NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference Release

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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 drm-nvdc-docs.hNVIDIA Direct Rendering Manager API
 nv_speculation_barrier.hNVIDIA Speculation Barrier for Spectre Variant 1 Mitigation
 nvmedia_2d.h NVIDIA Media Interface: 2D Processing Control
 nvmedia_2d_nvscisync.h NVIDIA Media Interface: 2D NvSciSync
 nvmedia_acp.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Auto Control Plugin API
 nvmedia_array.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Arrays
 nvmedia_array_nvscibuf.h NvMedia Interfaces for Array for NvSciBuf
 nvmedia_arraymetadata.h NVIDIA Interface:Nvmedia Array Metadata Interface
 nvmedia_common.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Common Types for Video/Image Encode/Decode
 nvmedia_common_decode.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Common Types for Video/Image Decode
 nvmedia_common_encode.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Common Types for Video/Image Encode
 nvmedia_common_encode_decode.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Common Types for Video/Image Encode/Decode
 nvmedia_common_encode_ofst.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Common Types for Video/Image Encode and OFST
 nvmedia_core.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Core
 nvmedia_cvscratchpad.h NVIDIA Media Interface: CVScratchpad
 nvmedia_dla.h NVIDIA Media Interface: DLA
 nvmedia_dla_nvscisync.h NVIDIA Media Interface: DLA NvSciSync
 nvmedia_drm.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Video Decryptor (DRM) API
 nvmedia_eglstream.h NVIDIA Media Interface: EGL Stream
 nvmedia_icp.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Image Capture Processing
 nvmedia_icp_nvscisync.h NVIDIA Media Interface: ICP NvSciSync
 nvmedia_idp.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Image Display Processing (IDP)
 nvmedia_iep.h NVIDIA Media Interface: NvMedia Image Encode Processing API
 nvmedia_iep_nvscisync.h NVIDIA Media Interface: IEP NvSciSync
 nvmedia_ijpd.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Image JPEG Decode Processing (IJDP)
 nvmedia_ijpe.hNVIDIA Media Interface: Image JPEG Encode Processing API
 nvmedia_image.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Image Processing
 nvmedia_image_nvscibuf.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Image Processing
 nvmedia_image_pyramid.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Image Pyramid Processing
 nvmedia_image_pyramid_nvscibuf.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Image Pyramid Processing with Buffer Allocation
 nvmedia_imgdec.h NVIDIA Media Interface: The NvMedia Image Decode Processing API
 nvmedia_iofst.h NVIDIA Media Interface: NvMedia Image OpticalFlow/StereoDisparity (OFST) Estimator API
 nvmedia_iofst_nvscisync.h NVIDIA Media Interface: IOFST NvSciSync
 nvmedia_ipp.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Image Processing Pipeline API
 nvmedia_isc.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Image Sensor Control (ISC)
 nvmedia_isp_stat.h NvMedia ISP stat struct
 nvmedia_ldc.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Lens Distortion Correction (LDC)
 nvmedia_ldc_nvscisync.h NVIDIA Media Interface: LDC NvSciSync
 nvmedia_parser.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Parser
 nvmedia_surface.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Surface Handling
 nvmedia_tensor.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Tensor Processing
 nvmedia_tensor_nvscibuf.h NvMedia Interfaces for Tensor for NvSciBuf
 nvmedia_tensormetadata.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Tensor Metadata Interface
 nvmedia_vcp.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Video Capture Processing
 nvmedia_vep.h NVIDIA Media Interface: NvMedia Video Encode Processing API
 nvmedia_viddec.h NVIDIA Media Interface: NvMedia Video Decode Processing API
 nvmedia_video.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Video Surface Processing
 nvmedia_vmp.h NVIDIA Media Interface: VMP Processing Control
 nvmedia_vop.h NVIDIA Media Interface: Video Output Processing (VOP)
 nvmedia_vpi.h NVIDIA Media VPI Interface
 nvmedia_vpi_nvscisync.h NVIDIA Media Interface: VPI NvSciSync
 nvrm_gpu.h NVIDIA Resource Manager: Discrete GPU
 nvros_egl_cuda_io.h NVIDIA Robot Operating System : EGL CUDA IO
 nvros_egl_utils.h NVIDIA Robot Operating System : EGL Utilities
 nvroscommon.h NVIDIA Robot Operating System : Common Enums, Macros, and Constants
 NvRosImgPipeline.h NVIDIA Robot Operating System : Image Pipeline
 nvscibuf.h NVIDIA Software Communications Interface (SCI) : NvSciBuf
 nvscierror.h NVIDIA Software Communications Interface (SCI): Error Handling
 nvsciipc.h NVIDIA Software Communications Interface (SCI) : NvSci Inter-Process Communication
 nvscistream.h NVIDIA Software Communications Interface (SCI) : NvSciStream
 nvscisync.h NVIDIA Software Communications Interface (SCI) : NvSciSync
 nvscrncapt.hNVIDIA Tegra Screen Capture Interface
 nvsipl_plugindef.h NVIDIA SIPL Plugin API struct definitions
 NvSIPLCamera.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: Camera Interface - NvSIPL Camera (libnvsipl.so)
 NvSIPLClient.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: Client Interface - NvSIPL Client (libnvsipl.so)
 NvSIPLCommon.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: Common Data Structures - Sensor Input Processing Library (SIPL)
 NvSIPLDeviceBlock.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: DeviceBlock Interface - NvSIPL DeviceBlock (libnvsipl_devblk.so)
 NvSIPLDeviceBlockTrace.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: DeviceBlock Trace Interface - NvSIPL DeviceBlock (libnvsipl_devblk.so)
 NvSIPLPipelineMgr.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: Pipeline Manager - NvSIPL Pipeline Manager (libnvsipl.so)
 NvSIPLPlatformCfg.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: Camera Platform Configuration
 NvSIPLQuery.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: Query Interface - NvSIPL Query (libnvsipl_query.so)
 NvSIPLQueryTrace.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: Query Trace Interface - NvSIPL Query (libnvsipl_query.so)
 NvSIPLTrace.hpp NVIDIA Sensor Input Processing Library: Trace Interface