NVML API Reference Guide (PDF) - v535 (older) - Last updated January 31, 2024 - Send Feedback

5.32. nvmlProcessDetailList_v1_t Struct Reference

[Device Structs]

Information about all running processes on the GPU for the given mode

Public Variables

unsigned int  mode
Process mode(Compute/Graphics/MPSCompute).
unsigned int  numProcArrayEntries
Number of process entries in procArray.
Process array.
unsigned int  version
Struct version, MUST be nvmlProcessDetailList_v1.


unsigned int nvmlProcessDetailList_v1_t::mode [inherited]

Process mode(Compute/Graphics/MPSCompute).

unsigned int nvmlProcessDetailList_v1_t::numProcArrayEntries [inherited]

Number of process entries in procArray.

nvmlProcessDetail_v1_t * nvmlProcessDetailList_v1_t::procArray [inherited]

Process array.

unsigned int nvmlProcessDetailList_v1_t::version [inherited]

Struct version, MUST be nvmlProcessDetailList_v1.

NVML API Reference Guide (PDF) - v535 (older) - Last updated January 31, 2024 - Send Feedback