inference in an 8-bit integer (INT8). INT8 inference is available only on GPUs with compute capability 6.1 or 7.x. After the network is calibrated for execution in INT8, the output of the calibration is cached to avoid repeating the process. You can then reproduce your own experiments with Caffe in order to validate your results on ImageNet networks.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleINT8 directory in the GitHub: sampleINT8 repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleINT8. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleINT8.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleINT8/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.6. Digit Recognition With Dynamic Shapes In TensorRT

This sample, sampleDynamicReshape, demonstrates how to use dynamic input dimensions in TensorRT by creating an engine for resizing dynamically shaped inputs to the correct size for an ONNX MNIST model.

What does this sample do?

This sample creates an engine for resizing an input with dynamic dimensions to a size that an ONNX MNIST model can consume.

Specifically, this sample demonstrates how to:
  • Create a network with dynamic input dimensions to act as a preprocessor for the model
  • Parse an ONNX MNIST model to create a second network
  • Build engines for both networks and start calibration if running in INT8
  • Run inference using both engines
For more information, see Working With Dynamic Shapes in the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleDynamicReshape directory in the GitHub: sampleDynamicReshape repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleDynamicReshape. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleDynamicReshape.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleDynamicReshape/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.7. Specifying I/O Formats

This sample, sampleIOFormats, uses a Caffe model that was trained on the MNIST dataset and performs engine building and inference using TensorRT. The correctness of outputs is then compared to the golden reference.

What does this sample do?

Specifically, it shows how to explicitly specify I/O formats for TensorFormat::kLINEAR, TensorFormat::kCHW2 and TensorFormat::kHWC8 for Float16 and INT8 precision.

ITensor::setAllowedFormats is invoked to specify which format is used.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the directory samples/sampleIOFormats in the GitHub: sampleIOFormats repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleIOFormats. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleIOFormats.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleIOFormats/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.8. Adding A Custom Layer That Supports INT8 I/O To Your Network In TensorRT

This sample, sampleUffPluginV2Ext, implements the custom pooling layer for the MNIST model (data/samples/lenet5_custom_pool.uff).

What does this sample do?

Since cuDNN function cudnnPoolingForward with float precision is used to simulate an INT8 kernel, the performance for INT8 precision does not speed up. Nevertheless, the main purpose of this sample is to demonstrate how to extend INT8 I/O for a plugin that is introduced in TensorRT 6.0. This requires the interface replacement from IPlugin/IPluginV2/IPluginV2Ext to IPluginV2IOExt (or IPluginV2DynamicExt if dynamic shape is required).

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleUffPluginV2Ext directory in the GitHub: sampleUffPluginV2Ext repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleUffPluginV2Ext. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleUffPluginV2Ext.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: /sampleUffPluginV2Ext/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.9. “Hello World” For TensorRT Using TensorFlow And Python

This sample, end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist, trains a small, fully-connected model on the MNIST dataset and runs inference using TensorRT.

Where Is This Sample Located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist directory in the GitHub: end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist.

Getting Started:

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: /end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.10. Refitting An Engine In Python

This sample, engine_refit_mnist, trains an MNIST model in PyTorch, recreates the network in TensorRT with dummy weights, and finally refits the TensorRT engine with weights from the model. Refitting allows us to quickly modify the weights in a TensorRT engine without needing to rebuild.

Where Is This Sample Located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/engine_refit_mnist directory in the GitHub: engine_refit_mnist repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/engine_refit_mnist. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/engine_refit_mnist.

Getting Started:

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: /engine_refit_mnist/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.11. INT8 Calibration In Python

This sample, int8_caffe_mnist, demonstrates how to create an INT8 calibrator, build and calibrate an engine for INT8 mode, and finally run inference in INT8 mode.

Where Is This Sample Located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/int8_caffe_mnist directory in the GitHub: int8_caffe_mnist repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/int8_caffe_mnist. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/int8_caffe_mnist.

Getting Started:

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: /int8_caffe_mnist/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.12. “Hello World” For TensorRT Using PyTorch And Python

This sample, network_api_pytorch_mnist, trains a convolutional model on the MNIST dataset and runs inference with a TensorRT engine.

Where Is This Sample Located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/network_api_pytorch_mnist directory in the GitHub: network_api_pytorch_mnist repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/network_api_pytorch. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/network_api_pytorch.

Getting Started:

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: /network_api_pytorch_mnist/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.13. Adding A Custom Layer To Your TensorFlow Network In TensorRT In Python

This sample, uff_custom_plugin, demonstrates how to use plugins written in C++ with the TensorRT Python bindings and UFF Parser. This sample uses the MNIST dataset.

Where Is This Sample Located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/uff_custom_plugin directory in the GitHub: uff_custom_plugin repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/uff_custom_plugin. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/uff_custom_plugin.

Getting Started:

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: /uff_custom_plugin/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

5.14. Algorithm Selection API Usage Example Based On sampleMNIST In TensorRT

This sample, sampleAlgorithmSelector, shows an example of how to use the algorithm selection API based on sampleMNIST.

What does this sample do?

This sample demonstrates the usage of IAlgorithmSelector to deterministically build TensorRT engines. It also shows the usage of IAlgorithmSelector::selectAlgorithms to define heuristics for selection of algorithms.

This sample uses a Caffe model that was trained on the MNIST dataset.

To verify whether the engine is operating correctly, this sample picks a 28x28 image of a digit at random and runs inference on it using the engine it created. The output of the network is a probability distribution on the digit, showing which digit is likely to be that in the image.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleAlgorithmSelector directory in the GitHub: sampleAlgorithmSelector repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleAlgorithmSelector. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleAlgorithmSelector.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: /uff_custom_plugin/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

6. Image Classification

Image classification is the problem of identifying one or more objects present in an image. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are a popular choice for solving this problem. They are typically composed of convolution and pooling layers.

6.1. Building And Running GoogleNet In TensorRT

This sample, sampleGoogleNet, demonstrates how to import a model trained with Caffe into TensorRT using GoogleNet as an example.

What does this sample do?

Specifically, this sample builds a TensorRT engine from the saved Caffe model, sets input values to the engine, and runs it.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleGoogleNet directory in the GitHub: sampleGoogleNet repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleGoogleNet. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleGoogleNet.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleGoogleNet/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

6.2. Performing Inference In INT8 Precision

This sample, sampleINT8API, performs INT8 inference without using the INT8 calibrator; using the user-provided per activation tensor dynamic range. INT8 inference is available only on GPUs with compute capability 6.1 or 7.x and supports Image Classification ONNX models such as ResNet-50, VGG19, and MobileNet.

What does this sample do?

Specifically, this sample demonstrates how to:
  • Use nvinfer1::ITensor::setDynamicRange to set per tensor dynamic range
  • Use nvinfer1::ILayer::setPrecison to set computation precision of a layer
  • Use nvinfer1::ILayer::setOutputType to set output tensor data type of a layer
  • Perform INT8 inference without using INT8 calibration

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleINT8API directory in the GitHub: sampleINT8API repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleINT8API. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleINT8API.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleINT8API/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

6.3. Introduction To Importing Caffe, TensorFlow And ONNX Models Into TensorRT Using Python

This sample, introductory_parser_samples, is a Python sample that uses TensorRT and its included suite of parsers (UFF, Caffe and ONNX parsers), to perform inference with ResNet-50 models trained with various different frameworks.

Where Is This Sample Located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/introductory_parser_samples directory in the GitHub: introductory_parser_samples repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/introductory_parser_samples. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/introductory_parser_samples.

Getting Started:

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: introductory_parser_samples/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

6.4. TensorRT Inference Of ONNX Models With Custom Layers In Python

This sample, onnx_packnet, uses TensorRT to perform inference with the PackNet network. PackNet is a self-supervised monocular depth estimation network used in autonomous driving.

What does this sample do?

This sample converts the PyTorch graph into ONNX and uses an ONNX-parser included in TensorRT to parse the ONNX graph. The sample also demonstrates how to:
  • Use custom layers (plugins) in an ONNX graph. These plugins can be automatically registered in TensorRT by using REGISTER_TENSORRT_PLUGIN API.
  • Use the ONNX GraphSurgeon (ONNX-GS) API to modify layers or subgraphs in the ONNX graph. For this network, we transform Group Normalization, upsample and pad layers to remove unnecessary nodes for inference with TensorRT.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/onnx_packnet directory in the GitHub: onnx_packnet repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/onnx_packnet. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/onnx_packnet.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: onnx_packnet/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

6.5. Scalable And Efficient Image Classification With EfficientNet Networks In Python

This sample, efficientnet, shows how to convert and execute a Google EfficientNet model with TensorRT.

What does this sample do?

The sample supports models from the original EfficientNet implementation, as well as newer EfficientNet V2 models. The sample code converts a TensorFlow saved model to ONNX and then builds a TensorRT engine with it. Inference and accuracy validation can also be performed with the helper scripts provided in the sample.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/efficientnet directory in the GitHub: efficientnet repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/efficientnet. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/efficientnet.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: efficientnet/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

7. Object Detection

Object detection is one of the classic computer vision problems. The task, for a given image, is to detect, classify and localize all objects of interest. For example, imagine that you are developing a self-driving car and you need to do pedestrian detection - the object detection algorithm would then, for a given image, return bounding box coordinates for each pedestrian in an image.

There have been many advances in recent years in designing models for object detection.

7.1. Object Detection With SSD In Python

This sample, uff_ssd, implements a full UFF-based pipeline for performing inference with an SSD (InceptionV2 feature extractor) network.

What Does This Sample Do?

This sample is based on the SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector paper. The SSD network, built on the VGG-16 network, performs the task of object detection and localization in a single forward pass of the network. This approach discretizes the output space of bounding boxes into a set of default boxes over different aspect ratios and scales per feature map location. At prediction time, the network generates scores for the presence of each object category in each default box and produces adjustments to the box to better match the object shape. Additionally, the network combines predictions from multiple features with different resolutions to naturally handle objects of various sizes.

This sample is based on the TensorFlow implementation of SSD. For more information, download ssd_inception_v2_coco. Unlike the paper, the TensorFlow SSD network was trained on the InceptionV2 architecture using the MSCOCO dataset which has 91 classes (including the background class). The config details of the network can be found here.

Where Is This Sample Located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/uff_ssd directory in the GitHub: uff_ssd repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/uff_ssd. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/uff_ssd.

Getting Started:

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: uff_ssd/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

7.2. Object Detection With The ONNX TensorRT Backend In Python

This sample, yolov3_onnx, implements a full ONNX-based pipeline for performing inference with the YOLOv3 network, with an input size of 608x608 pixels, including pre and post-processing.

What Does This Sample Do?

This sample is based on the YOLOv3-608 paper.
Note: This sample is not supported on Ubuntu 14.04 and older. Additionally, the yolov3_to_onnx.py script does not support Python 3.

Where Is This Sample Located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/yolov3_onnx directory in the GitHub: yolov3_onnx repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/yolov3_onnx. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/yolov2_onnx.

Getting Started:

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: yolov3_onnx/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

7.3. Object Detection With A TensorFlow SSD Network

This sample, sampleUffSSD, preprocesses a TensorFlow SSD network, performs inference on the SSD network in TensorRT, using TensorRT plugins to speed up inference.

What does this sample do?

This sample is based on the SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector paper. The SSD network performs the task of object detection and localization in a single forward pass of the network.

The SSD network used in this sample is based on the TensorFlow implementation of SSD, which actually differs from the original paper, in that it has an inception_v2 backbone. For more information about the actual model, download ssd_inception_v2_coco. The TensorFlow SSD network was trained on the InceptionV2 architecture using the MSCOCO dataset which has 91 classes (including the background class). The config details of the network can be found here.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleUffSSD directory in the GitHub: sampleUffSSD repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleUffSSD. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleUffSSD.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleUffSSD/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

7.4. Object Detection With Faster R-CNN

This sample, sampleFasterRCNN, uses TensorRT plugins, performs inference, and implements a fused custom layer for end-to-end inferencing of a Faster R-CNN model.

What does this sample do?

Specifically, this sample demonstrates the implementation of a Faster R-CNN network in TensorRT, performs a quick performance test in TensorRT, implements a fused custom layer, and constructs the basis for further optimization, for example using INT8 calibration, user trained network, etc. The Faster R-CNN network is based on the paper Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleFasterRCNN directory in the GitHub: sampleFasterRCNN repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleFasterRCNN. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleFasterRCNN.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleFasterRCNN/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

7.5. Object Detection With SSD

This sample, sampleSSD, performs the task of object detection and localization in a single forward pass of the network.

What does this sample do?

This sample is based on the SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector paper. This network is built using the VGG network as a backbone and trained using PASCAL VOC 2007+ 2012 datasets.

Unlike Faster R-CNN, SSD completely eliminates the proposal generation and subsequent pixel or feature resampling stages and encapsulates all computation in a single network. This makes SSD straightforward to integrate into systems that require a detection component.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleSSD directory in the GitHub: sampleSSD repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleSSD. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleSSD.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleSSD/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

7.6. Object Detection And Instance Segmentation With A TensorFlow Mask R-CNN Network

This sample, sampleUffMaskRCNN, performs inference on the Mask R-CNN network in TensorRT.

What does this sample do?

Mask R-CNN is based on the Mask R-CNN paper which performs the task of object detection and object mask predictions on a target image.

This sample’s model is based on the Keras implementation of Mask R-CNN and its training framework can be found in the Mask R-CNN Github repository. We have verified that the pre-trained Keras model (with backbone ResNet101 + FPN and dataset coco) provided in the v2.0 release can be converted to UFF and consumed by this sample. And, it is also feasible to deploy your customized Mask R-CNN model trained with specific backbone and datasets.

This sample makes use of TensorRT plugins to run the Mask R-CNN model. To use these plugins, the Keras model should be converted to TensorFlow .pb model. Then this .pb model needs to be preprocessed and converted to the UFF model with the help of GraphSurgeon and the UFF utility.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleUffMaskRCNN directory in the GitHub: sampleUffMaskRCNN repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleUffMaskRCNN. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleUffMaskRCNN.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With C++ Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleUffMaskRCNN/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

7.7. Object Detection With A TensorFlow Faster R-CNN Network

This sample, sample_uff_fasterRCNN, is a UFF TensorRT sample for Faster-RCNN in NVIDIA TAO.

What does this sample do?

This sample serves as a demo of how to use the pre-trained Faster-RCNN model in TAO Toolkit to do inference with TensorRT. Besides the sample itself, it also provides two TensorRT plugins: Proposal and CropAndResize to implement the proposal layer and ROIPooling layer as custom layers in the model since TensorRT has no native support for them.

In this sample, we provide a UFF model as a demo. While in the TAO workflow, we can't provide the UFF model. Instead, we can only get the .tlt model during training and the .etlt model after tlt-export. Both of them are encrypted models and the TAO user will use tlt-converter to decrypt the .etlt model and generate a TensorRT engine file in a single step. Therefore, in the TAO workflow, we will consume the TensorRT engine instead of a UFF model. However, this sample can still serve as a demo on how to use the UFF Faster R-CNN model regardless of its format.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/sampleUffFasterRCNN directory in the GitHub: sampleUffFasterRCNN repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/sampleUffFasterRCNN. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/sampleUffFasterRCNN.

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: sampleUffFasterRCNN/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.

7.8. Scalable And Efficient Object Detection With EfficientDet Networks In Python

This sample, efficientdet, demonstrates the conversion and execution of Google EfficientDet models with TensorRT.

What does this sample do?

The code converts a TensorFlow checkpoint or saved model to ONNX, adapts the ONNX graph for TensorRT compatibility, and then builds a TensorRT engine with it. Inference and accuracy validation can then be performed using the corresponding scripts provided in the sample.

Where is this sample located?

This sample is maintained under the samples/python/efficientdet directory in the GitHub: efficientdet repository. If using the Debian or RPM package, the sample is located at /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/efficientdet. If using the tar or zip package, the sample is at <extracted_path>/samples/python/efficientdet

How do I get started?

For more information about getting started, see Getting Started With Python Samples. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: efficientdet/README.md file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.



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1 This sample is located in the release product package only.