Version 20.10.2

The DGX-1 Firmware Update container version 20.10.2 is available.

  • Package name: nvfw-dgx1_20.10.2_201005.tar.gz

  • Image name: nvfw-dgx1:20.10.2

  • Run file name:

Highlights and Changes in this Release

Contents of the DGX-1 Firmware Update Container

This container includes the firmware binaries and update utilities for the firmware listed in the following table.



Key Changes



Security enhancements and updates.



No change from previous release

SSD (Samsung SM863A)


No change from previous release.

VBIOS (DGX-1 with V100, 16 GB)

No change from previous release.

VBIOS (DGX-1 with V100, 32 GB)

No change from previous release.

VBIOS (DGX-1 with P100)

No change from previous release.



No change from previous release.

Special Notes


If updating the BMC from any version earlier than 3.27.30, the update can take from 30 to 50 minutes to complete.

  • When updates to the BMC or PSU are initiated,

    • The BMC is (cold) reset to be put in a known good state before the update, then

    • Additional logs are gathered for troubleshooting purposes and made available in /var/log/comp_fw_log.txt.

      The logs are gathered before updating and upon completion of the update or in the event of an update failure.

  • (On DGX systems installed with DGX OS 4.99.x or earlier): To prevent NVSM services from interfering with BMC and PSU updates, the container stops the following services before applying the update:

    • nvsm-apis-gpumonitor

    • nvsm-apis-plugin-storage

    • nvsm-apis-selwatcher

    • nvsm-apis-plugin-memory

    • nvsm-apis-plugin-environment

    • nvsm-sys-dshmnvsm-env-dshm

    • nvsm-storage-dshm

    System health monitor will not be available until firmware update completes.

  • For the PSU update, the container implements a protective check which requires the system to be fully redundant (all four supplies are installed and in a healthy state) in order for the update to occur.

    If you are using only three of the four PSUs, the full power redundancy requirement can be overridden with the Docker run environment (DGX_MAX_PSU) as follows.

    docker run -e DGX_MAX_PSU=3 --privileged -ti -v /:/hostfs <container_name> update_fw

Special Instructions for Updating the BMC Using the Web UI

Before updating the BMC using the Web UI, refer to the following instructions to ensure the updates are successful.

BMC Updates via the Web UI

When Preserving Settings

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Firmware Update, select IPMI, Network, and SEL, then proceed with updating the BMC.

  2. After updating the BMC, issue the following from the command line.

    $ sudo ipmitool raw 0x32 0x6 1
    $ sudo ipmitool mc reset cold


You cannot preserve user settings when downgrading to a previous version of the BMC. Attempting to do so will result in a failure to log in to the BMC.

When Not Preserving Settings

Navigate to Maintenance > Firmware Update, clear all preservation items, then proceed with updating the BMC

Known Issues

Unable to Log in to the BMC Web UI


You may not be able to log in to the BMC Web UI after updating to 3.38.30 (using the firmware update container or through the Web UI) or after a factory reset.


To work around if you encounter the issue. reset the BMC from the command line by issuing the following.

$ sudo ipmitool mc reset cold