Field Samplers

In the Content Browser

  1. Click the New button.
  1. Select Physics.

  2. Choose the field sampler asset you wish to create.


Field Sampler Actor Creation

  1. Select the field sampler Asset in the Content Browser.
  2. Click the drag it into the level.


  1. Open the Class Viewer.

  2. Select the field sampler actor under FieldSamplerActor.

  3. Click and drag it into the level.

  4. Assign the right asset to the field sampler actor.

Field Sampler Component Creation in Blueprint

Method 1

  1. Create a new blueprint.

  2. Switch to Components Mode.

  3. Select Add Component.

  4. Find and click the field sampler under the Group of Physics.


Method 2

  1. Create a new blueprint.
  2. Switch to Graph Editing Mode.
  3. Search Add Component in the Find a Node.
  4. Open the category Physics in the search result.
  5. Click and drag the field sampler component into the Event Graph.

Editable BluePrint Attributes

  • Attractor Const Field Strength, Variable Field Strength, Enabled, Duration
  • Jet Field Strength, Enabled, Duration
  • Grid Enabled, Duration
  • Noise Noise, Strength, Enabled, Duration
  • Vortex Lift Field Strength, Radial Strength, Rotational Strength, Enabled, Duration