DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Image Layer View

Detailed Description

Local view of image layer.

SW Release Applicability: These APIs are available in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.

This interface represents an ephemeral local view into an image layer. The view is read-only and "owned" by a content slice.

Data Structures

struct  dwMapsImageBuffer
 Caller-provided buffer for images. More...


DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageLayerView_getImageCount (uint32_t *imageCount, dwConstMapsImageLayerViewHandle_t imageLayerViewHandle)
 Get number of available images in the layer view. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageLayerView_getLocalImages (dwMapsImageBuffer *localImageBuffer, dwMapsGeoPoint localOrigin, const dwMatrix3d *localToENURotation, dwConstMapsImageLayerViewHandle_t imageLayerViewHandle)
 Get images transformed into a caller-defined local coordinate system. More...

Data Structure Documentation

◆ dwMapsImageBuffer

struct dwMapsImageBuffer
Data Fields
dwMapsImage * buffer pointer to images array
size_t maxSize maximum number of images that fit into the buffer
size_t size current number of images in the buffer

Function Documentation

◆ dwMapsImageLayerView_getImageCount()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageLayerView_getImageCount ( uint32_t *  imageCount,
dwConstMapsImageLayerViewHandle_t  imageLayerViewHandle 

Get number of available images in the layer view.

[out]imageCountImage count.
[in]imageLayerViewHandleImage layer view object.
DW_SUCCESS Successfully returned number of images.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT Indicates imageCount is nullptr.
DW_BAD_CAST Could not successfully cast handle to content slice object.
DW_NOT_READY Content for the layer view is still loading.
DW_NOT_AVAILABLE Content for the layer view is unavailable.

◆ dwMapsImageLayerView_getLocalImages()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageLayerView_getLocalImages ( dwMapsImageBuffer localImageBuffer,
dwMapsGeoPoint  localOrigin,
const dwMatrix3d localToENURotation,
dwConstMapsImageLayerViewHandle_t  imageLayerViewHandle 

Get images transformed into a caller-defined local coordinate system.

This function returns a set of nearby images in undefined order. Images are transformed relative to the local origin position and orientation.

[in,out]localImageBufferBuffer to return the set of images in local coordinate system.
[in]localOriginWGS84 coordinate point, origin of the local coordinate system.
[in]localToENURotation3x3 Rotation matrix that transforms from local coordinate system (x: forward, y: left, z: up) into ENU local cartesian coordinate system with origin at point 'localOrigin' (x: east, y: north, z: up). z coordinate of ENU is the normal of the earth spheroid at point 'localOrigin'. No rotation is applied if localToENURotation33 is nullptr, meaning x-axis points east.
[in]imageLayerViewHandleImage layer view object.
DW_SUCCESS Successfully returned buffer of transformed images.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT Indicates localImageBuffer is nullptr.
DW_BAD_CAST Could not successfully cast handle to image layer view object.
DW_BUFFER_FULL User-provided local image buffer not big enough.
DW_NOT_READY Content for the layer view is still loading.
DW_NOT_AVAILABLE Content for the layer view is unavailable.