NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference Release

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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cnvros::_CaptureConfigParamsHolds configuration parameters for capturing image frames
 Cnvros::_CudaEglParamsHolds CUDA EGL related parameters
 Cnvros::_EglFrameParamsHolds the required EGL frame-related parameters for processing that frame
 Cnvros::_EglUtilOptionsHolds required window system related parameters when initializing EGLStream
 Cnvros::_EglUtilStateHolds EGL related parameters
 C_NvMediaAESParamsHolds encrypted metadata information that the client sends to the parser
 Cnvsipl::CameraModuleInfoDefines information for the camera module
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModulePropertyDefines camera module properties
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ClientDescDescribes a client of the pipeline
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ConsumerDescDefines a consumer of the output of the SIPL pipeline
 Cnvsipl::DeserInfoDefines the deserializer information
 Cnvsipl::DeviceBlockInfoDefines the DeviceBlock information
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::DeviceBlockPropertyDefines DeviceBlock properties
 Cnvsipl::DeviceInfoListDefines a list of all external image devices supported by NvSIPL Query (libnvsipl_query.so) and NvSIPL DeviceBlock (libnvsipl_devblk.so)
 Cnvsipl::EEPROMInfoDefines the EEPROM information
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaDataDefines the metadata associated with the image
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClient::INvMCallbackDescribes a class with callback functions that must be implemented by the consumer of the SIPL image processing pipeline
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClient::INvSIPLBufferDescribes the interfaces of SIPL buffer
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLCameraDefines public data structures and describes the interfaces for NvSIPLCamera
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClientDefines the public data structures and describes the interfaces for NvSIPL Client (libnvsipl.so)
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlockDefines the public data structures and interfaces for NvSIPL DeviceBlock
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlockTraceDescribes the interfaces of NvSIPLDeviceBlockTrace
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLQueryDefines the public data structures and describes the interfaces for NvSIPLQuery
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLQueryTraceDefines the public interfaces to control the logging/tracing of the NvSIPL Query (libnvsipl_query.so) for debugging
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLTraceDefines the public interfaces to control the logging/tracing of the libnvsipl.so library for debug purposes
 Cnvsipl::NvSIPLPipelineNotifier::NotificationDataDefines the notification data
 CNvMedia2DBlitParametersHolds the additional parameters for a blit
 CNvMedia2DBlitParametersOutHolds additional values returned from a blit
 CNvMediaACPVersionInfoVersion information for the NvMedia ACP library
 CNvMediaAESIvHolds encryption intialization vector information
 CNvMediaAESMetaDataHolds re-encrypted data information that the video decoder returns to the parser
 CNvMediaAlphaSurfaceHolds an Alpha Surface descriptor for video mixing
 CNvMediaArrayAllocAttrHolds array allocation attributes
 CNvMediaBackgroundBackground descriptor for video mixing
 CNvMediaBitstreamBufferHolds an application data buffer containing compressed video data
 CNvMediaBitStreamPktHolds the bitstream packet input for parsing
 CNvMediaCameraModelHolds NvMedia LDC camera parameter info
 CNvMediaCamIntriParamsHolds NvMedia camera intrinsic parameters
 CNvMediaColorHolds a constant RGBA color
 CNvMediaContentLightLevelInfoContent Light Level info for an H.265 picture
 CNvMediaDecCurrFrameHolds decoded current frame information
 CNvMediaDecRefFrameHolds decoded reference frame information
 CNvMediaDispAttributesHolds NvMedia display attributes
 CNvMediaDlaArgsHolds input and output tensors
 CNvMediaDlaBinaryLoadableHolds attributes for populating binary loadables for NvMediaDla
 CNvMediaDlaDataSpecifies the type and pointer to NvMediaDla
 CNvMediaDlaDataPointerHolds pointers to the DLA data
 CNvMediaDlaTensorDescriptorHolds tensor attributes
 CNvMediaDlaUMDVersionHolds the DLA UMD version
 CNvMediaDPBInfoHolds decoded Picture Buffer information
 CNvMediaEGLStreamConsumerA handle representing an EGL stream consumer object
 CNvMediaEGLStreamProducerA handle representing an EGL stream producer object
 CNvMediaEglStreamProducerAttributesHolds the attributes for an EGL stream producer
 CNvMediaEncodeConfigH264Holds an H264 encoder configuration
 CNvMediaEncodeConfigH264VUIParamsHolds H264 video usability information parameters
 CNvMediaEncodeConfigH265Holds the H265 encoder configuration parameters
 CNvMediaEncodeConfigH265VUIParamsHolds the H.265 video usability information parameters
 CNvMediaEncodeConfigVP8Holds VP8 encoder configuration parameters
 CNvMediaEncodeConfigVP9Holds VP9 encoder configuration parameters
 CNvMediaEncodeExternalMEHintHolds an External Motion Vector hint
 CNvMediaEncodeExternalMeHintCountsPerBlocktypeHolds an external motion vector hint with counts per block type
 CNvMediaEncodeH264SEIPayloadH.264 specific User SEI message
 CNvMediaEncodeH265SEIPayloadHolds an H265-specific User SEI message
 CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsH264Holds H264-specific encode initialization parameters
 CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsH265Holds H265-specific encode initialization parameters
 CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsVP8Holds VP8-specific encode initialization parameters
 CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsVP9Holds VP9-specific encode initialization parameters
 CNvMediaEncodePicParamsH264H264 specific encoder picture params
 CNvMediaEncodePicParamsH265Holds H265-specific encoder picture parameters
 CNvMediaEncodePicParamsVP8Holds VP8-specific encoder picture parameters, which are sent on a per frame basis
 CNvMediaEncodePicParamsVP9Holds VP9-specific encoder picture parameters, which are sent on a per frame basis
 CNvMediaEncodeQPHolds quantization parameters(QP) value for frames
 CNvMediaEncodeRCParamsHolds rate control configuration parameters
 CNvMediaEncryptParamsHolds encrypted metadata information that the parser passes to the video decoder component
 CNvMediaGeoTransParamsHolds geometric transform initialization paramters
 CNvMediaICPErrorInfoHolds the capture error information populated by NvMediaICPGetErrorInfo()
 CNvMediaICPExHolds an image capture object created by NvMediaICPCreateEx()
 CNvMediaICPInputFormatHolds the capture input format
 CNvMediaICPSettingsHolds image capture settings for the CSI format
 CNvMediaICPSettingsExHolds the image capture settings for the CSI format per virtual group
 CNvMediaIDPImage display object created by NvMediaIDPCreate
 CNvMediaIDPDeviceParamsDevice parameters returned by NvMediaIDPQuery function
 CNvMediaIDPPreferencesSets the preferences for the image display creation
 CNvMediaIEPRecHolds the image encoder object created by NvMediaIEPCreate
 CNvMediaIJPDHolds information for decoding a JPEG stream into an image surface
 CNvMediaIJPEImage JPEG encoder object created by NvMediaIJPECreate
 CNvMediaImageDecoderA handle representing a IMAGE decoder object
 CNvMediaImageGroupHolds a handle representing an image group
 CNvMediaImageRecHolds a handle representing image objects
 CNvMediaImageSurfaceHolds an image surface descriptor used by NvMediaImageLock()
 CNvMediaImageSurfaceMapHolds an image surface map descriptor used by NvMediaImageLock()
 CNvMediaIOFSTHolds an OFST object created by NvMediaIOFSTCreate
 CNvMediaIPPBufferPoolParamsImgGrpHolds image group buffer pool parameters for initializing an IPP component
 CNvMediaIPPBufferPoolParamsNewHolds new buffer pool parameters for initializing an IPP component
 CNvMediaIPPComponentOutputHolds a handle representing an IPP component output object
 CNvMediaIPPComponentOutputImgGrpHolds a handle representing an IPP component output object
 CNvMediaIPPControlAlgorithmComponentConfigHolds configuration information for a Control Algorithm component
 CNvMediaIPPEventDataHolds additional event information
 CNvMediaIPPFileReaderComponentConfigHolds configuration information for a file reader component
 CNvMediaIPPIcpComponentConfigHolds configuration for an ICP component
 CNvMediaIPPImageInformationHolds image information
 CNvMediaIPPIscComponentConfigHolds configuration information for an ISC component
 CNvMediaIPPIspComponentConfigHolds configuration information for an ISP component
 CNvMediaIPPMathFloatMatrixHolds a 4x4 matrix of floats
 CNvMediaIPPPipelinePropertyHolds the IPP pipeline property
 CNvMediaIPPPluginFuncsHolds the Control Algorithm plugin function descriptor
 CNvMediaIPPPluginInputHolds Control Algorithm plugin input parameters
 CNvMediaIPPPluginInputStreamDataHolds stream data for Control Algorithm plugin input
 CNvMediaIPPPluginOutputExHolds Control Algorithm plugin output parameters for bracketed exposure
 CNvMediaIPPPluginOutputStreamSettingsHolds stream-specific settings of Control Algorithm plugin output
 CNvMediaIPPPluginSupportFuncsHolds the Control Algorithm plugin support functions descriptor
 CNvMediaIPPPropertyControlsHolds control properties associated with the camera
 CNvMediaIPPPropertyDynamicHolds dynamic properties associated with the camera
 CNvMediaIPPPropertyStaticHolds static properties associated with a camera
 CNvMediaIPPVersionInfoHolds version information for the NvMedia IPP library
 CNvMediaISCAdvancedConfigHolds the description of the target I2C device
 CNvMediaISCAttrRangeHolds the range of a sensor attribute
 CNvMediaISCCRCHolds the sensor CRC structure
 CNvMediaISCDeviceHolds the handle for an NvMediaISCDevice object
 CNvMediaISCDeviceDriverHolds device driver data
 CNvMediaISCEmbeddedDataHolds the embedded data structure
 CNvMediaISCEmbeddedDataBufferHolds the embedded data buffer structure
 CNvMediaISCEmbeddedDataInfoHolds the sensor embedded data parsed info structure
 CNvMediaISCExposureHolds sensor exposure information
 CNvMediaISCExposureControlHolds exposure control information
 CNvMediaISCFrameReportHolds the sensor report frame report structure
 CNvMediaISCFrameSeqNumHolds the sensor frame sequence number structure
 CNvMediaISCModuleConfigHolds the ISC Module ISP configuration
 CNvMediaISCPWLHolds the sensor companding piecewise linear (PWL) structure
 CNvMediaISCSensorAttributesHolds the sensor attributes
 CNvMediaISCSensorControlHolds the sensor control structure
 CNvMediaISCTemperatureHolds the sensor temperature structure
 CNvMediaISCWBGainControlHolds the white balance control structure
 CNvMediaISCWhiteBalanceHolds the sensor white balance gain structure
 CNvMediaISPBadPixelStatsHolds controls for bad pixel statistics (BP Stats)
 CNvMediaISPBadPixelStatsDataHolds bad pixel statistics (BP Stats)
 CNvMediaISPEllipseDefines an ellipse
 CNvMediaISPFlickerBandStatsHolds controls for flicker band statistics (FB Stats)
 CNvMediaISPFlickerBandStatsDataHolds flicker band statistics (FB Stats)
 CNvMediaISPHistogramStatsHolds controls for histogram statistics (HIST Stats)
 CNvMediaISPHistogramStatsDataHolds histogram statistics (HIST Stats)
 CNvMediaISPLocalAvgClipStatsHolds controls for local average and clip statistics (LAC Stats)
 CNvMediaISPLocalAvgClipStatsDataHolds local average and clip statistics block (LAC Stats)
 CNvMediaISPLocalAvgClipStatsROIDataHolds local average and clip statistics data for a region of interest
 CNvMediaISPLocalToneMapStatsHolds controls for local tone map statistics (LTM Stats)
 CNvMediaISPLocalToneMapStatsDataHolds local tone map statistics block (LTM Stats)
 CNvMediaISPRadialTFDefines a radial transform
 CNvMediaISPSplineControlPointDefines a spline control point
 CNvMediaISPStatisticsWindowsDefines the windows used in ISP stats calculations
 CNvMediaJPEGAppMarkerInfoHolds image JPEG decoder marker Info
 CNVMEDIAJPEGDecAttributesHolds image JPEG decoder attributes
 CNVMEDIAJPEGDecInfoHolds image JPEG decoder stream information
 CNvMediaJPEncAttributesImage JPEG encoder attributes
 CNvMediaJPHuffmanTableSpecficationImage JPEG encoder HuffmanTable
 CNvMediaLDCBitMaskMapHolds the NvMedia mask map surface
 CNvMediaLDCCtrlParamsHolds runtime control parameters for NvMediaLDCProcess()
 CNvMediaLDCInitParamsHolds the NvMedia LDC initialization paramters
 CNvMediaLDCRegionConfigHolds the NvMedia LDC region configuration
 CNvMediaLDCSparseWarpMapHolds the NvMedia LDC defintion of a sparse warp map
 CNvMediaLensDistortionHolds distortion coefficients for the lens model
 CNvMediaMasteringDisplayDataMastering display data for an H.265 picture
 CNvMediaMotionVectorFrameMetaDataMotion vector array to get the required current frame stats
 CNvMediaMotionVectorMB_MetadataPer Macroblock header information
 CNvMediaNalDataThis is used to get header info (SPS/PPS/VPS) using GetAttribute call
 CNvMediaOFSTExternalHintParamsHolds OFST estimation parameters
 CNvMediaOFSTInitializeParamsHolds OFST estimation initialization parameters
 CNvMediaParserParamsHolds initialization parameters for the decoder class
 CNvMediaParserPictureDataHolds picture information for the current frame decode operation
 CNvMediaParserSeqInfoHolds video sequence information
 CNvMediaPictureInfoH264Picture parameter information for an H.264 picture
 CNvMediaPictureInfoH265Holds picture parameter information for an H.265 picture
 CNvMediaPictureInfoMPEG1Or2Holds picture parameter information for an MPEG 1 or MPEG 2 picture
 CNvMediaPictureInfoMPEG4Part2Holds picture parameter information for an MPEG-4 Part 2 picture
 CNvMediaPictureInfoVC1Holds picture parameter information for a VC1 picture
 CNvMediaPictureInfoVP8Picture parameter information for a VP8 picture
 CNvMediaPictureInfoVP9Holds picture parameter information for a VP9 picture
 CNvMediaPointDefines the location of a point on a two-dimensional object
 CNvMediaPointDoubleDefines the double-precision location of a point on a two-dimensional object
 CNvMediaRectHolds a rectangular region of a surface
 CNvMediaReferenceFrameH264Information about an H.264 reference frame
 CNvMediaSEIPayloadH264H.264 SEI payload information Used by the parser only
 CNvMediaSliceDecodeDataSlice level data used with slice level decoding
 CNvMediaSurfAllocAttrHolds NvMedia Surface allocation attributes
 CNvMediaSurfFormatAttrHolds NvMedia Surface format attributes
 CNvMediaTaskStatusHolds status of latest operation for NvMedia managed data structure
 CNvMediaTensorAttrHolds tensor creation attributes
 CNvMediaTensorMetaDataHolds the tensor metadata
 CNvMediaTensorSurfaceMapDefines the tensor surface map descriptor used by NvMediaTensorLock()
 CNvMediaTensorTaskStatusHolds the status of the latest operation for a tensor
 CNvMediaTNR2ParamsHolds the TNR2 initialization paramters
 CNvMediaTNR3ParamsHolds the TNR3 initialization paramters
 CNvMediaVersionHolds NvMedia version information
 CNvMediaVideoCaptureVideo capture object created by NvMediaVideoCaptureCreate
 CNvMediaVideoCaptureSettingsVideo capture settings for CSI format
 CNvMediaVideoDecodeFrameStatusTo Get the decoding status from HW decoder
 CNvMediaVideoDecoderA handle representing a video decoder object
 CNvMediaVideoDecodeStatsFrame stats structure to get get ring entry idx and motion vector dump
 CNvMediaVideoDecrypterHolds the video decrypter object
 CNvMediaVideoDescVideo descriptor for video mixing
 CNvMediaVideoEncoderVideo encoder object created by NvMediaVideoEncoderCreate
 CNvMediaVideoMixerAttributesHolds video mixer attributes
 CNvMediaVideoOutputVideo output object created by NvMediaVideoOutputCreate
 CNvMediaVideoOutputDeviceParamsDevice parameters returned by NvMediaVideoOutputDevicesQuery function
 CNvMediaVideoOutputPreferencesSets the preferences for the video output creation
 CNvMediaVideoSurfaceA handle representing a video surface object
 CNvMediaVideoSurfaceMapA handle representing a video surface map
 CNvMediaVP9BackwardUpdatesHolds VP9 counters for adaptive entropy contexts
 CNvmediaVP9EntropyProbsHolds VP9 entropy contexts
 CNvMediaVPI2DTransform3x3 transform matrix
 CNvMediaVPIAABBAxis Aligned Bounding Box
 CNvMediaVPIBoundingBoxWithTransformHolds bounding box definition
 CNvMediaVPIGetKeyPointsHarrisParamsHolds Harris keypoint parameters
 CNvMediaVPIKLTParamsHolds the KLT parameters
 CNvMediaVPIPoint2DfHolds 2D floating point definition
 CNvMediaVPIPoint2DFracHolds 2D point fractional representation
 CNvMediaVPIStereoPostprocessParamsHolds stereo postprocess parameters
 CNvMediaVPIStereoPreprocessParamsHolds stereo preprocessing parameters
 CNvMediaVPITranslationWithScaleTranslation with Scale parameters
 CNvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttrRecHolds the events for which to listen
 Cnvros::NvRosEglCudaIOCreates CUDA processing pipelines for EGLStreams
 Cnvros::NvRosEglUtilClass to initialize the EGLStream for the following roles: EGLOUTPUT_CONSUMER, CUDA_CONSUMER, CUDA_PRODUCER, IMAGE_PRODUCER
 Cnvros::NvRosImgPipelineCreates image capture pipelines for NvROS on the NVIDIA DRIVE AGX platform through AR0231 imaging sensors
 CNvSciBufAttrKeyValuePairDefines a key/value pair of attribute to be set
 CNvSciBufObjIpcExportDescriptorDefines the export data (blob) for NvSciBufObj
 CNvSciIpcEndpointInfoDefines information about the IPC endpoint
 CNvSciRmGpuIdDefines GPU ID structure
 CNvSciStreamElementAttrThe following data structures are no longer used by any interfaces and are deprecated
 CNvSciStreamEventDescribes a component event
 CNvSciSyncAttrKeyValuePairDescribes the NvSciSyncAttrKey-Value pair
 CNvSciSyncFenceDefines the opaque NvSciSyncFence
 CNvSciSyncFenceIpcExportDescriptorDefines the exported form of NvSciSyncFence shared across an NvSciIpc channel
 CNvSciSyncObjIpcExportDescriptorDefines the exported form of NvSciSyncObj shared across an NvSciIpc channel
 CNvScrncaptApertureHolds the representation of a display aperture
 CNvScrncaptHeadStateHolds a head's current state
 CNvScrncaptPixelHolds a pixel value
 CNvScrncaptResultHolds the screen capture result
 CNvScrncaptStatisticsHolds statistics for a single capture
 CNvScrncaptSurfaceMapHolds planes within the frame buffer
 CNvScrncaptWindowStateHolds the representation of a window's current state
 CNvSIPLAutoControlAwbSettingOutput image attributes
 CNvSIPLAutoControlEmbedDataEmbedded data and parsed info
 CNvSIPLAutoControlEmbedInfoParsed embedded info
 CNvSIPLAutoControlInputImageInfoInput image attributes
 CNvSIPLAutoControlInputParamInput parameters for processing AE/AWB
 CNvSIPLAutoControlOutputParamAE/AWB Output parameters
 CNvSIPLAutoControlSensorSettingExposure settings for sensor
 CNvSIPLAutoControlStatsInfoHolds Stats information
 CNvSIPLAutoControlStatsSettingSettings to config stats
 CNvSIPLAutoControlWhiteBalanceGainGains for each color assuming order RGGB, RCCB, RCCC
 Cnvsipl::NvSIPLImageAttrDescribes attributes of images used in image processing pipeline
 Cnvsipl::NvSIPLImageGroupWriterDescribes the interfaces of SIPL pipeline feeder
 Cnvsipl::NvSIPLPipelineNotifierDescribes the interfaces of the SIPL pipeline notification handler
 Cnvsipl::NvSIPLVersionHolds the version information of NvSIPL Camera (libnvsipl.so) and NvSIPL Client (libnvsipl.so)
 Cnvsipl::PlatformCfgDefines the camera platform configuration
 Cnvsipl::NvSIPLImageGroupWriter::RawBufferDescribes an unprocessed sensor output buffer
 Cnvsipl::SensorInfo::ResolutionDefines the image resolution
 Cnvsipl::SensorInfoDefines the image sensor information
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModuleProperty::SensorPropertyDefines image sensor properties
 Cnvsipl::SerInfoDefines the serializer information
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLQuery::VersionDefines the version information for NvSIPLQuery_API
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::VersionDefines NvSIPL DeviceBlock (libnvsipl_devblk.so) version information
 Cnvsipl::SensorInfo::VirtualChannelInfoDefines the information of a virtual channel/single exposure
 Cnvsipl::INvSIPLDeviceBlock::CameraModuleProperty::SensorProperty::VirtualChannelPropertyDefines virtual channel properties