
This operator was deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 and will be removed in TensorRT 9.0; use the Loop operator instead.

Performs a recurrent layer computation such as Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Gated Recurrent Network (GRU), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM).


num_layers The layer count of the RNN.

hidden_size The hidden size of the RNN.

max_seq_length The maximum sequence length of the RNN.

data_length The length of the data being processed by the RNN for use in computing other values.

seq_lengths The sequence lengths in the batch. All sequence lengths should be in range \(1 \leq seq_len \leq max_seq_length\). The default value is max_seq_length.

operation The operation of the layer. Should be one of:

  • RELU Single gate RNN with ReLU activation

  • TANH : Single gate RNN with Tanh activation

  • LSTM : Four-gate LSTM network without peephole connections

  • GRU : Three-gate network consisting of GRUs

input_mode The input mode of the RNN. Should be one of:

  • LINEAR Perform the normal matrix multiplication in the first recurrent layer

  • SKIP No operation is performed on the first recurrent layer

direction The direction of the RNN. Should be one of:

  • UNIDIRECTION Network iterates from first input to last input

  • BIDIRECTION Network iterates from first to last (and vice versa) and outputs are concatenated

hidden_state The initial hidden state of the RNN. Should have the dimensions \([N_1, …, N_p, L, H]\), where \([N_1..N_p]\) are the index dimensions specified by the input tensor, L is the number of layers in the RNN, equal to num_layers, and H is the hidden state for each layer, equal to hidden_size if the direction is UNIDIRECTION, and \(2 \cdot hidden_size\) otherwise.

cell_state The initial cell state of the LSTM. Should have the dimensions \([N_1, …, N_p, L, H]\), where \([N_1..N_p]\) are the index dimensions specified by the input tensor, L is the number of layers in the RNN, equal to num_layers, H is the hidden state for each layer, equal to hidden_size if the direction is UNIDIRECTION, and \(2 \cdot hidden_size\) otherwise. It is an error to set this on an RNN layer that is not configured with an operation other than LSTM.


input: tensor of type T.


output: tensor of type T.

Data Types

T: float16, float32


in1 = network.add_input("input1", dtype=trt.float32, shape=(1, 2, 2))
weights = np.array([[-6.3, 4.7, 2.9, 0.48]], dtype=np.dtype("f4"))
bias = np.array([[0.3, 0.09]], dtype=np.dtype("f4"))
layer = network.add_rnn_v2(in1, layer_count=1, hidden_size=2, max_seq_length=2, op=trt.RNNOperation.LSTM)
layer.set_weights_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.INPUT, True, trt.Weights(weights))
layer.set_bias_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.INPUT, True, trt.Weights(bias))
layer.set_weights_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.FORGET, True, trt.Weights(weights))
layer.set_bias_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.FORGET, True, trt.Weights(bias))
layer.set_weights_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.CELL, True, trt.Weights(weights))
layer.set_bias_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.CELL, True, trt.Weights(bias))
layer.set_weights_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.OUTPUT, True, trt.Weights(weights))
layer.set_bias_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.OUTPUT, True, trt.Weights(bias))

layer.set_weights_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.INPUT, False, trt.Weights(weights))
layer.set_bias_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.INPUT, False, trt.Weights(bias))
layer.set_weights_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.FORGET, False, trt.Weights(weights))
layer.set_bias_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.FORGET, False, trt.Weights(bias))
layer.set_weights_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.CELL, False, trt.Weights(weights))
layer.set_bias_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.CELL, False, trt.Weights(bias))
layer.set_weights_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.OUTPUT, False, trt.Weights(weights))
layer.set_bias_for_gate(0, trt.RNNGateType.OUTPUT, False, trt.Weights(bias))


inputs[in1.name] = np.array(
            [-3.0, -2.0],
            [0.0, 1.0]

outputs[layer.get_output(0).name] = layer.get_output(0).shape

expected[layer.get_output(0).name] = np.array(
        [0.7616, 0.0],
        [0.449, 0.695]


For more information about the C++ IRNNLayer operator, refer to the C++ IRNNLayer documentation.

Python API

For more information about the Python IRNNLayer operator, refer to the Python IRNNLayer documentation.