DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Lane Plan Tracker
SW Release Applicability: This tutorial is applicable to modules in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.

Like the Map Tracker in the Maps Module, it is possible to track the current position on a Lane Plan.

const dwMatrix3d* localToENURotation33,
dwTime_t timestamp,
bool ignoreHeight,
dwLanePlanHandle_t lanePlan);

It's also possible to update the with a local coordinate relative to a dwMapsRoadSegment:

const dwVector3f* position,
const dwMatrix3d* localToENURotation33,
dwTime_t timestamp,
dwLanePlanHandle_t lanePlan);

dwLanePlan_updateCurrentPoint() keeps track of the current point on the Lane Plan. Subsequent updates with position, orientation and time allow for a robust tracking along the Lane Plan, avoiding problems at places where the Lane Plan crosses itself.

For a description of the localToENURotation33 parameter, see Local Cartesian Coordinate System in Lane Tree Helper Functions. That parameter describes the current orientation of the car by a rotation matrix that transforms from the car space into ENU (east-north-up) coordinate space. ‘ignoreHeight’ can be set if the current height is unknown or inaccurate.

Returns the current point on the Lane Plan.