NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference Release
For Test and Development only
nvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModuleProperty::SensorProperty Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Defines image sensor properties.

Definition at line 249 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlock.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for nvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModuleProperty::SensorProperty:

Data Structures

struct  VirtualChannelProperty
 Defines virtual channel properties. More...

Data Fields

std::uint32_t numOfVCs
 Holds the number of virtual channels. More...
std::uint32_t sensorIndex
 Holds the ID of the sensor specified in the platform configuration file. More...
VirtualChannelProperty virtualChannelProperty [MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS_PER_SENSOR]
 Holds an array of VirtualChannelProperty objects. More...
 Holds the NvMediaISCDevice handle of the image sensor. More...
 Holds the NvMediaISCDevice handle of the EEPROM. More...

Field Documentation

◆ EEPROMHandle

NvMediaISCDevice* nvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModuleProperty::SensorProperty::EEPROMHandle

Holds the NvMediaISCDevice handle of the EEPROM.

Definition at line 290 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlock.hpp.

◆ numOfVCs

std::uint32_t nvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModuleProperty::SensorProperty::numOfVCs

Holds the number of virtual channels.


Definition at line 253 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlock.hpp.

◆ sensorHandle

NvMediaISCDevice* nvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModuleProperty::SensorProperty::sensorHandle

Holds the NvMediaISCDevice handle of the image sensor.

Definition at line 287 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlock.hpp.

◆ sensorIndex

std::uint32_t nvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModuleProperty::SensorProperty::sensorIndex

Holds the ID of the sensor specified in the platform configuration file.

Definition at line 281 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlock.hpp.

◆ virtualChannelProperty

VirtualChannelProperty nvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModuleProperty::SensorProperty::virtualChannelProperty[MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS_PER_SENSOR]

Holds an array of VirtualChannelProperty objects.

Definition at line 284 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlock.hpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: