DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Maps Image Storage

Detailed Description

2D map representation in top-down view.

SW Release Applicability: These APIs are available in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.

Ground plane images store different image representations derived by planar projection from 3D map data. This includes height slices, intensity textures, DEMs derived from LiDAR point clouds, as well as planar projections of map features derived from cameras (such as road markings, poles, signs, etc. detected by MapNet).


typedef struct dwMapsImageStorageObject const * dwConstMapsImageStorageHandle_t
typedef struct dwMapsImageStorageObject * dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t


DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_getMapsImage (dwMapsImage *image, const dwMapsRoadSegmentId *roadSegmentId, dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t imageStorageHandle)
 Gets maps image from maps image storage for a specific road segment ID. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_getProperties (dwImageProperties *imageProperties, dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t imageStorageHandle)
 Retrieves image properties of the maps image associated with the image storage. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_initialize (dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t *imageStorageHandle, dwMapProviderHandle_t providerHandle, dwConstMapsContentLayerHandle_t imageLayer, dwContextHandle_t contextHandle)
 Creates a maps image storage, which efficiently loads and serves image representations of map segments. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_release (dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t imageStorageHandle)
 Releases maps image storage handle. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_returnMapsImage (dwMapsImage *image, dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t imageStorageHandle)
 Releases maps image so that memory can be reused. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ dwConstMapsImageStorageHandle_t

typedef struct dwMapsImageStorageObject const* dwConstMapsImageStorageHandle_t

Definition at line 241 of file ImageLayer.h.

◆ dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t

typedef struct dwMapsImageStorageObject* dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t

Definition at line 240 of file ImageLayer.h.

Function Documentation

◆ dwMapsImageStorage_getMapsImage()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_getMapsImage ( dwMapsImage image,
const dwMapsRoadSegmentId roadSegmentId,
dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t  imageStorageHandle 

Gets maps image from maps image storage for a specific road segment ID.

[out]imagemaps image structure with data
[in]roadSegmentIdroad segment Id for which image should be loaded
[in]imageStorageHandlemaps image storage handle to use
DW_SUCCESS Successfully retrieved maps image frorm storage.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT mapsImage, roadSegmentId or mapsImageStorageHandle is nullptr.
DW_NOT_AVAILABLE maps image is not available for this road segment ID.
DW_BAD_CAST Could not successfully cast handle to maps image storage object.

◆ dwMapsImageStorage_getProperties()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_getProperties ( dwImageProperties imageProperties,
dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t  imageStorageHandle 

Retrieves image properties of the maps image associated with the image storage.

[out]imagePropertiesimage properties of maps image
[in]imageStorageHandlemaps image storage handle to use
DW_SUCCESS Successfully retrieved image properties.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT imageProperties or mapsImageStorageHandle is nullptr.
DW_BAD_CAST Could not successfully cast handle to maps image storage object.

◆ dwMapsImageStorage_initialize()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_initialize ( dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t imageStorageHandle,
dwMapProviderHandle_t  providerHandle,
dwConstMapsContentLayerHandle_t  imageLayer,
dwContextHandle_t  contextHandle 

Creates a maps image storage, which efficiently loads and serves image representations of map segments.

Each different image representation requires its own storage object.

[out]imageStorageHandlemaps image storage handle to be initialized
[in]providerHandleprovider handle to be source of desired layer
[in]imageLayerdesired image layer handle
[in]contextHandlecontext Handle to the current driveworks context.
DW_SUCCESS mapsImageStorageHandle is successfully initialized.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT layerDirectory or contextHandle is nullptr.
DW_FAILURE Map does not support image data or allocation failure

◆ dwMapsImageStorage_release()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_release ( dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t  imageStorageHandle)

Releases maps image storage handle.

[in]imageStorageHandlemaps image storage handle to be released
DW_SUCCESS Successfully released maps image storage object and handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT mapsImageStorageHandle is nullptr.
DW_BAD_CAST Could not successfully cast handle to maps image storage object.

◆ dwMapsImageStorage_returnMapsImage()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwMapsImageStorage_returnMapsImage ( dwMapsImage image,
dwMapsImageStorageHandle_t  imageStorageHandle 

Releases maps image so that memory can be reused.

[in,out]imagemaps image to clean up
[in]imageStorageHandlemaps image storage handle to use
DW_SUCCESS Successfully cleaned up maps image.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT mapsImage or mapsImageStorageHandle is nullptr.
DW_BAD_CAST Could not successfully cast handle to maps image storage object.