Source code for tensorflow_quantization.quantize

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from typing import List, Union
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_quantization.quantize_wrappers as quantize_wrappers
import tensorflow_quantization.global_config as cfg
import tensorflow_quantization.quantize_config as quantize_config
from dataclasses import dataclass
from tensorflow_quantization.quantize_wrappers import DISABLED_LAYER_QUANTIZATION_DEFAULT

class LayerConfig:
    Internal dataclass for a single layer config.
        name (str): Name of the layer. As seen from utilities such as `model.summary()`
        is_keras_class (bool) : Set this to True if layer_name passed represents a layer class from Keras.
            Default is False.
        quantize_input (bool): Set this to True if input to the layers should be quantized. Default is True
            since default behavior is following Nvidia quantization recipe.
        quantize_weight (bool): Set this to True if weights to the layers should be quantized. Default is True
            since default behavior is following Nvidia quantization recipe. For weightless layers, value is
        quantization_index (List): Indices on inputs to which quantization is applied for the layers with
            multiple inputs. E.g Add, Concatenate

    name: str = None
    is_keras_class: bool = False
    quantize_input: bool = True
    quantize_weight: bool = True
    quantization_index: list = None

[docs]class QuantizationSpec: """ Helper class holding config objects for all layers to quantize. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.layers = [] def __str__(self) -> str: for l in self.layers: print(l) return ""
[docs] def add( self, name: Union[str, List], is_keras_class: Union[bool, List] = False, quantize_input: Union[bool, List] = True, quantize_weight: Union[bool, List] = True, quantization_index: Union[List, List[List]] = None, ) -> None: """ Takes user parameters and adds LayerConfig object to a list for each add call. Args: name (Union[str, List]): Name of the layer. As seen from utilities such as `model.summary()` is_keras_class (Union[bool, List]): List or a single value. Set this to True if layer_name passed represents a layer class from Keras. Default is False. quantize_input (Union[bool, List]): List or a single value. Set this to True if input to the layers should be quantized. Default is True since default behavior is following Nvidia quantization recipe. quantize_weight (Union[bool, List]): List or a single value. Set this to True if weights to the layers should be quantized. Default is True since default behavior is following Nvidia quantization recipe. For weightless layers, value is ignored. quantization_index (Union[List, List[List]]): List or List of List. List with indices on inputs to which quantization is applied for the layers with multiple inputs. E.g Add, Concatenate Returns: None """ if not isinstance(name, list): self.layers.append( LayerConfig( name=name, is_keras_class=is_keras_class, quantize_input=quantize_input, quantize_weight=quantize_weight, quantization_index=quantization_index, ) ) else: # layer names is passed as a list if isinstance(is_keras_class, list): assert len(name) == len( is_keras_class ), "[E] `is_keras_class` is a list but length is not same as layer `name` list" if isinstance(quantize_input, list): assert len(name) == len( quantize_input ), "[E] `quantize_input` is a list but length is not same as layer `name` list" if isinstance(quantize_weight, list): assert len(name) == len( quantize_weight ), "[E] `quantize_weight` is a list but length is not same as layer `name` list" if isinstance(quantization_index, list): assert len(name) == len( quantization_index ), "[E] `quantization_index` is list but length is not same as layer `name` list" for i, e in enumerate(name): cl_name = e cl_is_keras_class = ( is_keras_class[i] if isinstance(is_keras_class, list) else is_keras_class ) cl_quantize_input = ( quantize_input[i] if isinstance(quantize_input, list) else quantize_input ) cl_quantize_weight = ( quantize_weight[i] if isinstance(quantize_weight, list) else quantize_weight ) cl_quantization_index = ( quantization_index[i] if isinstance(quantization_index, list) else quantization_index ) self.layers.append( LayerConfig( name=cl_name, is_keras_class=cl_is_keras_class, quantize_input=cl_quantize_input, quantize_weight=cl_quantize_weight, quantization_index=cl_quantization_index, ) )
def _skip_layer(layer: tf.keras.layers.Layer) -> bool: """ Decide whether quantization wrapping should be skipped for the given layer. The decision is made based on an internal quantize config object parameters. Args: layer (tf.keras.layers.Layer): Keras model layer Returns: bool: True if given layer should not be quantized else False """ config_object = cfg.get_config_object() # Check if any layer with Disabled Quantization by default are in the 'config_object.layer_classes_to_quantize'. # If so, that layer will be enabled for quantization. Otherwise, skip (return True). layer_class_name = layer.__class__.__name__ if layer_class_name in DISABLED_LAYER_QUANTIZATION_DEFAULT: if layer_class_name not in config_object.layer_classes_to_quantize: if in config_object.get_layer_config(): # User can enable a single layer even if the default behavior of a Class is to not quantize. # The decision of whether to quantize this layer or not will be left for later checks, such as when # quantize_input and quantize_weight = False. pass else: # Default behavior: skip layer return True # 1. When quantize_input = False, quantize_weight = False and quantization_index=None, don't even wrap the layer. if in config_object.get_layer_config(): current_layer_config = config_object.get_layer_config()[] if ( current_layer_config["qbool_list"][0] == False # quantize_input and current_layer_config["qbool_list"][1] == False # quantize_weight and "qindex_list" not in current_layer_config ): print( "[I] Layer `{layer_name}` is not quantized. There is nothing to quantize since " "quantize_input = False, quantize_weight = False and quantization_index=None".format( ) ) return True # 2. Called when quantization_mode is `partial` if config_object.config_class_id == 2: # A. Skip current `layer class` if current layer class is not in user provided QuantizationSpec class # object. However, when current layer name is passed by user to quantize, don't skip the layer. if ( len(config_object.layer_classes_to_quantize) != 0 and layer.__class__.__name__ not in config_object.layer_classes_to_quantize ): if in config_object.get_layer_config(): return False else: print( "[I] Layer class `{layer_class_name}` is not quantized. Partial quantization is enabled " "and layer class is not in user provided QuantizationSpec class object".format( layer_class_name=layer.__class__.__name__ ) ) return True # B. Skip current layer if `` is not in user provided QuantizationSpec class object. # However, if current layer class is passed by user to quantize, don't skip the layer. elif not in config_object.get_layer_config(): if layer.__class__.__name__ in config_object.layer_classes_to_quantize: return False else: print( "[I] Layer `{layer_name}` is not quantized. Partial quantization is enabled and layer name is not " "in user provided QuantizationSpec class object".format( ) ) return True return False def _quantize_model_layer_clone_function( layer: tf.keras.layers.Layer, ) -> "BaseQuantizeWrapper": """ Wrap or leave given layer based on quantize config object parameters. Args: layer (tf.keras.layers.Layer): Keras model layer Returns: BaseQuantizeWrapper: layer wrapped in BaseQuantizeWrapper class. """ layer_wrapper = layer if _skip_layer(layer): # Skip the layers not specified by the user. pass else: child_wrappers_dict = quantize_wrappers.BaseQuantizeWrapper.CHILD_WRAPPERS possible_wrapper_name_for_this_layer = ( layer.__class__.__name__ + "QuantizeWrapper" ) if possible_wrapper_name_for_this_layer in child_wrappers_dict: wrapper_function = child_wrappers_dict[possible_wrapper_name_for_this_layer] layer_wrapper = wrapper_function(layer) return layer_wrapper def _execute_quantize_model( model: tf.keras.Model, class_id: int, qspec: QuantizationSpec = None ) -> tf.keras.Model: """ clone the model and apply quantization to specific layers based on quantize config object parameters. Args: model (tf.keras.Model): Keras functional or sequential model. * Currently Subclassed models are not supported class_id (int): internal quantization class ID qspec (QuantizationSpec): object of QuantizationSpec class. If few layers or layer classes are to be treated differently, LayerConfig class objects for that layer/layer class are created internally and added to QuantizationSpec class. Returns: tf.keras.Model: Quantized model with QDQ nodes added. """ config_id_class_name_map = { 0: "FullNetworkQuantization", 1: "FullNetworkSpecialQuantization", 2: "PartialNetworkQuantization", } # 1. Create quantize config object q_config_object = getattr(quantize_config, config_id_class_name_map[class_id])() # 2. Update object attributes if qspec: q_config_object.add_quantization_spec_object(qspec, model.layers) assert ( cfg.is_config_object_created() ), "[E] Have you created the quantization config object before calling `quantize_model`?" # Wrap quantizable layers model = tf.keras.models.clone_model( model, input_tensors=None, clone_function=_quantize_model_layer_clone_function ) # Clean global space afterwards q_config_object.clean() return model def _recognize_config_class_id( quantization_mode: str = "full", qspec: QuantizationSpec = None ) -> int: """ Interpret internal quantize config class based on parameters passed by user to `quantize_model` function. Args: quantization_mode (str): Either 'full' or 'partial' quantization mode qspec (QuantizationSpec): object of QuantizationSpec class. If few layers or layer classes are to be treated differently, LayerConfig class objects for that layer/layer class are created internally and added to QuantizationSpec class. Returns: int: ID for quantization category class used internally. Raises: Exception: if no class can be interpreted for given parameter combination """ if quantization_mode == "full" and qspec is None: return 0 elif quantization_mode == "full" and qspec is not None: return 1 elif quantization_mode == "partial" and qspec is not None: return 2 else: raise Exception( "Could not recognize config class ID." " Are parameters passed to `quantize_model` function correct?" ) def _validate_config( quantization_mode: str = "full", qspec: QuantizationSpec = None ) -> None: """ Validate if parameters passed to `quantize_model` makes sense. Args: quantization_mode (str): quantization mode can be either 'full' or 'partial' qspec (QuantizationSpec): object of QuantizationSpec class. If few layers or layer classes are to be treated differently, LayerConfig class objects for that layer/layer class are created internally and added to QuantizationSpec class. Returns: None Raises: AssertionError: when configuration is not valid. """ def _verify_support_for_all_layer_classes(qspec: QuantizationSpec): for layer in qspec.layers: if layer.is_keras_class: # Layer class name is provided. child_wrappers_dict = ( quantize_wrappers.BaseQuantizeWrapper.CHILD_WRAPPERS ) possible_wrapper_name_for_this_layer = + "QuantizeWrapper" assert possible_wrapper_name_for_this_layer in child_wrappers_dict, ( "[E] layer class `{layer_name}` is not supported yet! Either there is no native wrapper or user " "provided wrapper registration failed.".format( ) ) if qspec: _verify_support_for_all_layer_classes(qspec) if quantization_mode == "partial": assert ( qspec is not None ), "[E] `QuantizationSpec` class object must be passed when `quantization_mode=partial`."
[docs]def quantize_model( model, quantization_mode: str = "full", quantization_spec: QuantizationSpec = None, custom_qdq_cases: List["CustomQDQInsertionCase"] = None, ) -> tf.keras.Model: """ Insert Q/DQ nodes in Keras model and return a copy. Weights are preserved unlike native keras clone. Args: model(tf.keras.Model): Keras Functional or Sequential model.subclassed models are not yet supported. quantization_mode(str): quantization mode can be either 'full' or 'partial' quantization_spec(QuantizationSpec) : object of QuantizationSpec class. If few layers or layer classes are to be treated differently, LayerConfig class objects for that layer/layer class are created internally and added to QuantizationSpec class. custom_qdq_cases(List[CustomQDQInsertionCase]) : `Case` method on every object in this list is called by passing model and user passed quantization_spec as arguments. Each member of this list is an object of a class inherited from CustomQDQInsertionCase class. Raises: AssertionError: When passed model is subclassed. AssertionError: When CustomQDQInsertionCase does not return QuantizationSpec object. AssertionError: When quantization mode is `partial` but QuantizationSpec object is not passed. AssertionError: When quantization wrapper is not found for desired layer class. ExceptionError: When internal quantization class ID can't be detected. This happens when passed parameters do not make sense. Returns: tf.keras.Model: Quantized model with QDQ nodes inserted according to NVIDIA quantization recipe. """ supported_model_classes = {"Functional", "Sequential"} assert ( model.__class__.__name__ in supported_model_classes ), "[E] Currently only `Functional` or `Sequential` model quantization is supported." # Update quantization_spec object based on output of special QDQ cases. custom_quantization_spec = QuantizationSpec() if custom_qdq_cases: for custom_qdq_case in custom_qdq_cases: qspec_case_object =, quantization_spec) if qspec_case_object: assert isinstance( qspec_case_object, QuantizationSpec ), "[E] {} \ does not return an object of QuantizationSpec.".format( qspec_case_object.__class__.__name__ ) custom_quantization_spec.layers.extend(qspec_case_object.layers) # if user has passed quantization_spec then extend it with custom_quantization_spec # else use just custom_quantization_spec if quantization_spec: quantization_spec.layers.extend(custom_quantization_spec.layers) else: if len(custom_quantization_spec.layers) != 0: quantization_spec = custom_quantization_spec # Check if config is valid and quantize model _validate_config(quantization_mode, quantization_spec) cid = _recognize_config_class_id(quantization_mode, quantization_spec) return _execute_quantize_model(model, cid, quantization_spec)