Statistic | X | Y | Z |
RAM X/Y (lfb NxZ) Largest Free Block (lfb) is a statistic about the memory allocator. It refers to the largest contiguous block of physical memory that can currently be allocated: at most 4 MB. It can become smaller with memory fragmentation. The physical allocations in virtual memory can be bigger. | Amount of RAM in use in MB. | Total amount of RAM available for applications. | Z is the size of the largest free block, N the number of free blocks of this size. |
SWAP X/Y (cached Z) | Amount of SWAP in use in megabytes. | Total amount of SWAP available for applications. | Amount of SWAP cached in megabytes. |
IRAM X/Y (lfb Z) IRAM is memory local to the video hardware engine. | Amount of IRAM memory in use, in kilobytes. | Total amount of IRAM memory available. | Size of the largest free block. |
CPU [X%,Y%, , ]@Z or CPU [X%@Z, Y%@Z,...] X and Y are rough approximations based on time spent in the system idle process as reported by the Linux kernel in /proc/stat. | Load statistics for each of the CPU cores relative to the current running frequency Z, or 'off' in case a core is currently powered down. | Load statistics for each of the CPU cores relative to the current running frequency Z, or 'off' in case a core is currently powered down. | CPU frequency in megahertz. Goes up or down dynamically depending on the CPU workload. |
APE Y APE is the audio processing engine. The APE subsystem consists of ADSP (Cortex®-A9 CPU), mailboxes, AHUB, ADMA, etc. | N/A | APE frequency in megahertz. | N/A |
GR3D X%@Y GR3D is the GPU engine. | Percent of the GR3D that is being used, relative to the current running frequency. | GR3D frequency in megahertz | N/A |
EMC X%@Y EMC is the external memory controller, through which all sysmem/carve-out/GART memory accesses go. | Percent of EMC memory bandwidth being used, relative to the current running frequency. | EMC frequency in megahertz. | N/A |
MSENC Y MSENC is the video hardware encoding engine. | N/A | MSENC frequency in megahertz. | N/A |
NVDEC Y NVDEC is the video hardware decoding engine. It is shown only when hardware decoder/encoder engine is used. | N/A | NVDEC frequency in megahertz. | N/A |
MTS fg X% bg Y% | Time spent in foreground tasks. | Time spent in background tasks. | N/A |
[temp name] C [temp name] is one of the names under the nodes /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zoneX/type. | Temperature in degrees Celsius. | N/A | N/A |
[VDD_name] X/Y | Current power consumption in milliwatts. | Average power consumption in milliwatts. | N/A |
Option | Meaning |
--help | Prints this help screen. |
--interval <millisec> | Samples the information in <milliseconds>. |
--logfile <filename> | Dumps the output of tegrastats to <filename>. |
--load_cfg <filename> | Loads the information from <filename>. |
--save_cfg <filename> | Saves the information to <filename>. |
--start | Runs tegrastats as a daemon process in the background. |
--stop | Stops any running instances of tegrastats. |
--verbose | Prints verbose message. |