TensorRT Operators#


This boilerplate code provides a framework to run all the operator examples. To make them runnable, copy and paste the specific example code between the designated ‘example begin’ and ‘example end’ comments.

Boilerplate for All Operator Examples
import numpy as np
import math # example_plugin_v2.py

import tensorrt as trt
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import pycuda.autoinit

class OutputAllocator(trt.IOutputAllocator):
    def __init__(self, curr_size):
        self.curr_size = curr_size
        self.allocated_mem = None
        if curr_size > 0:
            self.allocated_mem = cuda.mem_alloc(curr_size)
        self.tensor_shape = None

    def reallocate_output(self, tensor_name, memory, size, alignment):
        assert size > 0
        if size > self.curr_size:
            self.allocated_mem = cuda.mem_alloc(size)
        return int(self.allocated_mem)

    def notify_shape(self, tensor_name, shape):
        self.tensor_shape = shape

class Runner:
    def __init__(self, logger=trt.Logger(min_severity=trt.ILogger.Severity.INFO)):
        self.builder = trt.Builder(logger)
        self.network = self.builder.create_network(flags=0)
        self.config = self.builder.create_builder_config()
        self.runtime = trt.Runtime(logger)
        self.inputs = {}
        self.outputs = {}
        self.expected = {}
        self.results = {}
        self.logger = logger

def example(get_runner: Runner):
    network = get_runner.network
    inputs = get_runner.inputs
    outputs = get_runner.outputs
    expected = get_runner.expected

    # -------------------- Example Begin --------------------
    # Paste the code examples here
    # e.g. for Activation
    in1 = network.add_input("input1", dtype=trt.float32, shape=(2, 3))
    layer = network.add_activation(in1, type=trt.ActivationType.RELU)

    inputs[in1.name] = np.array([[-3.0, -2.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0]])

    outputs[layer.get_output(0).name] = layer.get_output(0).shape

    expected[layer.get_output(0).name] = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0]])
    # --------------------- Example End ---------------------

    return get_runner

def run_example():
    example_runner = Runner()
    atol = 0.1
    network = example_runner.network
    inputs = example_runner.inputs
    outputs = example_runner.outputs
    expected = example_runner.expected
    builder = example_runner.builder
    config = example_runner.config
    runtime = example_runner.runtime
    results = example_runner.results

    def log_info(info):
        example_runner.logger.log(trt.ILogger.Severity.INFO, f"[Example] {info}")

    def log_error(info):
        example_runner.logger.log(trt.ILogger.Severity.ERROR, f"[Example] {info}")

    example_runner = example(example_runner)

    log_info("Building serialized network")
    serialized_engine = builder.build_serialized_network(network, config)
    assert serialized_engine is not None

    log_info("Creating engine")
    engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(serialized_engine)
    context = engine.create_execution_context()

    # Allocate host and device buffers
    in_mem = []
    out_mem = dict()
    output_allocators = dict()
    tensor_names = [engine.get_tensor_name(i) for i in range(engine.num_io_tensors)]
    for tensor in tensor_names:
        dtype = trt.nptype(engine.get_tensor_dtype(tensor))
        if engine.get_tensor_mode(tensor) == trt.TensorIOMode.INPUT:
            if engine.is_shape_inference_io(tensor):
                context.set_input_shape(tensor, inputs[tensor].shape)
                # Get input memory address from the numpy object.
                input_address = inputs[tensor].ctypes.data
                context.set_tensor_address(tensor, input_address)
                # Handle input tensors
                context.set_input_shape(tensor, inputs[tensor].shape)
                input_buffer = np.ascontiguousarray(inputs[tensor], dtype=dtype)
                input_memory = cuda.mem_alloc(input_buffer.nbytes)
                context.set_tensor_address(tensor, int(input_memory))
                in_mem.append((input_memory, input_buffer))
        else: # Handle output tensors
            # Check if output tensor contains unknown shape
            if trt.volume(context.get_tensor_shape(tensor)) < 0:
                # Set an output allocator for the output tensor with unknown shape.
                # Initialize output allocator with 0 memory size, so reallocate always allocate.
                output_allocator = OutputAllocator(0)
                context.set_output_allocator(tensor, output_allocator)
                output_allocators[tensor] = output_allocator
                # No need to initialize output buffer and output memory here.
                out_mem[tensor] = None
                size = trt.volume(context.get_tensor_shape(tensor))
                output_buffer = cuda.pagelocked_empty(size, dtype)
                output_memory = cuda.mem_alloc(output_buffer.nbytes)
                context.set_tensor_address(tensor, int(output_memory))
                out_mem[tensor] = (output_buffer, output_memory)

    stream = cuda.Stream()
    # Transfer input data to the GPU.
    for input in in_mem:
        cuda.memcpy_htod_async(input[0], input[1], stream)
    # Run inference
    log_info("Running example")
    # Transfer prediction output from the GPU.
    for output in out_mem:
        output_mem = out_mem[output]
        if output_mem is None:
            # Must have been allocated using OutputAllocator.reallocate.
            assert output in output_allocators
            assert output_allocators[output].allocated_mem
            shape = output_allocators[output].tensor_shape
            assert shape is not None
            size = trt.volume(shape)
            dtype = trt.nptype(engine.get_tensor_dtype(output))
            output_buffer = cuda.pagelocked_empty(size, dtype)
            output_memory = context.get_tensor_address(output)
            output_mem = (output_buffer, output_memory)
            # Store tensor to output buffer and output memory mappings.
            out_mem[output] = output_mem
        cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(output_mem[0], output_mem[1], stream)
    log_info("Synchronizing with cuda stream")
    log_info("Sync done")
    for output in out_mem:
        output_mem = out_mem[output][0]
        shape = outputs[output]
        if trt.volume(context.get_tensor_shape(tensor)) < 0:
            # Get real output tensor size
            shape = output_allocators[output].tensor_shape
            assert shape is not None
            size = trt.volume(shape)
            output_mem = output_mem[:size]
        output_mem = output_mem.reshape(shape)
        results[output] = output_mem

    log_info(f"Network inputs: {inputs}")
    log_info(f"Inference results: {results}")
    log_info(f"Expected results: {expected}")

    # Check result
    is_equal = {}
    all_are_equal = True
    for output in expected:
        is_equal[output] = np.allclose(results[output], expected[output], atol=atol)
        all_are_equal &= is_equal[output]
    log_info(f"All results are expected: {all_are_equal}")
    if all_are_equal is False:
        for output in is_equal:
            if is_equal[output] is False:
                log_error(f"{output} mismatch:")
                log_error(f"expected - content:{expected[output]}")
                log_error(f"actual - content:{repr(results[output])}")

    log_info("Example complete")

if __name__ == "__main__":