Development Guide Release

Using the AURIX Console
AURIX Console Usage
UART Settings
AURIX Console Commands
The Infenion Automotive Realtime Integrated NeXt Generation Architecture (AURIX) device allows overall measurements and control of the DRIVE PX 2 target boards. Once the target is connected, the AURIX prompt displays in the serial console. You can execute commands via the AURIX console.
AURIX Console Usage
The AURIX console allows you to issue commands and get information from the AURIX.
UART Settings
The serial communication settings for the AURIX console are the following:
Baud rate: 115200 bits per second (bps)
Data: 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop
AURIX Console Commands
The complete AURIX console command list is shown in the following table.
For full command syntax, type any of the following commands followed by a question mark (?).
AURIX Console Commands for P3407
Power cycle board including Aurix
campower [a|b|c] [on|off|z]
Turn on/off/set to high impedance Group A/B/C Camera Power Enable
cancyclic [a|b] [on|off]
Enable/disable cyclic CAN frames from can controller [a|b]
canfdtx [a|b] [on|off]
Switches the transmit path for CAN FD TX PDUs on or off for the requested can channel (default is off)
canrxlog [on|off]
Turn on/off the log of all received CAN messages. Stop also with Ctrl+c possible.
cansend a 0x70 0xffff0000 0xaaaa5555
Send data = 0xffff0000aaaa5555 with id 0x70 from can controller a
cansetbr [a|b] [125|250|500|1000]
Switch baudrate of requested CAN channel to supported baudrate
canstress [on|off]
Turn on/off the measurements and can-tx-results of CAN-stress-test
date [0x12345678]
Set date = 0x12345678 on Aurix in seconds(Unix style)
debugled [on|off]
Turn on or off the debug led on Aurix
debugvar [0x1f4]
Sets a debug variable to 500
Switch gPTP on (for AURIX)
Switch gPTP off (for AURIX, this is the default value)
Shows all available commands supported
i2cinit [0|1]
Initializes the I2C-module 0 or 1
i2cread c d a n
Reads 'n' bytes from device 'd' at address 'a' of I2C-controller 'c' (all hex-byte-values)
i2cscan [0|1]
Scan all connected I2C devices at I2C module 0 or 1
i2cwrite c d a n b0 b1 ...
Writes 'n' bytes to device 'd' at address 'a' , values Byte-b0, .... of I2C-controller 'c' (all hex-byte-values)
inforom [dump][help][readbyid][readbyname]
dump inforom, help, readbyid (id in hex), readbyname
mdiord [layer] [reg]
Gets the register [reg] value of [layer] at the Aurix Ethernet module
mdiowr [layer] [reg] [val]
Sets the register [reg] value of [layer] at the Aurix Ethernet module
Show Power Good Status
Ping to IP Address e.g. from Aurix.
power [on|off]
Power on/off the Tegra EXCLUDING Aurix
Read NvRam content
regrd [0xf003c100]
Read aurix register 0xf003c100
regwr r v n
Writes one 'n' (1..4) bytes-value 'v' to aurix register 'r' (all hex-byte-values)
setip a
Set new ip address for a(Aurix), ta(Tegra A) e.g. a
Display the Aurix internal clock
tegrarecovery [|on|off]
Set or clear Tegra force recovery mode
tegrareset [|h]
Toggle reset of the Tegra. If h is supplied then hold Tegra in reset.
Shows the SW version
Enable safety logs on the console. To get full safety logs use showsafetylogs d
showsafetylogs [d|e]
Display past safety logs d - shows logs safety demo: e - shows logs of safety error that happen after the demos
Send command for Get SW Version
Send command for Get Startup Status
Get Tegra Health
Get Tegra Heartbeat Status
Get Heartbeat Packet
AURIX Console Commands for P2379
Power cycle board including Aurix
campower [a|b|c] [on|off|z]
Turn on/off/set to high impedance Group A/B/C Camera Power Enable
cancyclic [a|b|c|d|e|f] [on|off]
Enable/disable cyclic CAN frames from can controller [a|b|c|d|e|f]
canfdtx [a|b|c|d|e|f] [on|off]
Switches the transmit path for CAN FD TX PDUs on or off for the requested can channel (default is off)
canrxlog [on|off]
Turn on/off the log of all received CAN messages. Stop also with Ctrl+c possible.
cansend f 0x75 0xffff0000 0xaaaa5555
Send data = 0xffff0000aaaa5555 with id 0x75 from can controller f
cansetbr [a|b|c|d|e|f] [125|250|500|1000]
Switch baudrate of requested CAN channel to supported baudrate
canstress [on|off]
Turn on/off the measurements and can-tx-results of CAN-stress-test
date [0x12345678]
Set date = 0x12345678 on Aurix in seconds(Unix style)
debugled [on|off]
Turn on or off the debug led on Aurix
debugvar [0x1f4]
Sets a debug variable to 500
ethrxlog [on|off]
Turn on/off the log of received Ethernet messages. Stop also with Ctrl+c possible.
fpdlsource [a|b]
Select Tegra A/B as FPDL source
getportvlan [port]
Gets the bitmask of the port based VLAN at the Marvell Ethernet Switch of the respective [port, max=6]
gmslcable [coax|diff]
Select GMSL cable coax or differential
gmslsource [a|b]
Select Tegra A/B as GMSL source
Switch gPTP on (for AURIX)
Switch gPTP off (for AURIX, this is the default value)
Shows all available commands supported
i2cinit [0|1]
Initializes the I2C-module 0 or 1
i2cread c d a n
Reads 'n' bytes from device 'd' at address 'a' of I2C-controller 'c' (all hex-byte-values)
i2cscan [0|1]
Scan all connected I2C devices at I2C module 0 or 1
i2cwrite c d a n b0 b1 ...
Writes 'n' bytes to device 'd' at address 'a' , values Byte-b0, .... of I2C-controller 'c' (all hex-byte-values)
inforom [dump][help][readbyid][readbyname]
Dump inforom, help, readbyid (id in hex), readbyname
mdiord [layer] [reg]
Gets the register [reg] value of [layer] at the Aurix Ethernet module
mdiowr [layer] [reg] [val]
Sets the register [reg] value of [layer] at the Aurix Ethernet module
Show Power Good Status
Ping to IP Address e.g. from Aurix.
power [a|b|ab] [on|off]
Power on/off the Tegra A/B/Both system EXCLUDING Aurix
Read NvRam content
regrd [0xf003c100]
Read aurix register 0xf003c100
regwr r v n
Writes one 'n' (1..4) bytes-value 'v' to aurix register 'r' (all hex-byte-values)
setdio [0|1|2|3] [on|off]
Set DIO pin on Aurix '0=GPIO_RELAY0_HRNS2|1=GPIO_RELAY1_HRNS2|2=GPIO1_HRNS2|3=GPIO2_HRNS2|' to on/off
setfanspeed [a|b] [on|off]
Select Tegra A/B to de-/activate the fan speed control
setip a
Set new ip address for a(Aurix), ta(Tegra A) and tb(Tegra B), e.g. a
setportvlan [port] [mask]
Sets the [mask] of the port based VLAN at the Marvell Ethernet Switch of the respective [port, max=6]
Display the Aurix internal clock
tegraqsinit [a|b]
Initialize qspi module connected to Tegra A and Tegra B
tegrarecovery [ |a|b] [ |on|off]
Set or clear Tegra A/B force recovery mode
tegrareset [ |a|b] [ |h]
Toggle reset Tegra A/B. Default is 'a'. If h is supplied then hold Tegra A/B in reset.
tegrawr [a|b] 1 0xaaaa
Write with value 0xaaaa/read 1 16-bit word to/from Tegra A/B
Shows the SW version
Enable safety logs on the console. To get full safety logs use showsafetylogs d
showsafetylogs [d|e]
Display past safety logs d - shows logs safety demo: e - shows logs of safety error that happen after the demos
Send command for Get SW Version
Send command for Get Startup Status
Get Tegra Health
Get Tegra Heartbeat Status
Get Heartbeat Packet