DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Landmark Detector Regressor Init Workflow
SW Release Applicability: This tutorial is applicable to modules in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.

The following code snippet demonstrates the general structure of a program utilizing Landmark Perception to detect landmarks from a single camera. Error handling is left out for clarity.

Initializing the Regressor-based Network

dwMapNetParams mapNetParams{};
dwMapNet_initialize(&mapNetHandle, &mapNetParams, sdkHandle);

Modifying Additional Regressor-based Network Initialization Settings and Initialize Detector

uint32_t frameWidth;
uint32_t frameHeight;
// initialize parameters
dwLandmarkDetector_initializeDefaultParams(&params, frameWidth, frameHeight, sdkHandle));
dwLandmarkDetector_initializeFromMapNet(&landmarkDetectorHandle, mapNetHandle, params, frameWidth, frameHeight, sdkHandle);
// initialize regressor post processing parameters
dwLRNPostProcessingParam regressorParam;
regressorParam.differentClassPenalty = 1.0f;
regressorParam.unitDist = 40.0f;
dwLandmarkDetector_setPostProcessingParam(regressorParam, landmarkDetectorHandle);

Detecting Landmark Markings from a Video Sequence

dwLandmarkDetection landmarks{};
while (true)
dwLandmarkDetector_detectLandmarks(&lanes, &landmarks, frame, landmarkDetectorHandle);

Releasing the Module Handles when Finished


For a more detailed workflow, please refer to the following samples: