NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference Release
For Test and Development only

Detailed Description

Image Pyramid Processing API.


 Major version number. More...
 Minor version number. More...
#define MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS   (10)
 Maximum number of levels allowed in a pyramid. More...


typedef struct NvMediaImagePyramid NvMediaImagePyramid
 A handle representing an image pyramid object. More...


NvMediaImagePyramidNvMediaImagePyramidCreate (NvMediaDevice *device, NvMediaSurfaceType type, NvMediaSurfAllocAttr *attrs, uint32_t numLevels, float scale, uint32_t numAttrs, uint32_t flags)
 Allocates an image pyramid. More...
void NvMediaImagePyramidDestroy (NvMediaImagePyramid *pyramid)
 Destroys an image pyramid created by NvMediaImagePyramidCreate(). More...
NvMediaStatus NvMediaImagePyramidGetStatus (NvMediaImagePyramid *pyramid, uint32_t millisecondWait, NvMediaTaskStatus *status)
 Gets the status of the current or most recent operation for the image pyramid; optionally waits for the current operation to complete or time out. More...
NvMediaImageNvMediaImagePyramidGetImageForLevel (NvMediaImagePyramid *pyramid, uint32_t level)
 Gets a pointer to the image for a level. More...
uint32_t NvMediaImagePyramidGetNumLevels (NvMediaImagePyramid *pyramid)
 Returns the number of levels in a pyramid. More...
float NvMediaImagePyramidGetScale (NvMediaImagePyramid *pyramid)
 Returns the scale factor of a pyramid. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS   (10)

Maximum number of levels allowed in a pyramid.

Definition at line 51 of file nvmedia_image_pyramid.h.



Major version number.

Definition at line 46 of file nvmedia_image_pyramid.h.



Minor version number.

Definition at line 48 of file nvmedia_image_pyramid.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ NvMediaImagePyramid

A handle representing an image pyramid object.

Definition at line 56 of file nvmedia_image_pyramid.h.

Function Documentation

◆ NvMediaImagePyramidCreate()

NvMediaImagePyramid* NvMediaImagePyramidCreate ( NvMediaDevice device,
NvMediaSurfaceType  type,
NvMediaSurfAllocAttr attrs,
uint32_t  numLevels,
float  scale,
uint32_t  numAttrs,
uint32_t  flags 

Allocates an image pyramid.

[in]deviceA handle representing the associated NvMediaDevice.
[in]typeSurface format type, obtained by calling NvMediaSurfaceFormatGetType().
[in]attrsA pointer to an array of surface alloc attributes for surface creation. Resolution is for the base level of the pyramid.
[in]numLevelsNumber of levels in the pyramid.
[in]scaleScale factor for the pyramid. Must be in the range (0.0, 1.0].
[in]numAttrsNumber of attributes in attrs.
[in]flagsFlags for module hints (reserved for future use).
The new image pyramid's handle if successful, or NULL otherwise.

◆ NvMediaImagePyramidDestroy()

void NvMediaImagePyramidDestroy ( NvMediaImagePyramid pyramid)

Destroys an image pyramid created by NvMediaImagePyramidCreate().

[in]pyramidA handle to the image pyramid to be destroyed.

◆ NvMediaImagePyramidGetImageForLevel()

NvMediaImage* NvMediaImagePyramidGetImageForLevel ( NvMediaImagePyramid pyramid,
uint32_t  level 

Gets a pointer to the image for a level.

[in]pyramidA handle to the image pyramid.
[in]levelThe level for which to obtain an image pointer.
A pointer to the image if successful, or NULL otherwise.

◆ NvMediaImagePyramidGetNumLevels()

uint32_t NvMediaImagePyramidGetNumLevels ( NvMediaImagePyramid pyramid)

Returns the number of levels in a pyramid.

[in]pyramidA handle to the image pyramid.
The number of levels in the pyramid if successful, or 0 otherwise.

◆ NvMediaImagePyramidGetScale()

float NvMediaImagePyramidGetScale ( NvMediaImagePyramid pyramid)

Returns the scale factor of a pyramid.

[in]pyramidA handle to the image pyramid.
The scale factor if successful, or 0 otherwise.

◆ NvMediaImagePyramidGetStatus()

NvMediaStatus NvMediaImagePyramidGetStatus ( NvMediaImagePyramid pyramid,
uint32_t  millisecondWait,
NvMediaTaskStatus status 

Gets the status of the current or most recent operation for the image pyramid; optionally waits for the current operation to complete or time out.

[in]pyramidA pointer to the image.
[in]millisecondWaitTime in milliseconds to wait for the current operation to complete before getting status. NVMEDIA_IMAGE_TIMEOUT_INFINITE means wait indefinitely.
[out]statusA pointer to the status of the operation.
Return values
NVMEDIA_STATUS_OKindates that the operation is successful.
NVMEDIA_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETERindicates that pyramid or status is NULL.
NVMEDIA_STATUS_ERRORindicates another error.