Developer Guide Release

MCU LED Notification
OVR Issue
MCU controls the board power-up sequence on DRIVE OS platforms. MCU indicates the board status using one LED located next to the debug USB port, as shown in the image below.
AURIX blinks the LED to indicate status:
Healthy and no error: One blink every 4 seconds.
The sequence is:
ON -> DELAY 200ms -> OFF -> DELAY 3800ms, repeat.
OVR (see below for details) 5V error timeout: 3 blinks followed by delay.
The sequence is:
ON -> DELAY 200ms -> OFF -> DELAY 200ms ->
ON -> DELAY 200ms -> OFF -> DELAY 200ms ->
ON -> DELAY 200ms -> OFF -> DELAY 3000ms, repeat.
OVR Issue
The ON-Semi NCV81277MNTXG has an issue where it does not power up properly when the input VCC voltage does not drop below 100mV before ramping up again. To avoid this issue, AURIX software monitors the input 5V and waits until it drops below 80mV (20mV margin) before powering the SoC on. This wait time can be as long as 30s (maximum wait time). If the maximum time is reached, AURIX software powers up the SoC and prints a warning message.
Because of the workaround on this hardware bug, aurixreset and the board power off/power on sequence may take up to 30 seconds.