TensorRT 8.4.3
nvinfer1::utils Namespace Reference


TRT_DEPRECATED bool reshapeWeights (Weights const &input, int32_t const *shape, int32_t const *shapeOrder, void *data, int32_t nbDims) noexcept
 Reformat the input weights of the given shape based on the new order of dimensions. More...
TRT_DEPRECATED bool reorderSubBuffers (void *input, int32_t const *order, int32_t num, int32_t size) noexcept
 Takes an input stream and re-orders num chunks of the data given the size and order. More...
TRT_DEPRECATED bool transposeSubBuffers (void *input, DataType type, int32_t num, int32_t height, int32_t width) noexcept
 Transpose num sub-buffers of height * width. More...

Function Documentation

◆ reorderSubBuffers()

TRT_DEPRECATED bool nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers ( void *  input,
int32_t const *  order,
int32_t  num,
int32_t  size 

Takes an input stream and re-orders num chunks of the data given the size and order.

inputThe input data to re-order.
orderThe new order of the data sub-buffers.
numThe number of data sub-buffers to re-order.
sizeThe size of each data sub-buffer in bytes.

In some frameworks, the ordering of the sub-buffers within a dimension is different than the way that TensorRT expects them. TensorRT expects the gate/bias sub-buffers for LSTM's to be in fico order. TensorFlow however formats the sub-buffers in icfo order. This helper function solves this in a generic fashion.

Example usage output of reshapeWeights above: int32_t indir[1]{1, 0} int32_t stride = W*H; for (int32_t x = 0, y = N*C; x < y; ++x) reorderSubBuffers(out + x * stride, indir, H, W);

Input Matrix{2, 3, 2, 3}: { 0 2 4}, { 1 3 5} <– {0, 0, *, *} {12 14 16}, {13 15 17} <– {0, 1, *, *} {24 26 28}, {25 27 29} <– {0, 2, *, *} { 6 8 10}, { 7 9 11} <– {1, 0, *, *} {18 20 22}, {19 21 23} <– {1, 1, *, *} {30 32 34}, {31 33 35} <– {1, 2, *, *}

Output Matrix{2, 3, 2, 3}: { 1 3 5}, { 0 2 4} <– {0, 0, *, *} {13 15 17}, {12 14 16} <– {0, 1, *, *} {25 27 29}, {24 26 28} <– {0, 2, *, *} { 7 9 11}, { 6 8 10} <– {1, 0, *, *} {19 21 23}, {18 20 22} <– {1, 1, *, *} {31 33 35}, {30 32 34} <– {1, 2, *, *}

True on success, false on failure.
See also
Deprecated in TensorRT 8.0.
This file will be removed in TensorRT 10.0.

◆ reshapeWeights()

TRT_DEPRECATED bool nvinfer1::utils::reshapeWeights ( Weights const &  input,
int32_t const *  shape,
int32_t const *  shapeOrder,
void *  data,
int32_t  nbDims 

Reformat the input weights of the given shape based on the new order of dimensions.

inputThe input weights to reshape.
shapeThe shape of the weights.
shapeOrderThe order of the dimensions to process for the output.
dataThe location where the output data is placed.
nbDimsThe number of dimensions to process.

Take the weights specified by input with the dimensions specified by shape and re-order the weights based on the new dimensions specified by shapeOrder. The size of each dimension and the input data is not modified. The output volume pointed to by data must be the same as he input volume.

Example usage: float *out = new float[N*C*H*W]; Weights input{DataType::kFLOAT, {0 ... N*C*H*W-1}, N*C*H*W size}; int32_t order[4]{1, 0, 3, 2}; int32_t shape[4]{C, N, W, H}; reshapeWeights(input, shape, order, out, 4); Weights reshaped{input.type, out, input.count};

Input Matrix{3, 2, 3, 2}: { 0 1}, { 2 3}, { 4 5} <– {0, 0, *, *} { 6 7}, { 8 9}, {10 11} <– {0, 1, *, *} {12 13}, {14 15}, {16 17} <– {1, 0, *, *} {18 19}, {20 21}, {22 23} <– {1, 1, *, *} {24 25}, {26 27}, {28 29} <– {2, 0, *, *} {30 31}, {32 33}, {34 35} <– {2, 1, *, *}

Output Matrix{2, 3, 2, 3}: { 0 2 4}, { 1 3 5} <– {0, 0, *, *} {12 14 16}, {13 15 17} <– {0, 1, *, *} {24 26 28}, {25 27 29} <– {0, 2, *, *} { 6 8 10}, { 7 9 11} <– {1, 0, *, *} {18 20 22}, {19 21 23} <– {1, 1, *, *} {30 32 34}, {31 33 35} <– {1, 2, *, *}

True on success, false on failure.
Deprecated in TensorRT 8.0.
This file will be removed in TensorRT 10.0.

◆ transposeSubBuffers()

TRT_DEPRECATED bool nvinfer1::utils::transposeSubBuffers ( void *  input,
DataType  type,
int32_t  num,
int32_t  height,
int32_t  width 

Transpose num sub-buffers of height * width.

inputThe input data to transpose.
typeThe type of the data to transpose.
numThe number of data sub-buffers to transpose.
heightThe size of the height dimension to transpose.
widthThe size of the width dimension to transpose.
True on success, false on failure.
Deprecated in TensorRT 8.0.
This file will be removed in TensorRT 10.0.

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