DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Intrinsics Constraints Tool


The NVIDIA® DriveWorks Intrinsics Constraints tool extracts intrinsics constraints used during calibration for each individual camera. It takes any of the following as input:

It then exports all required constraints in a JSON file, placed in the intrinsics subfolder in the directory structure.

SW Release Applicability: This tool is available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.


This tool is available on the x86 Host System and NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux.

This tool creates output files that are placed into the current working directory by default. Please ensure the following for your convenience:

  • Write permissions are enabled for the current working directory.
  • Include the tools folder in the binary search path of the system.
  • Execute from your home directory.

Running the Tool

The Intrinsics Constraints tool accepts the following parameters. Several of these parameters are required based on the input type.
For more information, please refer to the Examples.

./calibration-intrinsics-constraints --use-checkerboard=11x8


--use-checkerboard=[NxN checkerboard grid]
        Description: The input NxN checkerboard grid.
        Example: --use-checkerboard=12x9

--targetDB=[path to targetDB file, default=]
        Description: Path to AprilTag target database. Enables detection of AprilTag targets. Either this or [targetDB] must be supplied.

--input-video=[path to input video]
        Description: The file path where the input video is, for checkerboards and AprilTag videos.

--input-folder=[path to input folder]
        Description: The file path where the input folder is, for still frames with AprilTag targets.

--output=[path to output file]
        Description: The file path where the intrinsics constraints will be saved.
                     If this parameter is blank, they will automatically be saved to '[input-video].json'.

--camera-model=[camera model, default=ftheta]
        Description: Camera model used for calibration. Available options are: [pinhole, ocam, ftheta]. The camera model is not used in any way for extracting the constraints. It is passed directly into the produced json file and may be used by other tools.

--rig=[path to rig file, default=]
        Description: Rig file with initial guess of camera intrinsics. Only available for `ftheta` calibration.

--max-constraints=[integer, default=0]
        Description: If non-zero, the maximum number of constraints after which stopping the intrinsic constraint extraction process.

--skipFrameCount=[integer, default=0]
        Description: Number of frames to skip at the beginning of the video.


For an 11x8 Checkerboard

./calibration-intrinsics-constraints --use-checkerboard=11x8

For an AprilTag Video

./calibration-intrinsics-constraints --targetDB=/[calib_data_path]/targets.json

For a Sequence of Still Frames with an AprilTag Target

./calibration-intrinsics-constraints --targetDB=/[calib_data_path]/targets.json


The tool will open a window playing back the input video and indicate with a red or green border if a new intrinsic constraint has been collected (i.e. target or checkerboard has been found)

For correct results, the tool must be able to find at least 30 checkerboard squares per camera.